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Approved Species Haywani

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White ape from john carter wiki.

  • Name: Haywani

  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Homeworld: Heklor
  • Language: Bellows, grunts, roars
  • Average height of adults: Males are typically around 6 meters at shoulder , while females are typically around 4.5 meters.
  • Skin color: Grey
  • Hair color: Grey, brown, black
  • Breathes: Type I atmosphere

  • Strengths:
  • Sheer size: Haywani are massive, standing at an average of 14-19 feet at the shoulder. This means they have absaloutly no predators, and are only ever attacked by Mwitu packs, and only then in times of lack of food. Also, due to their strong legs as well as their size, a healthy subect could run up to 30km per hour for up to a kilometer, and about 50km for up to 100 meters.
  • Strength: Haywani are ridiculously strong. They could easily fling Nyati, and a paticularly healthy one could quite possibly overturn a speederbike. Haywani were known to litterally shatter a Mgena's skeleton with one good blow. ... Beware.
  • Thick hide: haywani's hide is fairly thick compared to some animals. They can not take slugthrowers, or modern swords such as vibroblades and beskads. But small knives, or ancient swords may be caught in the hide of a Haywani, not making it anywhere near the tissue layer. Lightsabers and powerful energy weapons would find no trouble slicing through a Haywani's hide, but low power enegry weapons such as light blaster pistols are fairly useless. This was evolved to protect themselves from a Mwitu's ability, and the Vimelea's habit of laying eggs int heir victim's skin. (Energy rating: 3. Ballistic rating: 5 (I.E bullets, slugthrowers))
  • Senses: To make up for their lack of eyes, Haywani have a good sense of hearing, and an amazing sense of smell. They are known to track the smell of food from over 40 kms away, with a good wind.

  • Weaknesses:
  • Bulk: Despite their speed, Haywani's large size make it difficult for them to manuver. One could easily get on a Haywani's back, or prehaps under them, to outmanuver the large beasts.
  • Need for food: Haywanis need a large amount of food to survive, which has kept their numbers down.
  • Vunerable face: The hide on a Haywani's face is much thinner then the rest of their body, leaving them vunerable there.
  • Food allergies: Living on a planet with only one non-mammal species, Haywani are oddly allergic to most forms of reptiles, and birds. Consuming even the smallest amount of either can result in extreme stomach issues, inducing vomiting, diarhea, bloating, and if consumed in large amounts, spontaneous internal stomach explosion.
  • Prone to rage: Haywani are very quick to anger, and when angered they almost always attack. This makes it very hard to train, tame, or work animal friendship on a Haywnai.
  • Blind: Haywnai have no eyes... So, yeah. Stand downwind to them.
  • Allergies: Although this isin't known to most, since Haywani have never been taken offworld, the beasts are badly allergic to nearly all forms of pollen not found on their own world. Haywnai exposed to most forms of pollens found in the general galaxy will be plagued with head-cold-like symptoms, which greatly interfere with their sense of smell, by creating huge amounts of excess mucus, making them unable to hunt. This would most likely lead to their death. (In other words, attempts to introduce these in to other planet's ecologies will fail)

  • Distinctions: Haywani are large simian creatures, covered in white, grey, or black hair. They have sharp teeth, with a set of four tusks used for both fighting eachother, and goring their prey. Typically walking on all four legs, Haywani are also able to stand on their back legs for short periods of time, such as to intimidate enemies.
  • Average Lifespan: 30 galactic standard years
  • Races: None
  • Estimated Population: Roughly 200,000 on Heklor.
  • DIET : Meat, carrion, and certain types of vegitation if food is scarce. Reptillian and avian meat are both poisonus.
  • Communication: Roars, bellows, grunts.
  • Technology level: Cannot use tools, or technology.

  • General behavior: Haywani are aggressive predators, known to hunt both during the day and night, although typically during daytime Haywani will make "nests" of sorts, by ripping up vegetation and tall grass in to a large pile. They almost always are found alone, other then a female with babies. Male Haywani typically only have relations with other of their species during breeding seasons, or when defending their territory from other males. Females on the other hand, are often seen with their young- between one and four, typically two- as they raise them until maturity. When not with young, females are typically solitary as well. Large battles are known to take place when two male Haywani find themselves owning overlapping territory, in which they will typically fight until one dies or retreats. These fights are fought with a combination of sharp tusks, and powerful blows, the oldest and strongest Haywani typically fending off a younger one.
  • Haywani have an interesting hunting strategy, when hunting their favorite prey of Nyati. The Haywani will simply break in to a clearing, swamp, or grassland, filled with a Nyati heard- and frighten the herd in action. When the Nyati herd attempts to flee, causing a stampede, the Haywani will bolt forwards, running along the side of the heard. Once close enough, the Haywani will swing a blow towards oner of the running Nyati, typically flinging them head over heels, where he can eat the stunned prey at his leisure.

  • History: Haywani were known to raid Mgena tribes, to get at their Nyati used as pack animals. It would often take an entire tribe to even fend off one of these monsters, let alone kill them. As the Mgena developed modern technology, the Haywnai were often killed on sight, but every year thousands of Mgena were still killed by the monsters.

  • Notable Player-Characters: None
  • Intent: To provide the top of the food chain predator for Heklor, an apex predator that dominates it's ecology- without creating a monster that people will use to destroy cities and massacre populations, 'n such, like gorogs and rancors. If someone went through enough effort to get around their allergy, though, go for it. :p (Good luck)
OK, I like the idea of an apex predator like this.

Some clarifications though.

I don't think a creature this large could run quite that fast or for too long. Let's split the difference and drop this down to the same speed as a bear, IE about 50km an hour for up to 100 metres, and 30km an hour for up to a kilometre.
I think the strength is just a little exaggerated. Let's settle on overturning speeders and leave it at that, shall we?
Could you give me a rough armour rating for the hide of the Haywani? Just so people know what to compare it against.

Overall, good job. :)
Edits made, and ty for the clarifications, i'm still new to things like this. :D
I'm unsure what to put the armor ratings at, considering lightsabers, heavy energy weapons, vibroblades, beskads, ect can take them out- and only light blaster fire, and small sharp weapons are useless. Do tell if I got the estimate wrong. :D

Only three more species to make, the ones on Mwezi, and I can stop flooding the species factory for this project. :D
Ty for the judging.

[member="Valeria Aetani"]
Looking good. I'd swap the ballistic and energy armour values around. Tough hide protects more against bullets than against the explosive burns of blaster weapons.

Other than that, it's set to go.
I wanted them to be able to shrug off Mwitu blasts, that's whyn I put it like that. :p But edits made nonetheless. :D
Ty for judging.

[member="Valeria Aetani"]
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