Mother of Pearl

- Intent: To establish a sub for Heartbeat’s nursing division
- Image Credit: Asteromedia on Redbubble
- Role: Medical
- Links: Medkit
- Group Name: Heartbeat Nursing Corps
- Classification: Nursing Corp
- Headquarters: Zeltros
- Loyalties: Heartbeat House
- Group Sigil:
(Source: Wikipdia) - Description: The Heartbeat Nursing Corps Is a large part of the company’s humanitarian aid division. The Nursing Corps was developed as a way to get more hands in the field during relief projects and to help staff Heartbeat’s clinics. The Nursing Corps. advertises mostly to young men and women who are looking for a job offworld, specifically Zeltrons given Heartbeat’s close ties to Zeltros. This helps provide young Zeltrons with a job and a way offworld that doesn’t involve the dangers and risks of prostitution or exotic dancing. While the majority are Zeltron women, a good percent of members are former slaves who are going through Heartbeat’s rehabilitation program and have expressed interest in joining the Nursing Corps. This group is about 80% female and 20% male. For species, this group is 70% Zeltron and 30% Other (mostly humans, near-humans and Twi'leks).
- Hierarchy:
Initiate- Most members begin as an Initiate and typically move up to Nurse after two years of medical, crisis and basic combat training. They often attend group lessons and are assigned to a specific Nurse to act as an aide. - Nurse- The majority of the members in the Nursing Corps hold the rank of Nurse. Nurses are considered to have full medical, crisis and basic combat training. Nurses often work in pairs or teams and can be specialized in certain medical fields at this stage.
- Senior Nurse- Senior Nurses have extensive experience and training in the field and often supervise groups of Nurses and teach classes. Sr. Nurses may be generalized or specialized and tend to be put in charge in charge of wards and other operations.
[*]Membership: Membership is fairly easy to obtain if the individual is driven enough and consists of an eight week orientation program where prospective students will attend lectures and be assessed for competency. If they make the cut, they will go through a two year period of being an Initiate which involves classroom and field experience. At the end of the two years, a competency exam will be given in written or practical form (or both). Those who pass will continue on to become a fully certified Nurse, while those who do not can re-take the exam the following year or drop out.
[*]Dogma/Doctrines: The Nursing Corps mainly focuses on civilian casualties and will not discriminate on civilian affiliation. However, given that they operate under Heartbeat House, helping wounded soldiers and warriors is treated on a case by case basis depending on affiliation.
[*]Curios: A pin with the Nursing Corps sigil is usually worn on the uniform’s lapel.
[*]Goals: The goal of the Nursing Corps is to help civilian populations during times of need with both medical and social aid.
The Heartbeat Nursing Corps was created as a way for Heartbeat to expand its ability to better aid the civilians of the galaxy and to provide job opportunities to the young men and women of Zeltros. Many Zeltrons that leave home end up turning to a life of prostitution and exotic dancing. While not a bad thing, few of these careers pan out to be lucrative and the risk for assault and kidnapping is very high. The Nursing Corps specifically targets Zeltron youth to join, offering them free training in nursing including classes geared towards using pheromones to induce a calm atmosphere and reduce the anxiety of patients. Once a member passes the Initiate phase and become a full Nurse, they must work for Heartbeat for two years before being allowed to leave as this offsets the cost of training. Alternatively, one can pay out of pocket for training if they so desired. Most opt to stay with the Nursing Corps for a total of four years (two years as an Initiate then two as a Nurse) before choosing to either move on or stay. This option works well for those coming from poorer areas where upward mobility means working in the entertainment industry.
Though made up primarily of Zeltrons, the Nursing Corps does not turn away non-Zeltron candidates. Additionally, the Nursing Corps is an option for slaves going through Heartbeat’s rehabilitation program, a good portion of which are Twi’lek. As with Zeltrons, any candidate is given free room, board and training so long as they work for Heartbeat as a fully trained Nurse for at least two years.
The Nursing Corps work in many parts of the galaxy including Heartbeat’s clinics, refugee and medical stations. When needed, they may travel to different parts of the galaxy to establish humanitarian aid for sufferers of war or natural disasters. The Nursing Corps don’t typically work in hot zones or areas of danger but may have to do so depending on the situation. Because of this potential risk, all members of the Nursing Corps are given very basic combat training in hand to hand and blaster wielding—only to be used defensively.