Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler

Image Credit: Amarr Deacon, by dlamont
Intent: A miniature tactical interdictor, only situationally useful, designed for PC captaincy only
Development Thread:
- Obtaining, analyzing, and disassembling Roche generator
- Levantines steal stygium from the Fringe
- Obtaining phrikite ore and research on electroplating small elite ships in phrik
- Development of the Haytham-class
Model: Tactical Asymmetric Gravwell, Lagrange Assisted Waveform (TAG LAW) - Haytham-class
Affiliation: Levantine Sanctum, potentially open market
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel hull, glasteel viewports, phrik (electroplating and some internal structural elements), stygium crystals (in cloaking device)
The Haytham-class is designed to generate a small omnidirectional grav well, comparable to that of a Hapan or Fringe pulse-mass mine. Its interdiction function is of tactical rather than strategic utility, designed to interfere with the evacuation of a single ship or a single fleet rather than interdict an entire theatre of operations. Comparable in purpose, though not in function, to a Fringe Penumbra-class interdictor, the Haytham-class is designed to infiltrate fleets or cross their retreating vectors, allowing situationally useful small-scale interdiction on the order of tens of kilometres rather than thousands. The Haytham-class represents the first collaboration between Warren Valik and the Bard of the Hyperlanes since their creation of the Shev'la Kal, the modern age's first cloaked capital ship.
-Design Sacrifices
The Haytham-class has low shields, no weapons, no support craft, and virtually zero passenger and cargo space. For defense, it relies upon the skill of its pilot, the durability of its hull, and the situational power of its countermeasures (which could reveal its position easily).
-Traditional Stealth Functionality
The Haytham-class has a stygium cloaking device and thrust trace dampers, protecting it from all sensors and wake detection methods. Although a very low-powered use of the advanced gravitics package could duplicate the effect of a gravitic modulator or gravitic amplitude modulator, such functions are generally unnecessary, as no crystal gravfield trap could possibly pick out the mass of one gunship-sized vessel so deep inside a variable gravity well.
-Force Stealth Functionality
The Haytham-class has been carefully adapted by Warren Valik, the galaxy's greatest alchemist bar none. Its hull functions as a Force Disperser, preventing Force senses, visions, or precognition from detecting the small vessel or its crew. This effect would be compromised if the crew used the Force in a powerful way. Force Dispersers, used historically, have been created by Valik and by Rave Merrill in the modern age, as part of Valik's defensive amulets, Kaine Zambrano's personal amulet, and Rave's Rings of Aza'zoth. This is mainly a defense against overpowered telekinesis, or Sith admirals giving precise targeting solutions to their gunnery officers based on 'hunches.' Likewise, comparable to Silk's Calrissian-class minor production freighter, the seats can be fitted with Akure Executive Leatherworks taozin nodules, adding an extra layer of defense against Force senses.
-Gravity Well Functionality
A cloaked interdictor at the center of a spherical interdiction field is an easily approximated target. Thus, the signature technology of the Haytham-class was developed solely for this vessel. Its gravity well projector, though capable of only a modestly sized interdiction field, is designed to create an asymmetrical variable geometry pulse-mass effect which is not necessarily centered upon the projector or the ship which carries it. Even concerted bombardment of an approximate center generally will not place the vessel in much danger, except by chance. Should mathematical modeling or other means approximate a center point for the asymmetric interdiction field, that point will usually be somewhere between 500m and 1500m away from the Haytham-class.
The device is a hybrid of conical Immobilizer-type interdiction technology, spherical Hapan-type interdiction technology, gravitic modulator technology, and very powerful artificial gravity technology used to make stations habitable for high-gravity species. Its hyperparticle spread fluctuates asymmetrically, an effect which can be amplified by close proximity to gravitic perturbations. For example, the field -- whose boundaries are anywhere from ten to fifteen kilometres from the projector, tiny major and minor ranges compared to normal interdiction -- has been known to display deformations with major and minor ranges of five to twenty kilometres in close proximity to Lagrange points, other interdiction, singularity reactors, and so forth. Destructive and constructive harmonic resonance can result, incurring a potential hazard for the ship. The vessel's off-center asymmetric pulse-mass projector has been known to cause hull stress even without constructive interference, necessitating powerful internal gravitics and a very durable hull. The phrik, on the outer layer of hull and in various internal support functions, is not a frill but a structural necessity.
-Power Requirements
To power the stealth systems, the engines, and the gravity well, in a frame of this size, required a special generator. Warren Valik, having personally disassembled, analyzed, adapted, and miniaturized the Roche event generator, was able to hybridize its principles with a miniature hypermatter generator. The resulting generator is difficult or impossible to replicate; only a handful of successful models were created, all for the Haytham-class. It provides significant power but also stability on par with a fusion reactor. Should the reactor be compromised, of course, the vessel could suffer catastrophic detonation. This is not directly equivalent to a miniaturized Roche event generator, but represents something of a watered-down hybrid based on Valik's extensive experience with the technology.
Classification: Heavy Sub-Capital
Role: Interdiction
Height: 17m
Width: 28m
Length: 66m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Hypermatter/Roche Hybrid
Hyperdrive Rating: 2
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 4
Non-Combative Attachments:
- Asymmetrical Variable Geometry Pulse Mass Gravity Well Projector
- Communications Array
- Encryption Network
- Escape Pod (1)
- Force Disperser
- Light Deflector Shield Generator
- QQ-45H/310T Countermeasures Module
- QQ-543N/53R Cap Drain
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Standard Navigational Systems
- Standard Sensor Array
- Standard Targeting Systems
- Stygium Cloaking Device
- Sublight Acceleration Motor (SLAM) - can boost sublight speed to class 2 for 20 seconds of every 5 minutes
- Thrust Trace Damper
Cargo Capacity: 1 ton
Consumables: 1 week
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 4