Kiskla Grayson-Matteo
Sprawled on her side, gently plucking thick, long blonde strands up and down from what wasn't in his loose tie-- Kiskla's frame paralleled that of her chosen. She was forcing him to spew stories again in the gaps of her presence. What he did before discovering The Force was one of her favourites. He seemed so ignorant and she loved it; especially with his initial resistance to what seemed so obvious. Nobody's reflexes were that good!
A pleasant smile was draped across her signature lips, sometimes parting enough for a splash of laughter to tumble out. Her falling off the grid and being dragged back had knocked some sense into the two of them--- reminding each how important they were to one another. In times of reflection, Marcello and Kiskla could happily set their duties on the shelf and nod at their achievements.
They could, but they weren't the type to do that.
Restless in their onus to the Galaxy, the duo's duty and self sacrificing attitude outweighed selfish desires of longevity.
Still, Marcello had taken the time to travel with her to the Healer's Circle and now here, back to Kiffu. Dedicating days to her. One would assume that's what a lover should do, but she still wanted to let him know he was appreciated.
There would be two ways she planned to do that tonight, but only one he's recognize in the morning.
Kiskla didn't go to sleep. Instead, she lay on her side in silence while waiting for the vitals of Marcello to drop and the heaviness of his fatigue take over. She'd learned a long time ago, that once he was out, he was out. He had to be a heavy sleeper, she was as noisy in her own slumber as she was in consciousness. If the male Jedi Master ever wanted to get any sleep, he had to learn to sleep through noises and movements.
Which worked out just excellent for the current scenario.
It wasn't until she heard heavy breathing taint the room's audio that she decided it would be an appropriate time to stir. Scarred arms moved to the edge of the bed frame, paving the path for her body to angle out and follow; delicate with her movements so as not to send of any sort of fleeing cue. An explanation that she was getting a drink of water would be simple enough, perhaps getting some fresh air, anything of the sort -- but she would prefer ignorance.
Barefoot and leery, the blonde Kraliçe crept around the perimeter of their shared mattress until she reached her destination. In the crumpled pile of clothing from Marcello, was the item she sought. While awake, the man never parted with his sabre. In sleep was truly the only time it was not on his person; though she was suspicious he'd be able to sense her interfering with it. So, as soon as slender digits looped around the cylindrical hilt she paused once more - testing to see if there would be a peek of alarm.
No peek.
Having salvaged her object of desire, she quickly turned and exited the room -- keeping her pace hurried and purposeful.
Within the perimeters of the Kiffex palace, was the craftsman that handled most of the weaponry used by The Guardians. The Kiffar inside was expecting Kiskla's knock, and quickly welcomed her in.