Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Haven Shipyards - An ATC Subsidiary

  • Corporation Name: Havan Shipyards
  • Headquarters: Tatooine
  • Operations: Vehicle and Starship Production
  • Tier: 2
  • Kalee
  • Tatooine
  • Dantooine

The acquisition of Czerka Arms and its subsidiary Czerka Mining and Industrial by Danger Arceneau, Jared Ovmar, and Marek Starchaser.

The Tier 5 company was split into four distinct Tier 2 separate companies, two of which went to ATC as new subsidiaries as Havan Shipyards and Browncoat Arms & Industrial.


As alluded to by the name of the company, Czerka Mining and Industrial revolves around two main goals. The first is the amassment of raw materials through mining. Through this, the corporation and its main branch are provided the means to produce more goods for less by cutting out the "middle man". The second goal is the production of vehicles and
starships, much akin to those of "Classic" design, for the modern market. Following the approval of the subsidiary's creation by the main branch's board of directors, three worlds were selected for new facilities to be built. These worlds are known to have pre-existing facilities of the main branch, thereby making the purchasing of additional land and construction permissions significantly easier than meeting with new sources. On Kalee, the main offices of Czerka Mining and Industrial can be found, upon which sales and custom orders can be made. Tatooine and Dantooine are both home to mining facilities, with Dantooine also home to a refining facility. Tatooine also houses the main production facilities for Czerka Mining and Industrial; and the corporation has announced plans to create more in the near future.

This is when disaster broke. Tyri Lsu, the CEO of Czerka Arms dropped off the face of the galaxy. In the chaos that ensued, Cade Lee of Blastech took advantage and managed through corporate espionage steal the designs for Czerka Arms. The drop in stock from Czerka Arms affected that of Czerka Mining and Industrial. Stocks plumeted and the future of the shipyards was unknown until Danger Arceneau of Arceneau Trade Company took action. Buying the deteriorating Czerka stock along with Jared Ovmar and Marek Starchaser, they proceeded to take charge of Czerka Corp and it's subsidiaries.

Splitting it into four distinct new companies, Danger assumed control over the newly dubbed shipyards -- Havan Shipyards. These shipyards would oversee the building of freighter transports, speeders, and other vehicles.

Czerka Arms in regards to it's droid manufacture and arms production was now created into a smaller but fresh faced entity, Browncoat Arms & Industrial. The mining and mercenary sections of the company were left to Jared Ovmar to oversee, while the rest went to Marek Starchaser of Brightstar entertainment.


Original TechSub - Czerka Mining and Industrial

Development threads:
Corporate Calls
Czerka This and Czerka That

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