Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Have You Seen Any Good Movies Recently?

Sky Kerberos

Former Sith Conqueror
I've seen nothing speculator in terms of movies, but I've seen a tv show recently which is really awesome. American Horror Story Season 2. It's slow at first, but it really gets interesting and I would say one of the 5 best series I've seen.


Disney's Princess
I just watched Star Trek 2. It was fun, but the rollar coaster plot made me woozy after about the first hour-and-1/2 of none-stop save-the-world every 3 seconds. Ugh. So much action. Must. Not. Eat. All that. Popcorn. *sea sick* :D :p

Darren Onyx

I saw Now You See Me with my girlfriend. That was good.... until that damn kiss. LUL


here for your dad
Vanco Aretine said:
Limitless. It's a few years old, but recently I saw it for the first time. Amazing movie.

I love cerebral stuff.
Oh! This so much! I saw it on Netflix and I was like, 'okay, I'll give it a go!' Loved it. It was the ultimate power fantasy, mind you.


Et in Arcadia Ego
Welll I saw El Cid a while back. Also Im gonna watch Quest for Fire tonight so that counts as a good movie.

New movies releasing these days dont do anything for me. Man of Steel, Star Trek 2, Now you see me...bleh the lot of them.

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