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Private Heart of Darkness

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Heart of Darkness
Tag(s): Keir'las Fett Keir'las Fett
Objective(s): Establish an Outpost


Dathomir was a planet shrouded in mystery. It’s history and people were just as mysterious. Even when it was ‘claimed’ be any of the number of major parties throughout galactic history, it was a planet that truly remained untamed. That’s exactly what drew Sig to this place. It was a heart of darkness that would never truly be claimed.

Sig was dedicated to the Neo-Crusaders and the cause. All that mattered was the mission. But the mission wasn’t just glory for the Crusade. Sig was without a clan. His mane meant nothing in the eyes of the galaxy- of his vod. Clan Bakker itself carried no weight among the other clans prior to their death. Sig’s mission was glory for the Crusade, it’s true, but also for a clan of his own.

He needed to establish somewhere to call home first. A place his clan could plant their roots before spreading across the galaxy like the other great clans. Dathomir would serve this purpose.

Sig walked through the thick jungle, his carbine firmly in his grip and ready for anything. This wasn’t a planet one could simply walk around casually. Hostile wildlife. Hostile indigenous people. Hostile everything, essentially. Sig knew he could run into trouble at any possible moment. Even still, the Mandalorian was well aware of his own abilities and was confident he’d face nothing he couldn’t handle.

He wasn’t keeping it a secret among the Crusade anymore. With more and more Foundling joining their cause from the ashes of the worlds they’ve razed thus far, Sig was letting it be known Clan Dryggo was taking on anyone dedicated to the mission. Even if any of his vod showed up to mock him- the hunter with no pack -Sig was determined to build his legacy.

Of course there was a chance a Crusader would show up simply to join him in finding a place and clearing it of whatever inevitably currently occupied it. Whoever showed up and for what purpose didn’t matter. Sig was determined to find a place on this shrouded world, no matter what.

Rabid dog of the Outer Rim



| LocationDathomir
| ObjectiveGather intel for Careena- make this a seemingly friendly encounter- not fuck up.
| Focus Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
| TagsOpen

Heart of Darkness

Keir'las moved through the dense jungle of Dathomir with a mixture of disgust and hyper-vigilance. Every sound, every scent of this forsaken planet brought back memories she'd rather forget. The mission from Careena was the only thing keeping her from turning tail and fleeing back to her ship.

Her modified armor's sensors picked up movement ahead, offering a welcome distraction from her tumultuous thoughts. Keir'las froze, her hand instinctively moving to her electrowhip. Through the leaves, she caught sight of another Mandalorian - definitely not one of Clan Fett.

This must be one of the members of the new clan Careena had sent her to investigate. Keir'las's intuition tingled with warning. Something about this warrior's purposeful stride spoke of ambition and determination - potentially dangerous qualities on a planet like Dathomir.

Keir'las silently circled the terrain to gain a better vantage point, settling on perching in a tree. From the twisted branches of a gnarled tree, she observed the Mandalorian, weighing her options. Direct confrontation wasn't her style, but she needed information.

Finally, keeping her tone cold and edged with warning, she called out:

"This planet's not known for its hospitality to outsiders."

Her fingers rested on her blaster, ready to draw at a moment's notice. Every instinct screamed at her to get off this rock as quickly as possible. But Careena's orders held her in check. For now, she'd gather information, keep a level head as best as she could - and hope this encounter didn't draw the attention of the Nightsisters or any other horrors Dathomir had to offer.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig instinctively turned his blaster in the direction of the unidentified voice. His gaze met the woman clad in black. He smirked and let a small chuckle escape his lips. Lowering his weapon, he gave her a welcoming nod of the head. “Vod,” he greeted as coldly and plainly as usual. He titled his head and examined her armor.

The beskar’gam of a Mandalorian told everything about them. Where the rest of the galaxy saw armor, Mandalorians saw language. Your armor tells your brothers and sisters what kind of warrior you are, the tests you’ve faced, and sometimes which of the clans you belong to. He was doing what all Mando’ade did: examining her beskar’gam for any and all indicators of who she was and who she served.

Despite being able to read the subtle body language of his fellow Mando’ade, Sig couldn’t find any indicator of which clan she served. He was, however, sure she was a member of the Crusade. It was a gut feeling, one that could very well be proven wrong. Though Sig tended to trust his gut.

“Sig Dryggo,” he introduced with another nod, “Alor of Clan Dryggo.” He stated it proudly and with great determination. A clan of his own. His legacy. The very reason he was here on Dathomir to begin with. He had the numbers slowly building behind him in the wake of the Neo-Crusaders’ raids. Now he wanted a place his clan could grow with minimal outside influence.

He walked a bit closer, raising his hands slightly to show he was on her side. He then stopped and awaited a response. He didn’t know her clan or if she truly was a Neo—Crusader. He’d get those answers, hopefully, soon.

Keir'las Fett Keir'las Fett
Rabid dog of the Outer Rim



| LocationDathomir
| ObjectiveGather intel for Careena- make this a seemingly friendly encounter- not fuck up.
| Focus Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
| TagsOpen

Heart of Darkness

Keir'las remained hidden in her perch, her body completely still as she observed Sig Dryggo. His declaration of being an Alor piqued her interest, though she kept her tone neutral when she spoke again.

"Keir'las Fett," she said, deciding that honesty might serve her better in gathering information. "Scout for Clan Fett." She dropped silently from the tree, landing a cautious distance from Sig. Her posture was alert but not overtly hostile.

"An Alor on Dathomir," Keir'las mused, her coal black eyes studying Sig carefully through her visor. "That's not something you see every day. Especially not one looking to set up shop here." There was a hint of dark humor in her voice. "You sure you've picked the right planet, Dryggo? The locals aren't exactly known for their hospitality."

She casually adjusted her position, ensuring she had a clear line to her blaster if needed. However, her intuition wasn't screaming danger - just caution.

"I'm here on reconnaissance," Keir'las admitted, deciding that a partial truth might encourage Sig to open up. "Word of a new clan forming catches attention. Mind sharing what brings Clan Dryggo to this particular patch of hell?"

Her tone was a mixture of professional curiosity and personal wariness. While she was here on Carena's orders, Keir'las couldn't help but feel a twinge of interest in this bold move by a new clan. It was certainly a change from the usual threats Dathomir presented.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig wasn’t surprised to hear word reached Clan Fett of his own intentions of setting up shop on Dathomir. After all he had dueled Hakon Fett Hakon Fett and was aware of the position they held within the Crusade, having been the clan to call it. Still, he wasn’t going to share all his plans, not with Keir'las Fett Keir'las Fett at least.

While she questioned his choice in Dathomir, Sig simply smiled beneath his t-visor.
“Hell is exactly why I’m here,” he stated as he gestured casually to the hostile world around them. He returned his concealed gaze back to Keir’las before continuing, “My clan is nomadic,” he confessed, “but we need a foothold somewhere that’s more permanent. Dathomir offers a fair challenge to my clan as well as a deterrent for aruetii.”

Sig turned back towards the direction he was originally heading, due east, and examined the terrain for a moment. The dark and most filled forest was as ominous as ever, though there were no immediate threats before them. Turning his gaze back to his vod. “You can tell your Alor that Dathomir is Clan Dryggo’s domain,” he stated casually, “There’s a supposedly abandoned outpost not far from here,” he added, “Help me clear it of anyone or anything that might currently occupy it, if you don’t mind.”

He knew Hakon Fett Hakon Fett and though he didn’t know Careena Fett Careena Fett , he knew his standing with the clan was at least on mutual terms. But showcasing further skills to a recon agent of theirs couldn’t hurt. It was also, of course z Sig’s own way of judging her own skills. Whether she accepted to help or not, he turned and pressed on with dangerous determination.

Rabid dog of the Outer Rim



| LocationDathomir
| ObjectiveGather intel for Careena- make this a seemingly friendly encounter- not fuck up.
| Focus Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
| TagsOpen

Heart of Darkness

Keir'las listened to Sig's explanation, her head tilting slightly as she processed his words. His mention of dueling Hakon Fett and his knowledge of the Crusade's structure made her reassess the situation. She'd have a little bit of fun with this one.

"Hell as a proving ground," she quipped, a sardonic edge to her voice. "What's next, using a sarlacc pit as a training arena? You Dryggos sure know how to pick 'em."

As Sig turned to survey the terrain, Keir'las took the opportunity to study him more closely. His confidence was evident, but it didn't seem misplaced. When he declared Dathomir as Clan Dryggo's domain, she couldn't help but let out a short, sharp laugh.

"Ambitious," she remarked dryly. "I'll be sure to pass that along to the Alor."

His invitation to help clear the outpost caught her off guard. Keir'las paused, weighing her options. On one hand, this was an excellent opportunity to gather more intel on Clan Dryggo's capabilities. On the other, the idea of delving deeper into Dathomir's dangers made her skin crawl. She was starting to feel like this whole "mission" was Careena finally gaining a sense of humor.

After a moment's consideration, she nodded and fell in step beside him.

"Just so we're clear," she added, her tone a mix of warning and dark humor, "if you get us killed, I'm haunting your clan for eternity. Deal?"

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