Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Heart of Fire


Objective: Spur the growth of another brave soul.​

Noverskaa. A planet with its share of natural beauties, a small civilization, and a stronghold ripe for use as a command center.

The Neo-Crusaders had moved outwards and spread like a wildfire with their reasserted hold on Mandalore. Many had begun to grow used to the lack of Mandalorian presence after the Protectors’ fall, but some cared little for such outwardly miniscule differences in governance. A Mandalorian was a Mandalorian, in most eyes.

It was not often diplomacy was used by their ilk, for most Mandalorians part of the Crusade preferred to dispense with it altogether. That was why Carduul had been present at the head of the southern front expansion - it was useful for garnering more experience to supplement the tactics he studied. Noverskaa was a place already steeped in Mandalorian influence, with close access to a hyperlane and ships to provide logistics for a war effort. Brokering an agreement with a healthy dose of force in diplomacy was not difficult with the inhabitants. They knew they could not outlast sustained raiding efforts from the Neo-Crusaders, and so most capitulated to their demands.

The small isolated pockets that resisted would require more force, much to the preference of many of the Crusaders. Prisoners taken for conscription, for labor. Lands reassigned for processing zones, training centers, and eventual war-forges. The Viper felt they would thank them later, for all upon the planet would share an even greater Mandalorian influence.

Amidst the settling chaos of the new set of conquests, Carduul still saw fit to be mindful of the exceptional in their ranks. Every Mandalorian was unique in their own way, with their own thoughts, souls, methods. Umbara had been this one’s proving ground. He knew of her handiwork only by what his troops had described when they arrived at the scene of the crippled encampment they were meant to lay havoc to - while the Rally Master himself had been being tended to in a medical tent. And it was not as if she had been idle, since.

It saved Mandalorian lives, however indirectly. Such methods were vital if they were to sustain their efforts. He was curious to see just the person who was behind it, mentored beneath the discerning eye of Careena Fett Careena Fett - and so he had invited her to spar upon one of the outcroppings of the fortress. Such spars were oft’ equivalent to conversations amidst compatriotes, and he was curious to see what such an exchange would reveal of the character. The calm winds belied the sparse conflict below, with plenty of open space and fresh air for such an occasion.

The hafted weapon in hand, shoulder-cape gently swaying in the breeze, he waited for her arrival.

Keir'las Fett Keir'las Fett

Rabid dog of the Outer Rim



| LocationNoverskaa
| Objectiveunknown - remain calm and keep a level head
| Focus Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl
| TagsOpen

Heart of Fire

Keir'las materialized on the outcropping like a wraith, her mottled armor blending seamlessly with the rugged terrain of Noverskaa. The planet's raw beauty seemed to reflect in her coal black eyes, a stark contrast to her deathly pale blue skin. She moved with the fluid grace of a predator, each step calculated and silent-and what's this? No helmet?

The wind tugged at her silver-blue hair, a rebellious shock against the backdrop of Neo-Crusader conquest below. Her gaze swept over the scenes of capitulation and resistance, a fleeting expression of... something... crossing her features before vanishing behind her customary fox-like smirk.

"Quite the view you've got here, Rally Master," Keir'las drawled, her voice a low purr that carried on the breeze. "Though I must say, it seems your idea of a friendly chat is more fun than expected." Her hand rested casually on her whip, more out of habit than any perceived threat.

She sized up Carduul, taking in the hafted weapon and the gently swaying shoulder-cape. Her posture was relaxed, but there was a coiled energy about her, like a loaded spring waiting to be released.

Keir'las took up a position across from Carduul, her stance fluid and ready. The calm winds carried whispers of conflict from below, but up here, it was just the two of them, poised on the edge of... something. What was it?

"So," she said, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness beneath its controlled exterior, "Shall we dance?"

Carduul would admit he was surprised to see Keir’las arrive without her helmet. Perhaps she wanted to experience the breeze against her face, see unfettered by the helm’s visor and display. He could not blame her; had he any time to relax, perhaps he would’ve done something similar. Alas, that would likely not be the case until their duty was fulfilled to completion.

“I enjoy places with good scenery for this sort of conversation. It helps ease the mind and body. Judging by thy appearance, it was a good choice.” His tone mildly amused, an informal retort to the purr that was the other's voice. His weapon hefted into both hands, beginning to pace slowly sidelong. “After all, one can learn much about another through battle upon open field.”

“Though…if you can handle speaking amidst that, all the better.” He added, with something of a humorous undertone to the statement. Most of his sparring partners preferred to simply shut up, and get on with fighting.

As the Rally Master stepped sidelong, he had taken the brief moment of calm to observe how she approached, that subtle energy underlying her posture. A brow lofted behind the visor in some surprise upon the notice of her weapon. A whip, now the second time he had to face such a thing. His guard extended slightly forwards, leveling towards the other. The sparse conflict below seemed a distant whisper, now, as the woman's question was posed.

“T’would be rude of me to refuse the offer.” Giving a reply that reflected a light-heartedness not often seen from most Mandalorians. The trace of a sly grin could be heard from within the helm. He wasn’t usually given the chance to express such things.

Despite his larger frame, his opening motions were graceful in their own way. Deliberate, one foot after the other in measured approach. Much like a snake, maneuvering for an angle of attack. And that he did - grip slid the poleaxe forwards, with a thrust towards her breastplate. Testing the waters for her reaction.

“You tread differently from most warriors among us. Your weapon, an equally unique choice. What made you select it?”
Rabid dog of the Outer Rim



| LocationNoverskaa
| Objectiveunknown - remain calm and keep a level head
| Focus Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl
| TagsOpen

Heart of Fire

Keir'las felt the breeze against her face, her silver-blue hair dancing in the wind. Her eyes locked onto Carduul, curiosity evident in her gaze. A small smile played across her lips, genuine rather than teasing.
"It is beautiful up here," she said, her voice soft but carrying easily on the wind. Her hand rested lightly on the electro-whip at her hip, but she made no move to draw it. Instead, she began to circle Carduul with light, graceful steps, her movements fluid and full of barely contained energy.

As Carduul paced and extended his guard, Keir'las mirrored his movements, maintaining a respectful distance. Her steps were quick and sure, almost playful in their agility. When his thrust came, she twisted aside with liquid grace, evading rather than engaging.

"You dance well," she observed, admiration coloring her tone. There was something in Carduul's controlled power that intrigued her.

She continued her dance around him, her movements a blend of combat readiness and natural fluidity. Her eyes never left his form, reading his body language, trying to understand the warrior behind the armor.

"Before Careena found me, I was taught that you learn more about a person without your weapons to aid you. Leave it up to your your fists, sweat and blood." She paused briefly, "The whip, the daggers; I feel they serve as extensions of myself and allow me to be more intimate. For for now they serve me well." her head tilted slightly in question, "What is it you really want to know about me, Rally Master?"

Her tone was respectful, but there was an undercurrent of genuine interest. She was clearly focused on understanding Carduul's intentions- Her stance remained ready, but open, inviting.

"I'm curious," she admitted, her energy apparent in the way she bounced lightly on her toes, always in motion. "It's not often someone takes an interest in a newcomer like me. I'd like to understand why, if you're willing to share."
The helm tilted inquisitively in turn to her comment upon the scenery. Hidden gaze rested upon her as there was an encircling of the other, those few short paces forwards. It was nice to have someone else appreciate the choice of background choice, if anything else. He can't recall the last time he'd seen with his own eyes one of his compatriotes smile, however small.

As the spar began, it truly was akin to a dance. Once the opening steps had been made, the rest followed with a natural ease. The thrust missed with her fluid motion away, before he moved in a similar rhythm to hers with a flowing step. The weapon’s bladed edge turned with a twist of his body, so that it would whirl about and strike horizontally towards her armored legs. Her weapon had yet to be unleashed, but Carduul felt she was biding her time for the right moment. He was curious when it would be chosen.

“I can say the same for thyself.” Was his acknowledgement in turn to the compliment. Just on first reaction, he could tell she understood the flow of battle well. It wasn’t something that was common. “That is a belief I share. Weapons allow us to express unique facets of ourselves that cannot otherwise be shown.”

He could not mask a tone of intrigue, a mirrored air of informality that he was not often accustomed to. Not quite playfulness, but bordering near it. It seemed she had caught that the opening question was little more than a probe for more sincere inquiries. “What I seek to know of you, is what drives you to fight. What kind of person you are.” A genuine, straightforward answer to the first question Keir'las posed. Both statements were synonymous with each other, in his eyes.

Then there was her next query. It was a good question. A complex one that was difficult to fully articulate. There were a few passing moments of silence. “To an extent, I am as much a newcomer as you. To those outside of my 'clan.'” Was his reply. It was in a different aspect than her, certainly, but there were parallels drawn. “This crusade is dedicated to the people who fight in it, and who we fight for. How can I profess to fight for them if I do not know them?”

It was a rhetorical question. Though, after a short moment of thought, “Besides,” Accompanied by a soft hum, “I prefer to know those I fight alongside personally. You are free to inquire, as well.”

Even if it may bring him pain, later. Such was war.

Keir'las Fett Keir'las Fett
Last edited:
Rabid dog of the Outer Rim



| LocationNoverskaa
| Objectiveunknown - remain calm and keep a level head
| Focus Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl
| TagsOpen

Heart of Fire

Keir'las moved languidly, her body responding to Carduul's rhythm as they waltzed. She evaded the horizontal strike aimed at her legs, the amusement on her face not to mock or tease, but showing that she was genuinely enjoying herself. His words about weapons expressing unique facets of oneself resonated with her, though she couldn't help but feel that true understanding came from a more primal connection.

She paused briefly, her eyes meeting Carduul's visor with unexpected intensity. When she spoke, her voice carried a weight that belied her youthful appearance.

"What drives me to fight?" Keir'las echoed, a hint of thoughtfulness in her tone. "It's sometimes not that simple, isn't it?"

She resumed her circular movement, but her steps were more measured now, reflective. "I feel what others think of me, you know? It's a funny thing, I can't read minds or predict the future, but I can feel disgust, and I let them continue feeling it." She kept her eyes on his visor, "To most, I am a book with very few pages and easy to read."

A shadow passed over her features then, "But I'm a person shaped by trauma, who took the first hand that saw something in me and stayed loyal, even through so much bloodshed it was better than where I came from. Then I took another hand, one that saw an opportunity, a use for me. I took that hand too, and like the dog I am I followed." She paused, a rueful smile touching her lips. "Though I can't be too bitter about that. In a way, I did the same."

Keir'las spun on her heel then, using the momentum to arch her body backward and into a handstand, "Though this second hand I took led me here, this path, and I've fallen deeply in love with it, but where it leads me?" She shook her head, silver-blue hair just barely making contact with the ground. "I can't say. I can't predict the future."
She tilted her head as she looked up at him, very aware of how ridiculous she looked and sounded at the moment, curiosity overtaking her features once more. "And you, Rally Master? Will you still fight with me?"

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

She had moved from the current range of his weapon - two handed grip remained firm, but she still did not retaliate yet. As she entered a more contrived line of thought, he did not motion to attack for the moment.

For a moment, he thought she was being rhetorical. But her movements, her tone indicated otherwise. She was being serious, and that only brought more confusion. Disgust? He could not see why. Perhaps her lax nature did not sit well with the veterans among them, though such clearly did not bother him.

Through the visor, he held her gaze. Though the expression beneath could not be seen, it would no doubt be sensed t’was with a similar intensity as hers. The poleaxe thudded against the ground, as he held it closer to his chest, lax in posture. As she spoke, his motions mirrored hers. Step, step, drawing a circle with movement alone.

It could be said that compared to his peers, Carduul was deceivingly agile when he fought. But even over him, she held more flexibility. That was quite clear as she did a handstand unprompted, amidst the ruminations of the mind.

“Many of us start by following. We all follow in the steps of our ancestors. That does not hold true forever...eventually, we began to carve our own path through history. Inspired and righteous, with the knowledge of our forebears, of our steadfast mentors, of the adversity that has forged us.” Was his words thereafter, his tone nothing short of complete conviction.

It was then joined by a pause of thought; “...Indeed, I think that future is yet to be made, and for you to write.”

And so she inquired of him whether they would continue this endeavor. The weapon lightly lifted, flourished in his hands to rest in a guard pointing towards her.

“Why would I not?” Came the light inquiry in return.

Though the helm tilted, glancing pointedly at the weapon still undrawn at her side. “Though, I daresay this has merely been something else, rather than a fight. I have been the only one leading.” He mused, again drawing the parallels with the concept of a dance. Was that a note of teasing mixed into his words?

With that, a hand left off the haft, and extended outwards towards her, beckoning her forth.

“So, why don't you try this time?” A coy prompt, as his stance returned to the weapon. As if daring her to begin writing that future, the same way he dared her to unleash an offensive of her own.

Keir'las Fett Keir'las Fett

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