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Private Healers of the New Order: Rescue! On Vesta Station

Strength till the End

In the small hours of the morning, a distress call was broadcast across all channels. Dr. Marion Aldman of Vesta Station reports a breakout, as well as a mysterious infection. Now, all twenty thousand civilian researcher's lives are in jeopardy. The defense forces on the nearby Ryloth have mustered a response, but their recon team entered the station several hours ago, and contact was lost almost immediately. Now, the Knights Obsidian have been called in to deal with this threat. Cargo ships are standing by to offload Civilians as they are rescued, and Ryloth Defense stand ready to secure the station. But the Knights must first establish the beachhead, or the station is doomed to fall.

The infection is spreading quickly. Dr. Marion may know something of its origins, but she will be of no use to you dead. Rescuing her is your highest priority. The station is a civilian research laboratory, so security is modrate. A lockdown has been placed into effect helping prevent the spread, but even the quarantine lockdown has been breached. The clock is ticking, Knights. How many will you save?


Well this was a familiar feeling, a station under threat, a recon team gone dark and some doctors possible experiment or research gone wrong. Another case of history repeating itself, though at the very least this time she was apart of an official government and held a place of office, getting more info then her years as a mercenary, being sent in blind and learning while on the job. Still, that wouldn't mean things woul be easy.

"So, are we dealing with zombie like being? Or something else that can be cured, I would very much like to know before I start opening fire". Her tone was crass and somewhat casual but infection outbreaks seemed to have been an almost regular occurrence these years. Being a vampire she was very resistance to almost any type of infection, even new ones such as this, making her a prime candidate to assist in the mission. Well that and being an Obsidian Lord and all.

As she finalized her equipment the women's eyes glanced to Kyyrk Kyyrk listening if the man had any reply or would do his usual briefing. Though the group this time was smaller it never hurt to make sure everyone stuck to the mission and the main objectives.


Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


When the Knights Obsidian called, Strill Securities answered. Saram had worked with Kyyrk Kyyrk before, only last time, she was on her own. This time was different, this time she was put in charge of the newly re-formed Davaab squad. Ran had been given control of the rest of her old unit, re-christened 'Cabur' squad. Cabur was to make up one of their new diplomatic security/counter-intelligence/counter guerilla/whatever the shab command came up with next squad. The newly re-formed Davaab was an interesting concept. It was supposed to blend the skillsets of both the Vuhyr'yalilyr and the Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade.​
In concept, it was fantastic. In actuality, that remained to be seen. She was behind the idea, but things didn't always go to plan. Especially in their line of work. This deployment, was proof of that. She was told she'd have at least a week to get familiar with her unit, and here they were, on a gunship to meet up with a Knights Obsidian strike team to extract a scientist from a station afflicted by a deadly contagion that had apparently breached the quarantine protocols. It was situations like this that the Mando'a phrase "ret'lini" had been coined for. Though it was an aruetiise phrase, oddly enough, that came to mind, "When it rains, it pours." How shabla right that was.​
She glanced over at the members of her new team. There was the Corellian ori'rammikad, Myri Bastra Myri Bastra , new inductee into the Vuhyr'yalilyr and the new combined squad format. She was one of the few aruetii that had been inducted into the company, and Saram had hoped for some time to help ease her into things, but if she lived up to the reputation of Corellia's Halcyon program, then she had no doubt that she'd be just fine.​
Venandi Astrum came with her own recommendations, and was by all accounts an extremely accomplished marksman. Unfortunately the confines of the station wouldn't exactly provide many opportunities to demonstrate her talents, but a sure shot in a time like this was indispensable.​
That left Talohn Atar Talohn Atar , the Cathar. The Cathar had brought his own droid and was wearing a personal set of armor rather than a company issue set. The House Verd member was a recent inductee into the Mandalorian ways, and served as an Enclave Karjr and freelance mercenary. While he wasn't a permanent addition to the slowly growing squad, he was still a welcome one on this occasion.​
It wasn't a full squad just yet, though one day it would be, for today it would just have to do. There was no one else to send, after all. Seeing as they were about to make their final approach, Saram decided to go over what they knew one last time, "Alright, let's go over this one more time before we join our burc'ya, er, friends, in the Knights Obsidian. Let's go over this one more time. The station our VIP's on is compromised by a mysterious contagion that's breached the station's quarantine protocols. We have two objectives. One, establish a beach head so Ryloth's defense force can start getting civilians out. Objective two is obvious, and that's get our VIP, Dr. Marion, out of that station alive. Given how quickly this thing spread, you can bet your last paycheck on the fact that we're looking at something worse than broken containment on some bug they were working on. Prepare for the abso-kriffing-lutely shabla weird. Move quick, shoot true, and most importantly, no shabla heroics. It's my first op with all of you, and I'd prefer it not to mine or anyone else's last. Tayli'bac?"
As her words hung in the air, all of their armor's Manda tactical battlenet modules informed them that they were on final approach now. Once that ship landed, and once they rendezvoused with the Knights Obsidian before the attack, there'd be no turning back. Now was the only time for any of them to have last minute hesitations, and yet, Saram was confident that none of them would. There was more to being a part of a whole than being able to carry your own weight, you had to work well with the other parts of the whole. They weren't the Davaab squad she'd known over the last decade or so, but she just knew that they wouldn't disappoint her.​
Talohn's equipement: Rau'r'gam, Zas' stjolkk heavy pistol, The Mule, M-10 wolverine, Kusak heavy blaster, DP-23 with UPC-60 underbarrel, EBFAK, TDW HARM squad configuration, Skeleton Key

Madlad's equipment: Blue lightsaber, M-8 shotgun, M-10 Wolverine, M-18 pit viper, Vornskr revolver

Talohn had a bit of reputation in mercenary circles, not galaxy wide, but he was known well enough to get decent jobs. This? Being called by Strill Securities to do a job with a bunch of mandalorian elite? This was a good sign. A sign he was reaching the major leagues. More money, which means better living condition for he and his kiddos. Nothing better than that.

Talohn was sitting with the rest of the squad as they waited for the gunship to arrive at mission objective. Though his armor was on, he had his helmet sitting beside him for now, opting not to put it on until they arrived. The cathar was certainly armed well. The Mule in a leather holster on his lower back for easy access, the Zas heavy pistol is in another holster on his thigh. The M-10 Wolverine is in a holster under his right arm so it can easily be grabbed with his left hand if needed. The Kusak heavy blaster is in a leather holster on his left thigh, his trusty TDW HARM is slung over his left shoulder, hanging under his right arm so he can pull it up easily when needing to fire it. Finally, he had the DP-23 in his arms, and was currently linking the UPC-60 to the underbarrel of the clone war era shotgun. He seemed focused at the moment, intent on making sure the he was properly prepared, the last thing he wanted was to get infected.

Then there was madlad, who was using some sort of strange rock to sharpen the retractable claws that come out of it's slender fingers. The droid, despite not being organic, exudes bloodlust. The way it moves, and how intent it is on sharpening those claws. It's got the M-8 shotgun slung over it's shoulder, the M-18 pit viper on it's right hip, and the M-10 Wolverine on it's left, both in leather holsters. The vornskr revolver is on the back of the belt in it's own large holster, ready to be drawn for blowing away any threats. The blue lightsaber was currently hidden in the right arm compartment, where a viroblade would usually be. Overall, they're both armed to the teeth.

After the commanding officer finishes speaking, Talohn tosses in his own words. "I'd recommend staying in a group, close together, not too close, but close enough to create a cone of fire. It'll keep the undead from swarming us and all that. I got a kid to go home to, so like...yea, no heroics." He states, not commanding the others, more of just agreeing with Saram's words.

Finally, that eerie droid breaks it's silence. "It's so boring in here. Let's discuss something that's actually interesting to pass the time." It states in that dark and foreboding voice. Looking around to meet the gaze of everyone else in this room, it proceeds to bring up it's topic. "Talohn and I have been arguing back and forth about this for a few months, can you guys give us your few credits on it? Personally, I think a hot dog qualifies as a taco."

Talohn emits an unhappy hiss. "For fuck's sake not this again." He reaches out to bap Madlad lightly on the back of it's beskar head. "We are on the clock, we don't god time for this stupid shit."

The droid, unfazed by the bonk to the back of it's head, emits an amused chuckle as it crosses it's arms in a smug motion. "You're just scared to hear what they have to say."

Saram Kote Saram Kote Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi Ascendant Resolve Ascendant Resolve
This was the elite Davaab Squad? The tall woman's dark eyes scanned around the bay before she raised a hand, wrapping her fingers around a handle to pull herself up into a standing position, her armour shifting around her form as she straightened. It took only a moment for Myri to engage the boots, gripping onto the surface of the deck, her body swaying with the movements of the craft as it came in to land.

"Do we have any breathing apparatus for the VIP? Some kind of suit to protect him from the contagion. Walking him out through the contagion seems to be a less than ideal scenario."

During her training, she'd had to face up to the chemical and biological weapons, part of the mandated training by the Corellian Military. The woman could remember the tears streaming down her face and the hacking coughs. Even with her improved physique, the weapons had almost reduced her to a catatonic state, unable to move, unable to react. A soldier, trained to handle the situation might be able to struggle past it. A super-soldier with an enhanced physique could maybe shrug it off. A VIP with no training or enhancements? Well that was a whole other story.

"Even if we secure the beachhead, the area will still be infected and I don't really think that anyone wants us to deliver them a sick package. We'll either need a safe route or to carry an extra suit with us when we head into hostile territory. It might be nice to give the VIP some extra protection, we never know what we're going to run into down there."

That was one thing any soldier could be aware of, had to know. No plan survived the first contact, and sooner or later they'd run into heavy fire and a single misplaced bullet, a single misplaced blaster bolt could spell disaster. That wasn't something she ever wanted to deal with again.
"Lifepod, cut all thrust and identify. Over."

"Lifepod, cut all thrust and identify. Over."

Golden eyes rolled into the back of her red head for a moment. "Lifepod-- irsosûtira zûtatarwamsi sosira," <Motherkarking whore> the Twi'lek swore in High Sith before her hand took hold of the weapon guidance column. With a simple tug of a finger the blasters of her insertion fighter lit up space and tore the silent life craft to ribbons.

What if there'd been women and children on that lifepod, Zlova? Well, there weren't any more, so stop fretting about it. Also, they would have been infected and headed for Ryloth. Far as she was concerned her orders to contain this situation meant contain the situation -- by whatever means necessary. The boarding party en route hadn't arrived soon enough to secure all the ways off the poorly locked down civilian station, and so Zlova did what had been necessary.

Signals popped up on sensors indicating the approaching search and rescue team(s) were nearly in position. "This is Knight Rue. Confirm insertion point." ( Kyyrk Kyyrk , Saram Kote Saram Kote ) Unless they'd like her to cut a bloody path from the other side of the station. Zlova wouldn't mind distracting any hostilities while they secured the poor, defenseless VIP. Or they could tell her where to meet up and then she'd play Good Knight and only cut a bloody path through some of the station.

Tag: Kyyrk Kyyrk | Saram Kote Saram Kote | Talohn Atar Talohn Atar | Kurenai Yumi Kurenai Yumi | Myri Bastra Myri Bastra

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