Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of the Blade (Jedi Mission)

Crystal Caverns​
As the shuttle exited hyperspace, a sense of nostalgia washed over the Shi'ido headmistress as she steered the craft towards the grey planet in front of her, making sure to avoid the ring of icy asteroids that orbited the sphere of blue light. Rasu hadn't been to Ilum since she herself had first retrieved the crystal needed for her weapon, and now here she was taking the next generation down onto the ice and snow that made up the sacred Jedi world.

Descending further into the Ilum atmosphere, Rasu tried to soften the bumps that echoed across the hull of the craft, fighting against the gravitational pull of the planet. She had to admit, being a passenger on her last trip here was a lot easier than piloting. Fighting against the gravity of the planet while trying to navigate her way through the thick snow in the air was proving difficult. Closing her eyes for a moment, she slowed the shuttle's descent, using the Force to locate their destination. The temple ruins and it's crystal caverns, shone like a beacon in the Force, guiding the Shi'ido through the thick eternal snowstorm.

Opening her eyes again, she pushed forward on the steering yoke, keeping her mind focused on the caverns destination as she continued forward. To anyone else looking out the viewport, they may have begun to panic by how densely the snow filled the sky, but the Force was the Headmistress' ally and with it guiding her she soon found herself gently landing the shuttle on the soft snow laden across the ground. Flicking a switch as she began the shutdown procedures, a large mechanical whining echoed through the craft as the cargo bay doors opened up at the back of the shuttle, allowing the crew and other Jedi accompanying to depart with the necessary equipment and supplies.

With the shutdown procedures completed, Rasu stood up before wrapping a thick fur-hemmed cloak around her, departing the cockpit and joining the rest of the crew under the rocky canopy that sheltered them from the snow. Already the Force emanating from the nearby ruins overwhelmed her, however she opened herself to it, allowing the Light side of the Force to fill her and rejuvenate her from the long flight here. She would need her strength for the hours or even days to come, depending on how long the trial took for her Padawan, Asaak. A journey in the crystal caverns could take many hours, Rasu just hoped that the Togruta knew what awaited her within the crystal imbued caves.
@[member="Asaak Tey"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"] @[member="Drake Blackwood"] @[member="Darin Khel"]
@[member="Rasu Gan"]

There was something innately special about retrieving a crystal for your saber. It was a rite of passage, a way of measuring how far you'd come in the Order. You were retrieving a crucial component for the weapon that symbolized the Order and everything it had stood for through time. It almost put a smile on his face.


He didn't often leave Ossus, Head of Security as he was, but he could make exceptions periodically. Getting out every now and again would keep him from going stir-crazy, and that was something he definitely didn't want to be. Strapped in against the turbalence, he found his mind wandering to the last few times he was here.

Once was with Abigail, attending a Ball held, funnily enough, in the same caves they were in. There'd been an earthquake, trapping the partygoers within the bowels of the cavern without power or medical supplies. It hadn't been a good day. The next time he'd been stopping an Imperial mission to blow up the caves.

He'd offended a Jedi on that mission; he'd executed the unconscious survivors of their clean up effort. A mercy in his eyes, but a travesty to the Master. The only good Imperial was a dead one, though. Easier that way. And then after that... he'd freed the Twi'lek Domino from her icy prison.

And then she'd gone on to be a massive pain in the Republic's side. Irony; his favorite.

But he was here for security, knowing just how unsafe this world could be. Making sure his cold weather gear was secure and sealed, he gave a nod to Rasu as they stepped down the ramp and under the overhang. Making a motion, two of the clones he'd brought with him spread out to the edge of the overhang and began scanning the blizzard as best they could.

Perimeters were life saves, that much he knew to be true.
The bumps and hollow echoes of turbulence through the ship's thick walls didn't much faze Asaak. She had spent enough time traveling on interplanetary craft that she knew when to recognize something as uncommon. Thus she spent the last moment or two of the journey making sure she had everything she would need. Most importantly - a cloak and good weather gear. She was from a planet that ranged from dry heat to temperate environments and had never traveled to a planet that went below mild. It would certainly be a shock to her system and she wanted to be prepared.

And a shock it was! She crossed her lekku over her shoulders before throwing her cloak over herself, raising the hood to cover her montrals and pinning a light cloth shield over her the lower half of her face from one side of the hood to the other to block out the worst of the winds. Even with all the precautions she took she still felt a little of her breath taken away by the sheer power of the cold. Despite how surprising it was, it was also invigorating. This was her first real mission, and she was surrounded by other Masters, Knights, and Padawans who had decided to take the journey with them for their own ends and means.

Stepping off the craft she spotted her Master not far off under a rocky overhang, making her way over though she turned her head to glimpse the ruins as she walked. The power she could feel emanating off them was so thick she swore she could reach out and grab it even if that truly wasn't the case. She reached @[member="Rasu Gan"] and @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] just as the clones moved to create a perimeter. She gave the Head of Security a nod as she moved to stand at her Master's side since, even though she did not know him personally, she was well aware he was part of what would give her a chance on her journey down to retrieve the essential component of her lightsaber.

Looking to Rasu she released some of the constantly present sense of humor she'd begun to reveal more frequently as of late as she became more familiar with her Master. "Well, you certainly weren't kidding when you said it was cold."
"Thanks for coming along." she said, standing next to Sarge as his clone squad began to move out and form a perimeter. "I know things have been busy over on Ossus so it means a lot that you made some time for this." A shiver ran through her body as the cold slipped in under her cloak, dancing over her green skin. Using a technique she had witnessed the last time she had visited, she called upon the Force, using it to trap the heat in and stop any of her bodily warmth from escaping. In hindsight, she probably should have taught this to her Padawan before they had departed, but for now Asaak seemed fine as she made her way to join the two Jedi.

Chuckling slightly, Rasu gave a look of mock disbelief as she continued their humorous banter, "What? Cold? It is perfectly warm right now. Are you feeling alright?" placing a smile on her face as she picked up a clump of soft snow and threw it at the woman. She was indeed glad to see that Asaak was becoming a lot more comfortable around her now as both a Master and a friend. Rasu had tried so hard to avoid turning their relationship on its head, much like before. She couldn't handle losing another friend over her own laziness, her work would have to be put aside if she was to focus on training a student. Training was the priority, she realised that now.

Taking a last look around the remaining expedition members, Rasu decided ot was time to enter, leaving the others to carry on with their duties and make their way inside in their own time. Turning back to her Padawan, she asked, "How about we go on ahead for now, get a feel for the place before you start looking for a crystal?"

@[member="Asaak Tey"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @Vexander Graves @Aika Kawakami @Drake Blackwood @Darin Khel
| @Drake Blacwood | @[member="Rasu Gan"] | @[member="Asaak Tey"] | @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] |

The view of the white planet from the starboard of the transport they all took was amazing... the world known as Illum was just as wonderful as it was when he last visited the planet. It has been quite some time, but for some reason it just felt like if it was just days ago... still, it has been quite some time to be honest.

Today, the young man decided to join Master Rasu Gan and other Jedi. His goal now was to prepare his apprentice to build his own saber since he had one of the lightsabers that Vexander constructed for himself, it was a loaner saber, a spare one that Vex had and used from time to time.

Dressed in an unorthodox way, with his Covert 7 armor; the young man remained there ready for anything that could show up and in a way that he knew would cover him from the fear. Just in case, he decided to bring a coat and other heating clothes above and instructed his apprentice to do so the same... or he would just freeze to death.

By the time they both touched the ground, the young man proceeded to instruct Drake based on the words from Master Gan "Very well Mr. Blackwood... remember that this is a long process and we will need a place to rest and setup camp before we go looking for the crystal and starting the process... You might have questions and we will tackle it in time... but first we need to follow Master Gan's advice."
@[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Asaak Tey"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

.:| She walks in beauty, like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies.|:.
And all that’s best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light, which heaven to gaudy day denies.

.::| + |::.​
Erinyes had this almost distant expression on her cerulean face, looking past the snow drifts, beyond to another time. Another place. Strains of a melody would be heard in the distance, but only to the Shi'ido, as this is how she understood the Force. In notes of song, in melody. And just like music had that ability to send you back to the past in reminisce, so did this one.




Cold. She was so cold. Her chest burned, hurt.

Erinyes ran along the forest, feeling drifts of snow whir about her. Her face was white with terror, long grey cloak fluttering wildly behind her. The two silver pendants around her neck jingled with every step she took. It was her only connection left to her family; to her mother... to Skorn. A vial of their blood cast within the two silver and glass tubings.

So you can always find me.

Those were the words he left her with the night he gave the pendant to her, for he alone knew of her dark gift; of the clairvoyance. With a single personal object, she was able to locate any being within the planet she was in. However, her gift was even more special than that, for she would be able to find any of her kin. It was for this reason she'd been cast in hiding, for this reason the Duchess desired her aide.

The reason he hunted for her.

With a savage cry, Enoc shouted for her to run -- and run she did. Snow fell with increasing strength as the Lao-Mon princess weaved her way through the shadows of the forest. Behind her, she could hear the cries of battle, the strikes of blades, smell the scent of charred flesh.

Erinyes ran faster, and in her awkward haste along the marshy snow covered ground, she slipped. As she fell, her hood slid askew, giving a glimpse of dark ebony hair. A shadow then loomed, the crunch of boots coming to a stop in front of her. A gasp of fright fell from her lips. The Draclau female stared at the menacing, hooded figure standing over her, his crimson saber barely an arm’s length from her head.

The blade hummed with deadly intent as he stood poised and ready to strike. Sensing the vibration of rage in the air, she cringed, her entire body shaking in terror. She shrank away as he roughly pushed back her hood. Her dark hair was swept back, but loose strands framed her lovely face. The thin silver filigree she wore across her forehead bore tiny gems denoting the status of a royal. But this was not what caused her attacker to pause-- no. It was her face.

She was an image drawn from the past, a vision of the Princess of old; Belia Amaya.

Her breathing spiked as snowy drifts cast her blonde locks of hair into the air, hot breath coming out in a white cloud against the cold. It took a moment for her to blink away the memories, her shoulders rising as she took a deep breath. She stood just a few feet away from Preacher, just behind and to the right.

They had a mission here, one she hoped would benefit them all. Spiritually as well as mentally.

Everyone had their demons.

Moroi Wareyasui

Cocky Little Poohead
Moroi hated spacecrafts. The sense of claustrophobia to be gained from sitting in a tightly packed transport vessel rushing through the suffocating vacuum of space was a little more than Moroi was comfortable with. He preferred having an atmosphere, and gravity. Tight boxes floating through empty space was not his idea of a fun time. The fact that it could be anyone's was beyond perplexing to him. His condition did not improve when they did introduce atmosphere in to the equation, the sudden forces acting upon the vessel causing it to quake in a most disquieting fashion. Thankfully, most everyone else on the ship was busy taking in the admittedly breathtaking white behemoth that was Ilum. Moroi's disposition did not change much once the ship settled down and landed on the surface. The others were quick to get off the ship, all filing off in to the planet while Moroi stayed behind a moment, trying to compose and collect himself. It was a difficult task for him, if he was to be honest. As the other finished vacating the transport, Moroi, slinging his heavily lined cloak over his shoulders, followed them out in to the frigid climate of Ilum. Catching up with the group just in time for the head of their expedition and her padawan to exchange quips about the weather. There were a lot of ways Moroi embodied the spirit of the Jedi. He was calm, he was calculating, he was good-natured, but where he veered, most likely eventually catastrophically, was in his ability to hold his tongue.

"Not much point in a thick fur cloak if you're not concerned about the cold...Master."

He realized his analytic quip probably came off as rude, you generally weren't supposed to correct a master. Her demeanor had changed however, from before and after, she spoke to her Padawan. She was not human, so perhaps the anatomy was different, but the body had very distinct cues it gave off when it was trying to fight off the cold, even through heavy clothing. The muscles tightened to contain and restrict heat, the body instinctively curled up in to itself, all signs Moroi was showing in a rather complete capacity as he was freezing his little human tuckus off. However, the green skinned Master didn't show any of those signs...the only explanations were that her species's anatomy did not mirror a human beings or that she was using to force to maintain her body temperature. If it was the former, it did not help Moroi at all, if it was the latter, perhaps he could mimic it. Would certainly help alleviate the risk of freezing to death.

Edit: @[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Erinyes Draclau"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Asaak Tey"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
@[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Erinyes Draclau"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Asaak Tey"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"]

A thick fur cloak was draped in his arms, waiting to be worn. Drake's master had warned him to bring something warm to wear, and looking down at the icy planet Illum, he knew why. Drake didn't say much when they landed, and simply nodded at his master's words. Drake did have quite a few questions, as he usually did. The Padawan had no idea what was waiting for him. He assumed it'd be tough, he just had no idea how much.

"Should we get going?" Drake started walking to exit the transport. He was already putting his cloak on, wrapping it tight around his body. He hadn't taken the lightsaber Vexander had lent him. He knew that if he succeeded on this trip, he wouldn't need it anymore. Not to mention, Drake's best guess was that if Jedi came here to construct lightsabers, they usually didn't have one in the first place. Then again, he didn't really know.

Before Drake stepped out of the transport, he made sure he had all his gear on. He stepped out into the cold. The clothes didn't help as much as he wanted them to. This planet was as cold as a Sith's heart. Drake shivered, rubbing his arms, and looked around for Master Gan and the others. Drake closed his eyes and let the Force go through him, trying to find them. He sighed, and opened his eyes. The Force certainly was powerful here. Drake looked over his shoulder, looking to see if Vex was behind him. Hopefully his master knew where to go.
@[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Erinyes Draclau"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Drake Blackwood"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Asaak was certainly capable of being serious and putting her mind to a task, especially when it came to learning about the Force or listening to someone who needed her help. But it wasn't her first inclination and after she'd gotten over her initial shyness around her Master, Asaak began to blossom, cracking jokes and teasing whenever she could. She imagined it was a difficult job taking a Padawan full-time and sacrificing some of the work one would like to be doing, but Asaak's goal was to get to a point in her apprenticeship where she could be an asset, where her Shi'ido Master could feel confident bringing her Padawan along for some of her missions. But then again, that was the whole point, wasn't it?

The young Togruta squealed in laughter as Rasu pelted her with a snowball, about to lean down and lob one of her own back when more of the party came off the ship. She decided it was probably best not to get in to a full out snowball fight with her Master right at that moment....but she wouldn't forget that opening assault either.

She spotted several Padawans, their curious looks towards their Masters or their Padawan braids giving their ranks away. She wished she could reach up and curl a finger around the chain draped through her montrals that she wore to signify her own apprenticeship but it was too much bother through her layers of winter clothing. Instead she settled on looking at those quickly gathering together, noting some Jedi she did not yet know but trying to learn their faces so once she heard their names she could commit them to memory.

When Rasu suggests moving forward and getting a feel for the planet and it's environment, Asaak nodded. "That sounds good - the Force is so strong here I can't wait to explore." She turned her head when she heard a young man's voice almost immediately after, one she thought she recognized. She smiled when she recognized Moroi, another Padawan she had met on Tython not long ago. If she hadn't been acquainted with him she might have been caught off-guard by his quip back at her Master, but knew at this point it was just his nature. She couldn't believe she hadn't recognized him on the transport but then again, she had been too wrapped up in her excitement...and a fair bit of nerves. It would be nice to have another familiar face around! She didn't see his Master anywhere close by and figured it couldn't hurt to invite him along. "Hi Moroi - do you want to walk with us a little, get our bearings before we set out?"
@[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Asaak Tey"] @[member="Drake Blackwood"] @[member="Erinyes Draclau"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"]

Sarge gave a curt nod to the Mirialan before stepping out from the overhang and stuffing his hands nonchalantly into the pockets of his thick winter jacket. Unlike when he was in the 'Pyre this cold weather gear actually did it's job... mostly. He didn't bother with the mask he habitually wore, instead opting for a set of polarized goggles. They were, thankfully, still opaque, but it did reveal the thick unkempt tangle that was the beard on his chin.

Plenty good for keeping his jaw warm - not so much his face.

"Master Gan can lead the way." He says finally, turning to regard the group. "The clones will watch the transport while we're away, and I will be the rearguard." There was little margin for debate in that tone he adopted, the tone of a man accustomed to having others listen to him when he gave orders.

Perhaps the mysterious Jedi had been a soldier in some other life; a life before the Order. "Provided of course... Master Gan doesn't wish us to travel in a different order." His head slowly tracked towards the Master, dipping his head slowly in acknowledgement. Wise though his counsel may be in terms to security, he was still not in charge of the mission.

Humming to himself, the noise lost amid the screaming wind of the icy wasteland that was the surface of Ilum, Sarge turned back towards the storm and began scanning the horizon once again.
Placing her hand on her hip, she looked over at the young Moroi, responding without words, but instead giving him a rather playful look, showing that she had not taken offense. The young man seemed only curious, and if he had meant to be rude, Rasu chose to ignore it. The trip, although an important rite of passage for Padawans, could still prove to be fun and an enjoyment for all who journeyed to the icy world of Ilum. Turning to face Sarge now, she nodded in approval, happy for the Knight to take control for now.

"Of course Preacher, you are the security expert here, not me. I'll follow as you say." she said, beginning to head off towards the cavern entrance. She could hear Asaak chatting with another Padawan behind her, recognising the Force aura of Moroi. Rasu was glad to see that her student had already begun to make friends, knowing from experience that those bonds formed now would last a very long time.

Bringing her attention back to the front, Rasu focused on leading the group safely through the thick snow and ice, using the Force to sense any weak spots in the ice that the trod upon, so that she and the others may avoid it. With each step she took, the stronger the Force felt, increasing as she got closer and closer to the gaping hole in the ice-laden wall. The aura seemed to pick up her spirits, helping her fight the harsh cold that flew through the wind, biting at her skin. Once again she called upon the Force, trapping the heat inside her body, while pushing the cold away, leaving a protective layer of heat to fight against the chilly wind. Hoping that the Padawans were okay, she picked up her pace, knowing that the sooner they all got inside, the sooner they would be out of the wind. "Come on everyone, we're almost there." she said, raising her voice, so to be heard above the breeze. Light could already be seen glistening from the cavern mouth, the crystals inside already sensing the presence of their visitors. Soon the search would begin.

@[member="Asaak Tey"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Drake Blackwood"] @[member="Erinyes Draclau"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Moroi Wareyasui

Cocky Little Poohead
Moroi was relieved, he was afraid his brashness had upset the Master in charge of the expedition, but she merely grinned and brushed off his comment. She wasn't wrong, he had not intended to be rude and he was simply inquisitive, his sardonic method of delivery just tended to rub people the wrong way more often than not. A voice then picked up to the side, a voice he was quite familiar with. He had met Asaak Tey on multiple occasions and, for the most part, they had been pleasant interactions. The boy's lips curled up in a warm smile at the sight of her and reacted with a small nod to her request. He was glad she was with him on this trip. He was not good at the mysticism that accompanied the Jedi Order and while he was more than talented at pulling out the mechanical workings of a lightsaber, the crystals themselves were beyond him. He was glad to have Asaak Tey to offer the opposite side, she tended to be better at abstract thought than he, quickly falling in to step behind her and her master.

As he walked, his mind focused on Master Gan, he could feel she was doing something and it was what was letting her persevere through the cold. He just had to figure out what. He then quickly quelled that thought. If it was at all like what he learned from Krest, he had to stop thinking of The Force like a machine. There was not a way to maneuver a piece to click in to place, there was not a trick to it, there wasn't a science. He simply had to empathize, to feel it. Moroi concentrated on the force around her, how she was using it, how she kept the heat to her skin and the cold to the air. Turning his concentration to himself, Moroi tried to imagine, to focus on trapping the heat against him, forming a shell around him and keeping the heat from escaping. He did not succeed right away, nor very much when he did, but he did manage to keep some heat in, to manage the temperature around him. That would be his goal for the day, by the time they reached the crystals, he would move through the weather as unimpeded as Master Gan.

@Rasu Gan @Asaak Tey @Drake Blackwood @Erinyes Draclau @Vexander Graves @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
@Rasu Gan @Asaak Tey @Drake Blackwood @Erinyes Draclau @Vexander Graves @Sarge Potteiger

The wind slapped and caressed his skin, and the bitter cold clung to his body, and hugged the breath escaping from his lip, before releasing it. Darin however, seem particularly unphased by the cold, the endeavor of their current mission bringing him more warmth than the parka he was wearing would provide. His eyes danced over to the opening of the cave, but he trekked on silently. Darin was a quiet man, and rarely spoke unless he needed to or had something important to say.

And as of right now, he had nothing. His eyes glanced over to his Master, but he didn't say anything. She knew him well enough that he didn't need to say anything other than to offer @[member="Aika Kawakami"] a small smile, before the same stoic look crossed his features. He was patiently awaiting the entrance to the cave, trying to suppress the eagerness in his mind. He had to be patient, he had to be calm.

Such was the Jedi way.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
Seeing the small grin across his face, Aika simply smiled back, a small chuckle escaping her lips as group trekked no towards the cave's entrance. She'd become used to this ritual, having done it many times, and in many different roles. This, however, was the first time she accompanied her own padawan on this quest. Even with his usual steady expression, she knew better. One could brave the cold, but the body could only take so much.

"Be mindful of your feelings, Darin. There is no shame in showing excitement for something as important as this. As a matter of fact, I'd prefer it if you did. Then you would at least come across as human, rather a golem brought to life. And on that note.." Her hands came unclasped, the one closest to her padawan rising to poke him in the side of his head. "Mind your thoughts as well. Your body will only keep itself warm so much. You need to support it, however. Focus on the energy at the center of your being, feeling the warmth that reside within. At which point, expand that energy to the tips of your appendages. Doing this will keep your body from developing frostbite. It will also keep you from passing out, and probably dying. Remember, I'm no healer. Now, do as your told, or I'll have you prepping fighter and transports for the next week. And you better smile too." She chuckled once more before beginning to hum lightly. She was definitely enjoying this, that was for sure..

@Rasu Gan @Asaak Tey @Drake Blackwood @Erinyes Draclau @Vexander Graves @Sarge Potteiger
@[member="Darin Khel"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
@[member="Aika Kawakami"]

He shifted his parka and his gloves. He was plenty warm, and the abuse of the force in that manner bothered him slightly. @[member="Carn Dista"] had taught him not to rely solely on the force for his survival, as it would make him dependent on it, and that would be terrible. He turned to stare passively at his Master, before looking back ahead. He waited several more seconds before speaking.

"I am excited. And I am smiling."He said in his typical stoic manner, not even looking towards his Master. He was too busy going over the possible scenarios within the cave, and what mysteries they could hold within.
With Preacher having relayed he would take the rear guard, Erinyes gave a slight incline of her head in acknowledgement. Snow flurries would send gusts of ice crystals along the group, the cold certainly biting for one who may not be used to such fridged temperatures.

Perhaps, this would be a good way to show the padawans how to properly use tapas to regulate their body temperature?

It would certainly be a thought, mused the Draclau, who she then voiced this idea to @[member="Rasu Gan"] "I am unsure if the padawans art aware of the method to properly regulate their body temperature in such frigid weather. Perhaps it be the perfect opportunity to instruct them so."
Asaak moved forward with Rasu and Moroi, exchanging the usual banter with Moroi, his quick wit as usual eviscerating any comeback she might have had - though in truth she liked that about their conversations. Her friend seemed distracted by Master Gan however, and Asaak could only assume it was the mystifying relative comfort the Shi'ido was exhibiting. Considering how damnably cold it was, essentially unfit for the living, Asaak would usually in all reality have been dreaming of whatever Force skill her Master was using. But as it was she was instead acting exactly as expected by any one who knew her - so excited, so dreamy, that all she could see was the glow of the crystals as they responded to their visitors. She just kept moving, knowing she would be out of the wind and only had to bear the extreme cold for a moment or two longer. She would learn the power of controlling her temperature but first...

They reach the mouth of the caves and she waited for her Master, knowing that there may be dangers inside that they should be warned of and....then she heard another woman's voice, a graceful thing she's never seen before. She suggested teaching the Padawans the art of maintaining their body temperature and Asaak had to admit it sounded appealing. Who knew - maybe the caves were even colder.

@[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Darin Khel"] @[member="Erinyes Draclau"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Drake Blackwood"]

Edit: Moroi saves me from eternal shame.
Vomit, so much vomit. The main reason that Dom'rius hated leaving the unpleasant comfort of Coruscant, but Coruscant had never made his stomach turn. Not like this at least. Immediately as the craft made it's raddling embark Dom'rius found his way to an isolated hastefully. Which wasn't hard to do considered they had arrived to Ilum. At the moment, the only thing he had to worry about more than the things churning their way back out of his body was the hostile creatures that surrounded the area. Though it might have been unlikely for one of them to attack him, it seemed as though the rest of the group continued on without really noticing his absence. Not even one of the clones stayed back to make sure he returned to the group safely. However, this wouldn't be the first time this had happened to him. It wasn't very rare for him to find himself in this array of misfortune, so he was rather used to it. He just had to keep a keen eye out for anything out of the usual, though it didn't help that near everything that inhabited the planet matched the terrain to an extent.

Wiping his face of the excess putride he slowly dragged himself back up to the rest of the group. While he was excited to finally be obtaining a key component to his lightsaber, his overall joy was clouded over by his state of nausea. It didn't help that such nausea caused him to perspirate profusely in the harsh cold environment. This place clearly wasn't one that was made for the amphibian species of Nautolan. He shivered as the beads of sweat dripped down his face and toward his torso. His skin was on fire, but his body chose to shiver. He had no idea how long the ride there was going to be, and didn't quite know turbulence still existed Wrapping his hands around his biceps he attempted to keep himself a bit more warm, while he wanted to listen to Master Kawakami's guidance on staying warm his mind was unable to do so. While it was unusual for Dom to be unable to complete a task through force, it all had good reason. Being a passenger was not his forte and he had no idea how he'd manage to continue on traveling the Universe as a Jedi with something such as motion sickness.

As the group approached the cave, he began to finally feel a bit better as far as his involuntary gagging began to halt and the sweats mimicked. The view before him was very scenic but it wasn't enough to keep his attention for very long as the fact still remained that he needed to focus on the words that Master Aika had spoke. He had to concentrate on becoming warm before his motion sickness led into him becoming a victim of hypothermia. His teeth chattered away, audible enough for any of the others to hear. Was becoming a jedi really this important?

@[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Darin Khel"] @[member="Erinyes Draclau"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Drake Blackwood"] @[member="Asaak Tey"]
(( Note: Copy/Pasting the list of @ names won't notify the person. You have to type them in yourself. ))

Sarge kept his gloved hands stuffed firmly into the pockets of his thick jacket, mind reaching out as best it could - or, rather, his awareness was. Ilum didn't have many native beasts, but the ones it did have were vicious even by his standards. Pausing momentarily to pull down the fabric covering on the lower half of his face he drew in a deep breath through his nose.

Snow. Ice. Nautolan. Togruta... saliva?

His eyes narrowed behind the opaque lenses of his goggles as the crystal caves neared in front of them. He sincerely hoped his nose was wrong, as the last thing the Padawans needed was a Gorgodon to fight. Even Knights had hard times with them, although typically they stuck around the Crystal Caves.

They were the only true source of live prey other than the panthers around here. Frowning a little he began moving once more to keep up with the group, pulling the facial mask back into place to keep the biting wind at bay. Things shouldn't be too dangerous - he hoped.

@[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Dom'rius Novoxy"] @[member="Erinyes Draclau"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Asaak Tey"] @[member="Darin Khel"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Rasu Gan"] @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Asaak Tey"] @[member="Vexander Graves"] @[member="Erinyes Draclau"] @[member="Moroi Wareyasui"] @[member="Drake Blackwood"] @[member="Darin Khel"] @[member="Aika Kawakami"]

'Zzzzzzzzzz snort.' Was the noise the little green knight made as he woke up in a crate in the cargo hold where he had been napping. He rubbed sleep from his big eyes and stood up to peer over the edge of the crate. His mouth dropped open and his eyes went wide before he scrambled out of the crate to find they had already gone.

"Left me they have!" He said with an expression of hurt and dismay. He expected this from Moroi and Preacher...and Vexander, oh and Drake yeah Darin too, and Erinyes.

He sighed heavily.

And Aika, but yeah Rasu would leave him too, but definitely didn't expect it from Asaak!

He rushed, well waddled, too the boarding ramp.

"Sheesh!" He said loudly, "Long legged things! The ground! Too much the have covered!"

He looked but couldn't see them. His Master and his Padawan he could feel but they were all out of sight. He looked around quickly and found an anti-grav loading sled and a long poll used to help hold crates in place. He stood on top of the sled and activated it and nearly fell off as it rose a meter into the air.

"Smart am I." He said proud of his plan. "Go wrong this can not."

Using the rod he began to push homself toward the group of Jedi in the distance. He pushed quickly and made quick work of rhe trip that would have taken him hours at least on his small legs. The used the force to regulate the temperature of his little green body and the socks he placed on his ears before mointing the sled helped a great deal. As soon as Preacher came into sight he stopped himself and turned off the sled.

Kathunk! He went as he crashed to the ground.

"Got off first I should have." he told himself as he stood and hurried with the aid of the force to reach Preachers side.

He looked ahead and up at Preacher and back forward.

"The rear guard." He began with a mischievous grin as he poked Preacher's thigh, "a nice view it has."

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