Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hawk's Rest (Character Intro)

There was never much sentient life on Binaros. The ancient Imperial research complex had slowly faded into the tropical forests, and it felt as if the entire planet was maturing.

It was the typical, predictable, humid morning on the planet's surface. The trees in this particular area had been growing for several years now, competing for the limited sunlight. They were tall, and could've grown even taller -- if they weren't cut down mere moments later by the flaming bits of a ruined VCX-100.

The ship screamed through the atmosphere, the shields just barely holding long enough such that reentry would not be catastrophic. Bits of the hull flaked off, but only a little, before the ship slammed into the ground, slicing through the tall trees before coming to a grinding halt in the earth. The grey and yellow-painted ship tilted a little, then sat on the quiet, abandoned world.

Inside, a small light blinked on the control board, and a few moments later the connection was reestablished: a signal, broadcasting to any and all who might receive it. An ancient distress signal of an ancient ship, one forgotten long ago.

The more perceptive among those nearby might feel something: a small, latent tug in the Force. The tug of a confused, lost individual, one that felt old and powerful but also quiet and afraid.

These were the signals of a survivor, but only one.

(Feel free to hop in! Open to everyone!)
Helion and a small consortium of three marines had been sent to investigate nearby Imperial ruins. Whilst the Commando was sure he was overqualified for such a task he did not dare question his superiors, lest he bring shame upon his house. For true, surely those in higher command knew better then he. He eyed the marines ahead of him as he took up the vanguard position. All of them from prestigious homes that held sway over much of the Ascendancy structure. He longed for the day that he might be able to see his own house as the main governing body.

But, he knew that day to be far from now. He figured that this was probably a very prestigious mission for these marines. All of them very close to high command... Probably had parents grease gears to have them assigned here, and Helion himself ordered as protection for them.... Having a commando on board just made them look that much better as well. Helion sighed as the marines continued cutting through the fauna with machete's. He had hoped when he became a Commando he might have been sent on more... Meaningful missions.

Something that might actually help the Ascendancy. In truth he had wanted to be apart of the Expansionary fleet. To explore the stars, but seeing as to how he was born in house Nuruodo, life saw differently. This was something he kept very close to himself though, and none knew about. Helion lost deep in thought, scarcely noticed when a large ship came cascading down from the heavens and crashing through the jungle fauna just meters ahead of them. When Helion finally deigned to look up from his data map he noticed that all the marines had taken up position behind him and their was now a large trail mark ending in a battered ship before them...

"Well lads, change of plans... We are now, search and rescue," Helion said more to himself then the cowering marines.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
The forest was ever still, even after such a catastrophe as a ship crash-landing on the surface.

The engines of the wrecked VCX still smoked, bits and pieces of the ship scattered around the area. The transparisteel viewport had been shattered, the clear, glassy bits splicing the wreckage. It was not a pretty sight, the boxy, angular form of the freighter jutting from the dirt. Who knew what may be inside?

The control board in the front of the cockpit continued to blink a soft red. A skeleton, completely bare, sat in the front seat, but somehow the bones managed to hold themselves together. It was that of a human woman, seemingly rather young. Scattered throughout the common room and personal passenger areas were three more skeletons, all of young men in similar positions. It's hard to tell where the rest of them went.

A sharp eye or thorough search of the vessel would turn up very little; a few rifles of odd designs and familiar but old weapons, a few sets of reflec-coated armor, and a baby's crib in the common room. Dust had already begun to settle on it all.

The most interesting thing would be found in the cargo hold, though: an odd, circular, clean white sphere, with a frosted over viewport. It was obviously some sort of containment device, about a meter and a half across, sitting in the lowest corner of the cargo hold, obviously shifted around during the crash. Through the viewport, one might catch a glimpse of something red or brown, or perhaps a little black -- it was simply too difficult to see through the frozen transparisteel.

Helion made his way towards the ship, red hot smoking plates and burning engines still ablaze. It was of an older make and helion hadn’t the faintest clue as to what it might have been. Perhaps if it weren’t so beaten, but then again perhaps not. His specialty was guns rather then ships… The calm amongst the jungle despite the crash was quite eerie and even Helion had to steel himself for whatever might be in the ship. For true, such calm was usually a prelude to quiet the storm.

Helion and the marines fanned out checking around for possible ways in. Helion found the front viewport to seemingly be the most accessible part. He withdrew his blaster pistol and switched the settings so that it would be a constant beam rather then one shot. Making a circular motion he cut a small neat hole in what remained of the glass. He was immediately greeted by a skeleton and almost fell right on his rump in surprise. He chuckled at his own cowardice, then without telling the rest of the marines he decided to make his entrance.

Carefully stepping through the glass and past the corpse he studied the ship with wary eyes. Multiple skeletons littered the place, while cockpit flashed a foreshadowing red. Helion rubbed a finger against a piece of furniture and when he brought it to eye level he found it covered in dust. He chuckled again

“Seems the butler droid missed it’s cleaning date,” He said to no one in particular.

He made his way through the ship inspecting rooms and finding nothing, but a peculiar crib, which lead him to suspect the ship's crew had been a family of some sort. He entered the cargo hold and nearly scared himself to death when he bumped a box and it threatened to topple over on him. Still he could find nothing of note.. As he approached the rear of the ship he thought he saw a faint glow. His breath came out in chills as he neared the thing.

He decided now might be a good time to hail the marines.

“Bravo team, enter through the front of the shuttle and then rendezvous in the cargo hold… I think i’ve found something,” With hand to ear he spoke into his comm.

He could now make out the strange sphere and thought he saw something inside. His hand moved from his head and touched the device, than with red eyes he peered inside...

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
With closer inspection, the frost seemed to be slowly crawling back, freeing up a little space for [member="Helion'Nuruodo"] to see through. The humidity of Binaros seemed to be useful, at least for something. And through that small viewport, he saw...

The face of a beautiful young woman.

She was human, sitting cross-legged on the cushions stuck to the bottom of the sphere. Her eyes were closed, her hands placed on her knees, her face a sea of calm. Her skin held no blemishes, perfectly fair, and her long reddish-brown hair was tied back behind her head in a braid. She wore a simple black jumpsuit that was covered in minuscule blisters and bumps. With close enough inspection, it was possible to spot the glint of a cylindrical, metal object placed behind her. She seemed... peaceful. Just being near the pod-sphere was enough to make one feel calmer, and the humidity seemed to lessen the closer to the pod you were. It was as if time was a little slower, things a little simpler in that little bubble of hers.

The sphere simply sat, a dim white light pouring out. It was seemingly without an entrance, and was perfectly round without any sort of opening mechanism visible. A little difficult to open.
[SIZE=12pt]Helion looked through the glass and found what was inside to be quite striking. Attractive even. He could not help, but feel something in his heart begin to still at the sight. Something within him found rapture in this moment. As if he had never truly known peace before now. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]All thoughts of evil were shut out, and how could they intrude on a moment of such tranquility. Helion felt an urge to free the woman he could not quell. He spied what appeared to be a lightsaber. He quickly began making connections as he thought about the ship. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The sphere appeared to be some sort of cryo cell. The woman inside a jedi of sorts, possibly the baby now matured. Somehow the cryo cell had kept her alive and aging slowly. It was truly a fascinating thought and speculation only. But, in the many books Helion had read, he had heard of Jedi accomplishing such feats with ease. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He decided the bubble to be some sort of meditation sphere powered by the force. In truth, he had no clue how to get in. He decided based on the frost, he might simply try to melt the thing. He did not want to hurt the woman within, so he opted to look for some sort of heating device. He began rummaging through the ships cargo hold and found a small heater of sorts and placed it next to the bubble. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Turning it on, he waited to see what happened...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Kelsie Sylvan"][/SIZE]
The frost continued to creep away from the viewport as the heater worked, the glass now fully clear, the young woman's features more well defined. She seemed to be in perfect health, a slight colouration returning as the interior began to heat up.

The little contraption seemed to be more powerful than [member="Helion'Nuruodo"] expected, working quickly. Something within the pod must've triggered, but mere minutes later a circular cut off the front of the sphere shifted a tiny bit. A sort of steam exhaled from the pod as air rushed in, and slowly the cut out area rotated, opening up the pod. The light turned off, and the young woman leaned forward... and faceplanted on the floor of the cargo bay. As soon as she did, though, she managed to recover, her eyes shooting open as she scrambled to the other side of the room, stopping and placing her palms on the walls as she looked frantically around the room, eyes wide with fear.

It was all new to her, taking Kelsie a few seconds to process her surroundings. Eventually, though, her gaze settled on Helion, her hazel eyes seemingly piercing his being.
[SIZE=12pt]It wasn’t long before the contraption did it’s job with much efficiency. The sphere seemed to defrost then a small hole appeared in the device. Helion was caught off guard by her beauty, she looked even more stunning with the frost melted. He hadn’t time to catch her, as he was so enraptured by her exburiating looks. She fell out of the thing with a slight thud. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Despite her beauty, she seemed to be less than graceful and Helion had to stifle a laugh. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She clambered over miscellaneous things within the cargo hold until she reached the end. Helion thought she might start screaming, but the woman simply stood there for a moment. As if she were a frightened doe caught within headlights. Helion sighed as he reasoned the woman probably hadn’t the faintest clue as to what was happening and for a moment he felt a pang of pity. He felt he should shield her from the ships demise, but it seemed he would have to tell her eventually. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Hail Jedi, I am Helion,” He said cautiously in his imperial accent “Do you speak?” He then asked, without waiting for answer he began to talk again “,I come from the Ascendancy. We can deliver you to wherever you wish, but first you should know. I believe you have been in your bubble for quite some time now...” He said a little less than cheerful. But then he added “But, fear not! You’ve slept through most of the hardships!” Joyously. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Hardships was hardly the word for it. He didn’t know how long she had been asleep, but if she slept through the plague, than that would mean she had missed the rise and fall of multiple regimes, some good, some not so much...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Kelsie Sylvan"][/SIZE]
The desire to ask questions flared up inside her, but she took a deep breath instead, closing her eyes and slowly calming herself. This Chiss didn't seem hostile, but she couldn't rely on her obscure position in the military to work for her. Her eyes flicked around the room once more, and she spotted her lightsaber still sitting in her little meditation chamber. How had she gotten there? She couldn't remember the last time... she could barely remember anything. Her mind felt muddy, and she frowned as she began to sift through her memories. It would be odd if she didn't say anything, though, so she gave a little nod and cleared her throat.

"I-" her voice came out a little raw and dry, so she cleared her throat once more and spoke again, softly. "What planet is this?" Her senses told her they were in atmosphere, seemingly having crashed... could the rest of her squad have been captured or taken away? Perhaps they chose her because of her apparent Force sensitivity... she wouldn't make any aggressive moves yet, she could only hear -- no, feel -- three others inside the ship. This Chiss must be oddly confident in himself, or he was just a little faster than his friends. Didn't matter, she'd stay for now...

The Aegis Eternum had dropped out of hyperspace a few minutes ago. Their mission was simple, head to the planet and find anything useful from the old Imperial research complex. However, there was a kink in the plan. That kink being a crashing ship. Now, this in and of itself wasn't unusual, after all ships were shot down all the time in war. The unusual thing here was that it was crashing in such a remote location. After a few minutes of thinking, Adenn decided to check out the crash site.

Quickly giving some orders, two squads prepped themselves to head down to the planet. Within 1 minute, everything was prepped and ready to go and shortly thereafter the shuttles left the Aegis Eternum. While on the way down, Adenn gave a quick briefing about this mission.
"Alright men, a ship just crashed and we're going to go see if they are friendlies or not. Be ready for anything, get ready for battle but be prepared for peace. Squad 2, land about 1 kilometer away from the crash site, keep it stealthy. Whoever is down there, they will only know that squad 1 is there." With that said, the two shuttles split up. Squad 2's shuttle went to their designated location while squad 1's shuttle flew close to the crashed ship. They were well within viewing distance, and from the cockpit Adenn could see several troops on and around the ship. Taking a risk, the shuttle hovered for a few moments to disgorge the troops.

All the troops in the shuttle jumped out using their jetpacks. Upon landing, they walked closer to the marines but kept their distance. They were ready for war or peace. Upping his helmets volume, Adenn spoke to them.
"Greetings there troops. I see that you're in a sort of predicament, however if it's your own or someone else's remains unknown to me. So, I'm here to see what's happening and if I could be of assistance." Then it was just a waiting and reacting game.

Honestly, IDK whether or not the Ascendancy is at war with Mandalorians or my faction. So screw it. Here I am.
Also, sorry if I kind of barge in, I was going to come in earlier, but my message deleted twice because I accidentally clicked on links, so here I am now.
[member="Kelsie Sylvan"] [member="Helion'Nuruodo"]
[SIZE=12pt]Helion watched as her lips pursed in thought. As if she were thinking of doing something drastic. In response Helion knew he had either come off as brash or not clear enough. He thought on his next words carefully and decided the best thing to do would be to simply help her connect the dots. He sighed as he pondered how best to do this then with a solemn look began again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“We are on Binaros…” Then wiped a hand along a container and held it up for her to see. “Look at this dust,” He blew into his hand and the microscopic particles created a small storm to illustrate his point “What is the last year you remember?” He asked a little more sympathetically now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He still hadn’t the faintest clue how to tell her her comrades were dead, if she did not figure it already. But, he knew it would be easier if he told her. At least then she might be braced for what she saw next. Perhaps she already knew and his words would not come as a shock to her, after all she was placed in the sphere for a reason… Helion wouldn’t doubt it was due to a dangerous one.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I know not what mission you and your companions were on, but I can assure you they had performed diligently, with not a person abandoning post,” He said as if someone might remember them for their deeds, but in truth… He doubted anyone would remember them at all. Another pang of pity wracked Helion and he sighed. “We can help you bury them. They at least deserve that much,” He said quietly as his gaze shifted away from her piercing eyes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Then without warning Helion heard a voice raise him over his comm device and he played it aloud, so the Jedi would know he would keep no secrets from her… [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Sir, we’ve got Mandalorians… A lot of ‘em”[/SIZE]

[member="Adenn Kyramud"]
[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
Kelsie frowned, the dust... Aarken would never have let the ship get dirty. Helion's next words shocked her though. They couldn't be dead... what had happened? She stared at the Chiss, her heart caught in her throat for a few moments. This... she couldn't accept it. Year? Why would he ask about that? She was so confused, lost... and for once in her life she let her true emotions fall through, the stress, the fear, the feeling of utter loss... the feeling of something having gone horribly wrong. She closed her eyes, a grimace ruining her normally serene and attractive features. She placed her right hand on her face, covering one eye as the other let out a single tear. "Fuck," she muttered, falling to one knee to balance herself as she tried to think clearly... but that simply wasn't an option at this point.

Mandalorians, Chiss... she tried to remember where Binaros was in the galaxy, but she simply couldn't recall. It was all too much.

[member="Helion'Nuruodo"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"]

(I'll probably be going to sleep soon, I might end up responding tomorrow, sorry for any inconvenience!)
Brewing a new, Force imbued style of tea was easy. Well, relatively. He had already gathered all the plants and information he could find. Holocrons, ancient texts, xenobotanical diaries. He and checked them all. The hard part was keeping tea warm. It shouldn’t have been a problem on a world like Binaros.

But not even Binaros was warm enough to keep the tea hot enough for the potency of the brew to take effect. And this was just his usual early mid afternoon cup of tea. He had the same problem with the other mid afternoon and morning cups. The ancient Jedi stared down at the mug in his hand, a deep frown etched across his face.

The ground beneath his feet shook. Tiland swayed with the ripples as he turned around, just in time to catch sight of an old ship crash into the jungle. Something about the way the hull glowed caught his attention. Convection. Molecular friction. There was a possibility there that he wasn’t quite onto yet. He wasn’t worried. Such a thing would come in time.

With sorrow etched across his face, Tiland tossed the now cold tea into the undergrowth and strode towards the wreckage. The plant life was thick here and it was with quite some surprise when he stumbled across the scene. Mandalorians. Chiss Marines. One woman whom he could sense a great deal of distress from.

“Hmm,” was all Tiland said at first, leaning on his staff. “Good morning to you all. Someone has a taste for a grand entrance.”

A still glowing hot piece of hull playing caught his attention and he sat on the ground next to it, pouring some water into the cup with a fistful of crushed herbs that he sprinkled into the water, watching as their quintessence wafted out, sending a calming aroma into the air. Sometimes, the Force worked in mysterious ways to provide.

“Anyone care for tea?”
Squad 2 had their weapons trained on the Chiss marines, while Squad 1 was ready to jump into action, while appearing to be at ease. Then a third party emerged from the brush and offered tea of all things to those gathered, tea! Shuffling slightly, squad 2 had some sights set on this new man, while squad 1 shuffled around to include him into their future actions, whether peaceful or violent. Turning towards this man, Adenn asked the question that was obviously on everyone's' mind.
"I can only speak for me and mine, but you can keep your tea, for now. Now though, who are you and what is your say in this matter."
The second part was also partially directed towards the Chiss, who still hadn't said anything to him. They had only commed something in, most likely the fact that they were there.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"][member="Helion'Nuruodo"]@Tiland Kortun
Despite it having been centuries since she last felt that tug, once more she did. Someone was nearby. Someone strong, but moderated... struggling, as she was. She couldn't keep that focus up for long, though, as once again she teetered on the edge of that pit of darkness. She curled up, wrapping her arms around her knees. The tears flowed freely down her face as she tried to become an even smaller little ball, putting her head down. Could she really care anymore? Everything seemed lost. Her especially.

And thus she sat, walking a fine line beside the darkness, prepared to fall at any moment... perhaps not facing the consequences of her fall, though.
Tiland raised an eyebrow at the rather... aggressive response, and he frowned at them. "I am Jedi Master Tiland Kortun and you are on a world under the jurisdiction of the Outer Rim Coalition, if I am not mistaken." His deep voice huffed for a moment as he leaned forward to inspect the tea. "More importantly, can you not tell there's a poor girl in there terrified and struggling?"

He waved a hand at them dismissively. "Put your guns away. Nobody here is at war with each other, and if there were, I would end it now." He gave each of them a serious look. "And why by the Force would you turn down tea?" A deep hmmph emerged from his throat as he poured the somewhat hot tea into a cup.

Tiland could sense the distress and pain, so he slipped between the assembled soldiers, sifting through the wreckage. It was definitely an old ship, that was certainly clear enough.

Where was she though? Why were her shipmates skeletons? Most peculiar, but something that could be addressed at a later point. He knelt beside her and placed the warm cup of tea in her hands.

"There you are, young one. Drink up. It will help soothe your shock." His voice was gentle, but there was a firmness to it, especially as he spoke to the others. "Stand down, immediately."

It was an officer's voice. Many centuries ago, one might have even called it a Jedi General's voice, but Tiland had never fought in the Clone Wars. So he would not have known.
The response didn't truly surprise Adenn, more it confirmed what his thoughts had been. Great another Jedi, come to butt into other peoples business. Were the first thoughts of Adenn. Then he snorted when the Jedi talked about some poor girl terrified and struggling. High and mighty Jedi, can use the force and forget others may not have it. And then, the Jedi said he would have ended any war that may have been going on, if one had been going on. That earned a laugh from not only Adenn, but his men. They had killed more Jedi and Sith than most others.

Next the Jedi simply walked past them all, while Adenns men could've simply shot the Jedi down, his interest had been peaked. Thus, he waved for them to stand down, for the Jedi. Curious, Adenn decided to follow in the Jedi's wake. After ordering his men to assist any of the Chiss entering the ship , Adenn entered the ship. He walked past skeletons, and crushed segments, and general disorder. Finally coming into a room with a strange pod in the middle, along with a Chiss, most likely the commander, and a rather beautiful girl curled up and in shock. The Jedi had immediately gone up to the girl and offered her tea, again tea of all things!, before ordering everyone to stand down.

Personally, Adenn found the whole situation amusing. There was a girl in shock, a Chiss commander, and a Jedi helping others, as per usual. Along with the fact that the Jedi thought he could command Mandalorians. Staring hard at the Chiss and then back to the Jedi, before glancing at the girl Adenn spoke up.
"Don't try to order Mandalorians around Jetiise. Next, Chiss, what is your stake in this? I asked your men and received no answer. Finally, ma'am, are you alright. What happened here." The last question was really open to anyone, but the girl may know best. Now, Adenn usually spoke in harsh and gruff tones, this time he tried(key word tried) to tone it down. Though that's not saying much.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"][member="Helion'Nuruodo"][member="Tiland Kortun"]
Helion watched as the woman curled into a ball. He knew his words would come as a shock to her, but he had hoped a Jedi might keep more composure then this, it was rather, disheartening… He sighed then approached her. He truly had no idea what to do and the marines were still buzzing him about the Mandalorians.

They were under no pretenses of war or even aggression so Helion assumed they would simply make like chums. Thankfully Helion hadn’t much longer before two more came aboard. One a Mandalorian, the other a Jedi. The Jedi ordered Helion to stand down and he simply nodded

“Of course Master Jedi,”

He had no intentions of causing a national incident and felt even if he did manage to take out the Jedi it would truly serve no purpose… As for the Mandalorian. Helion opted to ignore. He found their kind distasteful and barbaric. Their warmongering brutality was often only matched by their greed. He regarded the Jedi once more and spoke in his imperial accent

“I am Commander Helion’Neruodo. I have a shuttle not far from here that can see you both safely off world if needed Master Jedi,” He offered politely.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
Suddenly she felt her arms move and her hands grasp something warm. A cup, it seemed. She looked up, the tears stopping, and she stared at the Anzat Jedi. No, this was wrong. The Jedi were long dead, or at least they should've been. And house Nuruodo... she knew that name. But she couldn't make sense of it all, especially not in her current state. Her eyes fell back to the cup, and she paused for a moment before taking a deep breath and downing the whole thing in nearly an instant. She needed food, too, and she needed a moment to breath without being stared at by a dozen men. Those sorts of moments came rarely to her, at least if she didn't make them for herself.

She pushed the cup back into the Anzat's hands and slowly rose to her feet, arching her back slightly as a stretch before simply slipping her way through the gathered individuals before any of them could object.

She gave herself a quick tour of the ship, the skeletons and empty crib sticking out like a sore thumb and daring her to lose her composure. Somehow she managed not to, and headed into her old quarters, closing the door behind her for a moment of privacy.

She let out a small sigh, then moved to look at herself in the mirror. Her eyes still seemed a little watery, so she wiped her face with her sleeve. Not like the thin layer of Verpine armorweave would get wet. She undid her braid and did a quick search of her drawers, finding a faded yellow and blue nerf hide jacket and a pair of jeans, which she promptly put on over her jumpsuit. She equipped a pair of bracers, hiding them (and the weapons they held) under her sleeves. A belt, a pair of boots, and an old .48 cal Enforcer slugthrower in its holster all fit nicely with the outfit. She felt oddly clean, toying with a few strands of her reddish-brown hair as she looked in the mirror. The actual ship's armory would be her next stop, but she paused as she opened the door and stepped out into the hall, looking at whoever was there -- and giving them a good look at her, of course -- before speaking: "I appreciate the help and all, but I should be able to get off this rock fine if the auxiliary fighter's still functioning up top. Just a quick question, what year is it? Imperial calendar preferably. Or ABY, whatever strikes your fancy."

[member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Helion'Nuruodo"]
When the girl drank the entire cup of tea in nearly one gulp, Adenn realized she must be hungry. However, before he could offer her a ration bar, or some sort of food, she was already past him and in the ship. Shrugging to himself, Adenn followed on a whim, he did so at a distance though. Better let her get some closure. Eventually they reached some quarters and the girl slipped in. Waiting outside, it wasn't long before she emerged once more, and in a completely different outfit. Then Adenn stretched out his hand with 2 ration bars in it.
"Ma'am, the year is 853 ABY. Also, if your ship needs fixing, I have some engineers in my ship that could help. Another thing, if you don't mind my asking, what happened here, to your ship and what is your name?"

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"][member="Helion'Nuruodo"][member="Tiland Kortun"]

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