Seraphina Shel'tah
Kinky Darth Pinky

Illum Afternoon
As the gleaming hull of the LUX-YT68 breached the atmosphere of Ilum, the viewport immediately began to frost over with small shards of growing ice spider webbing its' way across the horizontal and vertical fields of view. An entire world covered in nothing but an everlasting sheet of white. Not a speck of color could be seen across the vast distance one could see from the descending ship. Even the mountains that jutted towards the sky were nothing but pillars of ivory. Few worlds resembled Ilum, and even fewer were capable of sustaining any type of living creatures. That made Ilum both unique and incredibly dangerous for a multitude of reasons.
"Welcome to Ilum." She said quietly to her student as the ship dipped beneath the foggy clouds, putting on display the full aesthetic of the winter planet. "I hope you packed warm clothes." The Twi'lek craned her neck to look upon Arlan before letting out a small laugh. "It's gonna be bone chilling on the surface, and we're gonna be here a while."
The coordinates she'd entered were roughly one kilometer from the entrance to the crystal caves. Landing too closely posed a risk to the ship as the snow and ice beneath it tended to shift during storms, storms that happened on a frequent basis. For a moment the Twi'lek reminisced about her time here, before her internal monologue became vocalized. "I came here with my own master many years ago. It was...Inspiring and terrifying. I suspect nothing will have changed. Be on your guard when we land, there are things here that call this wasteland home, and we're an unusual, delightful treat for predators." She wasn't saying it to scare the man, but to prepare him for some of the locals that nearly made a snack of her and her master, though they managed to escape relatively unscathed.
[member="Arlan Zy'rosh"]