Silver Star

Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Everything had been tinged with black and grey. What once seemed a flourishing well of life and love seemed to suddenly be torn open, causing a dozen open, bleeding wounds from which spilled the black ichor of something considerably darker and more corrosive.
The events of Woostri had shaken Everest in a way she had yet to come to terms with. So much happened in such a short space of time, and it had ripped her from her innocence in such a way that hurt beyond measure, beyond words, beyond anything she could express. Her heart was bleeding, but she hadn't the strength to come to anyone about it. She had taken life. She had witnessed horrors she couldn't have ever imagined. She witnessed a storm of death and decay, dread and fear, and it had reached down into the very depths of her soul and pulled out something she never wished she had been made aware of.
It frightened her, this terrible shadow that lurked within her. Amidst that, the pain of the loss of so many lives, the fear of the loss of many more and those closest to her, and the sensation of severing a vital cord to her heart after killing another being— she had chosen to simply shut herself off to spare what little stability she had left, closing her heart off from feeling completely.
It was simpler this way, she thought.
So she would hide from everyone in her life. From Master Noble, from Tigris, from Azzie and Colette and Shan. She couldn't bear to face any of them, and if she did, maybe they would only see a monster at worst, or a weak child at best.
The dojo was silent and still apart from the occasional grunt and the sharp motions of limbs and fabric whipping through the air. In times of overwhelming stress, Eve always returned to practising the Echani arts alone. Despite never enjoying fighting others, she did find solace in practising in solitude. Today, as the days that preceded it, it served as a distraction from the horrors that sought to creep in from the corners of her mind. She would reject them, harden her heart against them all to save herself from hurting more.
So she fought. Form after form, motion after motion, lost for hours and hours in the language of her people, for it was all she had left to spare herself from the nightmares that crept behind her.