Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Heard You Were Onboard

Location: The Vhipirheim
Tags: Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Being on a large ship was not new to Vulcan, but it was new being on a big ship that didn't seem to fall apart after every flight or be fit to burst with people charging around, he liked the rum though, very addictive. Being taken prisoner by the Elysium was to be a very fortuitous change in fortune, it got him into Mandalorian space, first as a Beskar thief, then an officer of mine security and then, a member of Clan Krayt as his previous Alor vanished into Wild Space leaving him cast adrift, Shai then adopted him as her Vod. He got there in the end with training, but he had crashed a few times, but that was the way to learn, by doing.

Even more fortunate is that the injuries sustained during the war in Ursa's Redoubt, Krownest have healed, his hearing was still lop-sided and he has a pretty cool scar on his forehead. He was able to get through it alive, wounded but alive. That was one of the more violent fights he has been in and he saw it through, he was too stubborn to surrender. The fallen Mando's helmet was returned to her family, as he had promised. Best to not let the fallen fade into memory, he wouldn't like to be forgotten either. So why should she?

Now everything has calmed down for the time being, and he had recovered. But now he had begun to wonder if he would see other teens on board, if so where could he find them. He had heard about them but so far he hasn't bumped into them. He hoped he would, someone nearer his age, the grown-ups were great but he needed someone to talk to who was more on his wavelength.

A bored Ubese is a naughty one after all.


He had to admit, this ship was amazing.

Eliz let out a low whistle as he turned his gaze through the main hall as he wandered through. He'd yet to actually go on board, but now he was wondering why he'd even bothered waiting. Grant it, this wasn't the only reason he was on board. Foundlings. Gwyn had become one, technically, but Eliz had never really interacted much with them. And it was a whole clan's duty to help a foundling, right?

His gaze settled on Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt as he rounded a corner and saw the boy. Shai had adopted him, making him as much of a brother to Eliz as any other after all. So he waved. "Yo, Vulc right?"
Location: The Vhipirheim
Tags: Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

There was still no one of his teenage age bracket to be found onboard. He had only wandered around a small area of the ship. And the ship is huge. He again got a pat on the head and shooed away on one or more occasions when he wandered a little too far. That's a given, everyone is just busy, and do not want him underfoot. But even so, he still didn't like it.

Vulcan grinned, just as he stopped by a wall with pressable buttons. The young Ubese had wandered in circles in his boredom, and now he is looking at the buttons on the panel. Tempted to press them all was there, he was just about to press just one, that is until he heard Eliz's voice, thankfully it was coming from the side that can still hear. Thus he was thwarted from button pressing.

<"Yeah, that's me."> Vulcan answered looking away from the panel and towards Eliz, he's met the other Mando before, but can't put his finger on it right now. With everything going on he was a little hazy on past events.

<"I'm bored, and no one here is the same age as me."> He grumbled irritably.


"Mm. True, not many your age." Eliz shrugged. He wasn't entirely sure what Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt wanted him to do about that, but that's not why he was here, anyway. Instead he leaned against the wall, looking the ubese over curiously. This was the one Shai had adopted. So.. Brothers then? Hmm. "What do you do for fun, Vulc? I've never been on the ship before, so I'm hopin' you might have an idea or two on what we can do around here."
Location: The Vhipirheim
Tags: Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

He wanted to do something fun, button pressing looked fun, anything was more fun than just wandering around like a stray and or cleaning his rifle, sure it was okay for the first several times he did it, it got old fast. Teens don't engage in repeating actions. Nothing else caught his interest. Maybe Eliz would be a better brainstormer than the grown-ups. Now the question is, what could they do around here? Practice flying jetpacks?

<"I often wander around and find things to entertain myself, so far it hasn't worked. What do you do for fun?"> He pout asked also leaning on the panel, avoiding the buttons he had so wanted to press.

<I did want to practice using my jet pack."> He offered up as an idea. He wasn't sure Eliz would agree so he left it as an open-ended question.

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