Aryn Teth

Haydar - The Wise Master
Full Name: Haydar
Aliases: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: Four-Hundred and Five
Species: Yoda's Species
Planet of Origin: Ruusan
Voice Sample: Yoda
Occupation: Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order
Force Sensitivity: Force Sensitive, Master Level
Height: Two foot two
Weight: Twenty-nine Pounds
Physical Build: Small
Hair: White
Skin Tone: Pale Green
Sexuality: Asexual

Psychological Profile
Jovial | Mysterious | Intelligent | Over-Cautious
With a warm attitude and a kind demeanour, Haydar makes an effort to make the acquaintance of all the new padawans to the New Jedi Order, along with many of the important figures among the Alliance and its allied governments. Generally appearing as a cheerful individual, his outside demeanour and first impression is generally of a kindly old man. Many know that Haydar's inner self is quite different however. He is cautious about what he says, and outside from carefully measured lessons, Haydar lets little slip about his own history, always living in the moment.
Haydar displays an immense degree of intelligence and wisdom, always carefully thinking through his actions, and the echoes they might send through the galaxy. He considers every move that he takes, and is able to engage with even the most gifted and intelligence people across the galaxy. When it comes to matters of the force, Haydar is easily the most reserved and 'traditional' Jedi of all the members of the NJO's council, always urging more caution in all actions the order takes, and who it takes in.

Strengths and Weaknesses
- Haydar has had a great deal of time to learn what he knows, and his knowledge of many things is vast.
- In particular, Haydar has a great deal of knowledge of history, and matters of the force.
- Haydar has an immense ability with the force as do many of his species, particularly when it comes to defense.
- Haydar's ability with Tutaminis is significant, and he is capable of absorbing many offensive force powers
- Haydar is capable to draw on a great deal of strength and agility when it is necessary to defend himself in close quarters.
Never Attack
- A staunch pacifist, Haydar never seeks out combat, and avoids it at all costs.
- Haydar can not call upon strength and agility for long periods of time, and so cannot engage in prolonged fights.
- Haydar's training has been entirely defensive, and he is certainly no military leader.
- Haydar's size and age are significant drawbacks to his overall physical capabilities.
- Considering his small size and strength, Haydar relies heavily upon the Force.
- Though many knowledgeable in the force know not to, some can easily underestimate Haydar considering his size.

Haydar has served as a member of the New Jedi Order's Council since the end of the four-hundred year's darkness, working to ensure the order remains true and strong to its ancient roots and teachings. The small Jedi Master has taken many students throughout his years, and it is commonly believed that Haydar has taught many members of the New Jedi Order at least once in their lives. In recent years, Haydar set off from the NJO to undergo a pilgrimage of his own into the Unknown Regions.
Returning from his pilgrimage, Haydar has retaken his place among the New Jedi Order and entered back into the galactic stage at large, training new generations of Jedi and helping to reform and rebuild a Jedi Order weakened by war and the aftermath of the Insurrection.