Salem Norongachi was not adept with technology. He could pick up practically any weapon known to the galaxy and wield it like an extension of himself, he could pilot any starship that was given to him...but ask him to fix a holo-screen or replace a relay and you may as well have asked him to install a time-machine into an old speeder and change history.
He had ideas. Ideas that burst and popped in his mind twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. They burned up his mind in the quiet of his long sleepless nights and they whispered throughout the days like an itch he just couldn't reach.
It was fortunate, then, that he had an entire division dedicated to the realization of those ideas. Before him, upon the desk that had previously belonged to Jonas Wilheim, he had a sheet of flimsiplast. Old fashioned perhaps, but it always felt better to physically get the ideas onto something solid rather than green text on a datapad.
Most of it was purely single lines, some scored out with notes as to why beside them. They were questions to address later, with the tech-monkeys.
"Turbolaser?" Not enough power..."Heavy Blaster Cannon?"
"Capable of orbital drop?"
"Mortar pods."
He stopped writing and frowned in thought. "Shielding..." He cast his mind back to The Hand of Fate, with its multiple shield generators.
"Possible redundant shield generators?"
Something buzzed close at hand, a shrill noise that jarred him from his thoughts. It was his chrono, set to the far left of the disorganized desktop with its paperwork and dataslates. It had just gone 9:00pm GST.
He had a date, with [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"], and she'd be arriving at any moment.
He had ideas. Ideas that burst and popped in his mind twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. They burned up his mind in the quiet of his long sleepless nights and they whispered throughout the days like an itch he just couldn't reach.
It was fortunate, then, that he had an entire division dedicated to the realization of those ideas. Before him, upon the desk that had previously belonged to Jonas Wilheim, he had a sheet of flimsiplast. Old fashioned perhaps, but it always felt better to physically get the ideas onto something solid rather than green text on a datapad.
Most of it was purely single lines, some scored out with notes as to why beside them. They were questions to address later, with the tech-monkeys.
"Capable of orbital drop?"
"Mortar pods."
He stopped writing and frowned in thought. "Shielding..." He cast his mind back to The Hand of Fate, with its multiple shield generators.
"Possible redundant shield generators?"
Something buzzed close at hand, a shrill noise that jarred him from his thoughts. It was his chrono, set to the far left of the disorganized desktop with its paperwork and dataslates. It had just gone 9:00pm GST.
He had a date, with [member="Anesia Jy'Vun"], and she'd be arriving at any moment.