Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Head Honcho

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So the Mandalorians will have Mandalore the Rebuilder, the Sith Empire will have whatever Sith Lords and Ladies they have on whatever it is they decide to think up, the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic have their Triumvirate. I think it is time the Disciples of Vader have an established something/someone to look to as their leader. So I've been thinking, I've made my own ranks putting the Envy of Vader on top, and described his or hers role. Thus I thought it appropriate to make an NPC of him for use. Also eventually, when the Disciples of Vader have enough players, a Hero Unit needs to be made, thus below his "profile" I've made an Idea of what could be used in hopefully the near future.

Here it goes:

ALIAS: (I'm thinking we give him something that isn't really his birth name to be addressed informally.)
RANK: Equal of Vader
TITLE: Envy of Vader
SPECIES: I'm thinking that everyone 'assumes' he is human but no one can be sure.
AGE: 70?
HEIGHT: 7ish feet 2 meters? (to be imposing; he could possibly reach this through cybernetic legs, I dunno.)
WEIGHT: 220 pounds, 100 kilograms? (is it proportional to the height)?
EYES: I think if both eyes were entirely glowing red, it'd be pretty sick!
HAIR: Bald?
SKIN: Midnight black!


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):

What are his STRENGTHS (lets set two as minimum 4 or 5 maximum; try and have it relating to leading the Disciples of Vader):
I'm thinking a Master of Sith Alchemy so he can turn loyal subjects into Force Hunters (Conscious Technobeasts: see below what I mean.)

What are his WEAKNESSES (2 Minimum):
I'd say that old age would be a good one.

BIOGRAPHY: Major accomplishments/kills? Is he born and raised as a Disciple of Vader or was he stolen and rose to power? What are goals he had/has? Major Enemies/allies. How long has he been the Envy of Vader?

Now comes the really exciting thing I'm planning on :D

Name: Force Hunter Droid
Manufacturer: Envy of Vader Sith Alchemy
Model: Hunter Model
Affiliation: Disciples of Vader
Modularity: (does the item have the capacity to be augmented, modified, customized or adapted from its original form)
Production: Hyper Unique
Material: Normally ordinary metals such as duraplast, but they are resistant to lightsaber attacks due to Sith Alchemy.
Description: A horrid creation of the Disciples of Vader, borrowing ancient Sith techniques to regenerate a technobeast plague, but in this case they have perfect a defense against the plague as in the case of the Technobeast Jedi. With this, they have generated their ideal of a perfect weapon. By taking volunteer loyalists to the Envy of Vader, several of these ‘Force Hunters’ have been turned, but taught the proper defense against the lobotomy of the frontal lobes, retain their identity and their force technique. This allows them to have the benefits of being a droids, while being able to find Jedi and Sith better than one could ordinarily, simply because they retained the force.
Classification: IV
Weight: Varying, assume between 150 kilograms to 250 kilograms
Height: Varying, assume average adult human males height (anywhere from 1.5 meters to 2 meters.)
Movement: Usually Bipedal
Armaments: Lightsaber, The Force,
Misc. Equipment: Red Sensors, optional pain receptors,

What should absolutely be added, any other thoughts?
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