Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hearts of Iron

Objective: Discuss wars of the past and future.
He had watched from orbit, as hell was rained upon Manaan. Carduul had only just escaped the fate of those below himself. It was something reminiscent of another age, another time. Perhaps it could be said he was partly to blame for that hint of inspiration, for indeed, he had regaled others with the tales of those past. Even the mention of Fett’s line would require at least explanation of its most notable conquest, and the one who did it. It could've been why this fight ended the way it did. He could not be sure.

This battle, to him, was another test. For his allies, for their enemies, for himself. They had all performed well. Some among the Neo-Crusader’s new-blooded number may have noticed; his words and tales of history influenced how those who hear it act. However accidentally, however subtly, the truth often forced action. It was their boon to be able to learn from such an ancient source of failure and triumph.

It gave some credence to his prior exchange of words planetside- ones he would have to, loathe as he was, give thought to.

Some time had passed since the occupation, but they were amidst the raider fleet still. The Rally Master made his way to the bridge of the Keldabe-class Battleship, forgoing treatment - they were but nicks and bruises. His entrance was far from unnoticed, as steps went through the doorway with the tell-tale taps of the weapon he ardently carried. The antiquated armor, cracked and bloodied as it now was, would leave no room for questions of whom it was.

Hakon Fett Hakon Fett . ” Were words echoed across in greeting, with a measured stride up the steps to the platform that overlooked the rest of the bridge. “It would seem you have indeed found inspiration. I wished to speak to you proper.”

And at a greater length than their last possible meeting, it would seem.


The bridge thrummed with the low murmur of Mandalorian conversations, mingling with the ambient hum of power coursing through the ship's systems. Terminals flickered and beeped softly, signaling updates as the crew went about their tasks.

Orm had left for his quarters about half an hour ago, leaving Hakon to stare into the vast stars and celestial bodies in solitude as the helmsman navigated the Stormbringer to its next jump point to hyperspace.

The hiss of the bridge turbolift, followed by the thud of a pair of heavy boots heralded the call of his name. Hakon calmly swiveled around, unclasping his hands from his back, and acknowledged Carduul Akahl with a slight nod of his head.

"Then climb up." he said. Carduul and his men had preserved the knowledge and practices of their ancestors that Hakon had scoured the galaxy to find bits and pieces of in a quest to find a new purpose in his life. The sect of Mandalorians on Dxun had conserved far more than just little details here and there. It seemed they had not only outlasted the gulag plague but retained the philosophy of much more ancient time; the so-called Neo-Crusaders.

And ever since their first meeting with the Dxun Mandalorians, Hakon Fett had been fascinated with their way. He craved to learn more.

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

Coming to the top of the steps upon the prompt, his gaze drifted sidelong to look at the stars. He had imagined this very view a hundred times over, but it was the first time he had actually been on a Keldabe-class. It was eye-opening, in a sense. Akin to a childish sense of wonder; none of which, of course, could be told from behind the mask.

“Manaan, Contruum…well-chosen targets, and well-fought battles, bold as they were. My warriors have now been properly blooded, in the beginnings of a true crusade. I have your clan's call to thank for that.” Words were first offered as something of celebration, though swiftly tilted towards the matter at hand - an inquiry, for he was too intrigued not to ask. One that would set the stage for their discussion, today. “Though, I am curious…the choice of a contagion is not a weapon commonly seen, and such mass death not often bestowed. What made you gravitate towards using it upon Manaan?” His tone remained even, posed purely as curiosity without judgment.

In a lot of ways, Carduul was unfamiliar with the larger galaxy. Seclusion did that to you; all the lore in the world could not contend with experience, they said. It was part of the reason he found himself so interested in the thoughts of his newfound compatriotes. He was, in many aspects, out of touch. But he could not lie, the history he carried had plenty of use, even now. It was what this conversation would inevitably lead to, with Hakon’s response.

Indeed, it was the call of his alor— Careena Fett Careena Fett —that had set in motion the events of the Mandalorian awakening, as Hakon liked to call it. Then the dominos had begun to fall, one after the other: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo ’s rally on Concord Dawn; the discovery of Carduul and his preservers; and the return of many Mandalorians from the furthest reaches of the galaxy.

All converging into carefully planned raids against Contruum and Manaan, both well-developed worlds struck by the rusty dagger of a nascent movement.

Any other blade would've shattered.

But a Mandalorian blade was different to any other. Blood rinded the rust of its steel.

The question Carduul asked gave voice to the silent inquiry of his friend Ormbyr Rook—a Mandalorian zealous of the old days, the days of Kad Ha'rangir and his eternal war with Arasuum. It was a question many of his vode carried quietly in the back of their heads, even those of the Stormbringer's who he had dedicated much time and effort to implement Neo-Crusader practices he had learnt from Carduul's conserved knowledge, along with some aruetii procedures and systems he had picked up from his travels. Of that Hakon was certain.

"I've a vision beyond the odd raid for worthy battle and loot or the bootlicking servitude of the protectors." Hakon said, ambition and arrogance seeping through his helmet's vocoder. "I see the galaxy ripe for the taking; each battle a carefully plotted step in a grander scheme."

"Burning Contruum's fields and poisoning the Selkath were both a test to gauge the Alliance's response." he explained, "And to incite fear. Terror to subdue any notion of resistance any worlds may have after their inevitable conquest. But also captivate the aruetii to our strength…" he paused for a moment, then continued. "They have a saying that it is better to be feared than to be loved, if one cannot be both."

"For who does not prefer to be strong rather than weak?"

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

He could see it clearly, that ambition. That arrogant tone, that sought to reach forth and grasp the heavens. Many shunned it, saw it as a ticket to a swift death. He, for one, welcomed it. “That is a vision one other of your Clan held before.” The Rally Master intoned knowingly, a hint of satisfaction with it. “And without him, Mandalore the Ultimate would not have gone nearly as far in his mission.”

He had only vaguely alluded to Hakon with tales of his ancestor thus far. The brilliant mind, the righteous fury. “Cassus Fett, Mandalore’s strategist, held this idea. It was he, who truly brought the Neo-Crusaders up from the rabble they originally were. How much do you know of your forebear, Hakon Fett?” Carduul’s personal feelings regarding Manaan's result mattered little - his decision had been made for him, long ago, before he had been born. What mattered now, was ensuring the current generation liberated their future to the best of their ability.

Nonetheless, ambition must be tempered, lest it give way to foolhardiness. “Had we been in a different age, our efforts would be further along than they are now. Alas, the enemy he faced, and the enemy we face, are fundamentally different.”

The poleaxe tapped, as he paced across the bridge, the visored gaze tilted to rest upon the other man once again. “Fear, in our case, is a valuable tool. But not in the way that seems obvious.” He surmised, a thoughtful hum leaving the helm. “Manaan was proof of concept. Proof, that we encourage others to grow stronger. They were not beholden to fear, not forever. That was a filter. That same adversity we seek, we present for others - they either become something from the pressure, or shatter. ”

His slow pacing came to a halt on the opposite end of the raised deck from the stairs, tilting towards the other with a hand gesturing towards him, “And those that become something…those may yet become our new-blooded additions to the Crusade.” He stated, the tone indicative of a wry smile behind the helm.

Hakon Fett Hakon Fett
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"Bits and pieces." Hakon admitted in typical, laconic for Mandalorians fashion. What little his clan's chronicler had of the times before the Gulag Plague spoke of a Fett serving as a right-hand to Mandalore the Ultimate. Carduul had given him the name.

Cassus Fett.

To bear semblance to a man whose memory had been preserved for eons was an honor Hakon took pride in, but also a challenge to overcome. The Gulag Plague had all but wiped nearly any historical knowledge of the Times Before, even this figure of legend that seemingly was Cassus Fett was reduced to a speckle drifting through the winds of time.

Whatever his forebear had given, had sacrificed, Hakon would give far more; enough for his own name to last through a thousand Gulag Plagues and more.

His T-visor followed the other man's amble about the bridge's command platform, the poleaxe tapping the steel floor in a mastered rhythm -- as if the weapon was an extension of the warrior's limbs. He listened to his words in silence until Carduul's implied proposition at the end made his head tilt in piqued curiosity.

"You believe the aruetii could be made part of the creed?" he lofted an intrigued eyebrow beneath his buy'ce.

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

His gaze lingered for a moment upon Hakon, listening to the brief, simplistic reaction. Moments like these were when he could properly appreciate his sect’s way - unambitious as they were for his tastes - for now, he could allow the knowledge to be spread proper. “In his time, the Republic had been unopposed. He saw its weakness, and capitalized on it. The Way the Neo-Crusaders followed was a shunned and outlandish doctrine, but it alone had allowed Mandalorians to be capable of proper galactic conflict.” More than just raids that moved on within the next rotation. More than just fighting for scraps. “He, with Mandalore, spread it so as to prepare them for war. I know not who thought of the idea first, but their mission was as much a crusade of ideal as one of conquest. Much like it is now.”

Upon the query, the smaller T-visor lingered upon Hakon for a moment later, before turning to overlook the deck below. Leaning forwards on the railing, the hand that gestured out placed upon it. “For a war as reaching as you envision, it would have to be an eventuality - even if we garner more remnants of those once united.” He admitted. His tone had dimmed at that prospect, a tad morose. The Enclave had, at the very end, embraced their way, only to collapse immediately afterwards. “The Mando’ade are scattered, and divided. Those who will rally to our cause, will not be enough. We would fight, we would die, and those who oppose us would ensure our attempt at rekindling is forgotten once more.”

Staring across to the crew, milling about their duties, “What I speak of is part of how our Way, however briefly, transitioned from nomads, to a self-sustaining army. Though...I am not eager to do as our forebears did and replicate this particular strategy, for while it was their greatest boon, t'was also their greatest weakness in the end.” The Rally Master was not blind to the failings of the past. As both a historian and a warrior, it was his duty to pick apart the pieces and discern what the cause and effects were. The declaration was almost left intentionally for Hakon to question, to invite thought upon why that was the matter. But given the reasons for their crusade, perhaps it would not be a difficult thing to answer.

“I have fought it, now. Seen proof it could still work, if only we find sources of able-bodied recruits. For now, it is something to keep in mind - war needs bodies. No matter how perfectly executed, there will be losses in battles that skirt so close to the enemy. Something must eventually take its place, or it will merely be lost by attrition.” Carduul cautioned sidelong. An exhale left his helm not long thereafter.

“Nonetheless, your opening moves were well-placed to send a message, and gauge one of our foes. What do you make of the Alliance’s response, Hakon?” Came the next inquiry. His words never sought to make the decisions for others. Nay, he was content with serving as a guide. It was something his kin had aspired towards, though dared not pursue in fear of compromising their own safety.

Hakon Fett Hakon Fett
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A crusade of ideal.

Hakon wondered if his ideal was merely his selfish ambition of carving his name in the galaxy's collective memory for eternity; his fear of dying forgotten as dust in the wind; or whether there was indeed more to it. He could not dare admit, even to himself, that his drive was self-serving. There had to be something more or was he as corrupted by the aruetii's ways as many of the Mandalorians today. A corruption he vocally slated and loathed.

But what existential questions clogged the cogs of his mind were greased to turn smoothly once more when Carduul brought up the issue of manpower. Contruum, Manaan—the Crusaders were growing at a fast pace, but their movement was still nascent among his people, and they had suffered casualties in both raids. The casualty reports — another practice he had applied from the 'handbooks' of the Neo Crusaders and foreigners — were still being filed in from Manaan, passed up the chain of command of the Stormbringer's crew, but the preliminary view already showed worrying numbers; even if the roll call he had ordered across all under the Crusaders' banners was still in the process of being finalized.

The truth shined as bright as the distant binary stars of the Deep Core radiating on the black tapestry of space and illuminating on his visor — a galactic conquest necessitated rapid inductions into the creed.

His mulling did not cease, despite Carduul shifting the topic to a question regarding the Alliance's response. Hakon answered almost mechanically: "Undisciplined and thus unpredictable." he said then tapping a button on his vambrace produced a recording of the naval battle. "Thirteen warships altogether. One rammed straight into an orbital platform." he gestured as the concrete, idiotic event played on the holoprojection before it shimmered into something a little less foolish but rather uncoordinated. "Another carved into our defensive line and destroyed the Wrathful, but the rest of his fleet was too far behind to exploit it."

Hakon shut the projection off and passed by the looming figure of Carduul to observe the bridge below. "Both Contruum and Manaan had Jetii on-world. They are the true foe. One worthy of the honor in battle." he relished the challenge, his tone clearly indicative of that.

Turning his visor back on Carduul, he said: "Many clans, if not all, practice the old rite of adoptions—foundlings as some call them but that cannot sustain a galaxy-wide conflict. Perhaps it can be upscaled…" he nodded, agreeing to Carduul's earlier point. "You said you fought it — what do you mean?"

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

There was a period of silence from the other man. He had expected some form of comment, or question, but instead was met with that peculiar reaction. From behind the helm, he glanced sidelong at Fett, briefly wondering what was cause for such. Perhaps it was merely the gravity of the situation they were in, or doubt. Nonetheless, they moved on before he could broach upon the subject further.

As his attention focused to the matters of war, he had listened to the response of his inquiry. Until there was a stare, in what could only be described as utter bafflement, at the holographic playback of events - had the helmet not been in the way, no doubt it would’ve contained an amusing expression. Carduul wasn’t expecting the most refined response - but even that level of incompetence was foreign. Nonetheless, his shock at the sheer negligence wiped away not long after. “It goes to show - our enemy cares not for their losses, as they are used to a lazy excess. I can only assume they sent fresh officers for practice, for this fleet is not much to gawk at. In time, that will change.” Providing a quiet summation.

Head tilted from one shoulder, towards the other as Hakon passed by, touching upon an ancient foe. “Thou’rt correct. If anything is still true from the battle of our forebears and now, it would be the Alliance’s dependence upon the Jetiise to do its dirty work.” Gaze returned forth, fingers drumming against the metal railing several times amidst his thoughts. “But they, like any soldier, will be susceptible to more subversive methods. Supply lines, their allies, the battlefield itself. They have responded to attacks on their borders - thus, I am curious to see how far they would be willing to extend themselves. A bleeding heart is easier to bleed dry.”

As Hakon’s visor rested upon him after having caught onto the particular wording of prior statements, his brows furrowed beneath the helm. The Rally Master was not the most keen on sharing that particular bit of the battle, though he supposed it would have to be necessary.

His hand subconsciously touched upon the newly created cracks in his imperfect armor. “There was…a splinter of a Mandalorian clan. Led by someone who opposes our crusade, so much so they would even go as far to stand in our way, to rob others of strength and glory in service to the Jetii. Much akin to her rival, in service to their dark kin.” A few moments of silence persisted, as he collected his thoughts from the battle.

Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze .” He uttered, a tone that reflected a myriad of muddled emotion - narrowly walking a line between venomous contempt, respect, and a hint of pity. Such was his regard for such foes; worthy though they may be, they were subversive should they allow them to rule unopposed. “She holds a naive belief that subjugating her clan as ‘guardians’ to others is the only way forward. She is a fool.”

Turning over, with the hand moving from the cracks and clenching to a fist at the thought, “Though she claims to be nothing like us, she had recruited and trained aruetiise into our way, no doubt using the very same method I describe. We fought soldiers that were trained and equipped like Mando'ade, bearing standardized armor, plastoid as if in mockery… but they served their purpose well enough.” A begrudging statement. He could not lie, he was more than irritated at the idea that a piece of their history had been turned into a tool against them before they could manage to use it themselves. His tone and body language made that very apparent.

“...Whereas I fought her in battle, bidding her to forsake her misguidance and join us. T’was clear when she brought weapons befitting the Enemy, crying out for all to hear of her supposed ‘friendship’ with those that would sooner cast her aside, that she is a lost soul.”

There was an adjustment, shaking his head a few times with an audible exhalation. “For now, our efforts must focus upon bringing more into the fold who are already of valiant heart. For induction of outsiders, we would need staging grounds. And, as I said - it would have to be carefully done, lest we fall victim to the woe of the original Neo-Crusaders near the end of the war.”

Hakon Fett Hakon Fett
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Hakon agreed with the notion the Alliance had grown fat, sebaceous. In peace no one culled the herd of the weak, and they had known peace for long. But he did not doubt they possessed enough martial strength and expertise to wage war. He had observed them on Eiattu 6 in their clash with the Sith, and he witnessed the Alliance muster thirteen warships to Manaan's blackout -- no matter their odd choices in battle. It was a strong answer for a world not under their banner. Hakon had seen it as a challenge; a show of force. He had answered in kind: raising landmasses of Selkath flesh poisoned by the viral spores he'd launched on the planet.

"Your seclusion on Dxun has preserved much of our legacy, but it has blinded you to the reality of the wider galaxy." Hakon noted after letting Carduul recall his own encounter on Manaan. Even through the lifeless vocoder, he could hear the hints and undertones of respect, surprise and pity slithering in his voice. Jenn Kryze was a name he had heard before, but the details escaped him other than the known split of clan Kryze. He would not force his memory. It did not matter. "Our people have become thralls to the aruetii, Carduul. Sycophants -- their minds corrupted by the foul touch of foreigners, their will bound to an outsider's leash. They will die forgotten much like how they had forgotten our ways." Hakon stated.

Hearing his voice had grown louder, he paused and waved his hand indicating a return to the more important subject of their conversation. His tone was level when he spoke next, "I do believe much of our people are not fully lost. They only need to be reawakened. Word of our exploits have reached our homeworlds, may it be the spark to light the flame once more." he clenched a fist, then released it, "But even then... for what we are to embark on, we will need more. These staging grounds -- what do you propose?"

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

“‘Tis true, much of the true state of the galaxy is unbeknownst to mineself.” Hand placed upon his chest, with a brief dip of his head upon the acknowledgement. “For much of my life, that was a tradeoff willingly made. I am sure those such as yourself will be able to fill in the gaps, over time.” A mild tone of amusement, however brief, had been apparent at the prospect.

Though, he had quieted upon the words that followed - a dark telling of what had become of much of their people. It was a condition he existed, but it was the first time he had seen it for himself. A leash. That was a fitting way to put it. A shame that some seemed so willing to put one around themselves, like a soon-to-be noose.

“Thralls they may be, but I must hope still for their souls. Their heart and valor was present, only twisted by their newfound company. I have not had a fight like that in, some time.” Was the Rally Master’s steadfast reply. As the other’s voice lowered once more, the mention of their homeworld warranted the gaze of his visor to tilt over to glance at Hakon once again. It was an uplifting prospect, that more would join them at their heart. “I believe the same. There will be more who awake. Any who do not, will either watch as we claim all, or be burned away.”

As for the finer tactics of large-scale war…he pushed off the railing he had been leaning against, turning to face the massive viewports that showcased the galaxy before them and stepping closer to the front of the ship. “It would have to be a large concentration of resources, one I do not recommend investing in until we are prepared to take full advantage of it. We need war-forges, the materials for them, and the personnel to provide them to.” He gestured forwards to the stars, “It would have to be a planet we can control for a reasonable amount of time. A planet that is somewhat close to a hyperspace lane, such as the Hydian Way, away from contested space. Deserted or mostly uninhabitable, if that is all that we can get. Until we can safeguard such a place, we should settle for smaller camps and temporary forges for Mando’ade we bring into the fold.”

The original Neo-Crusaders prioritized building infrastructure to sustain an ever-marching war-effort. What he described were those policies precisely. Arm lowered to his side, to rest upon the staunchly held poleaxe. Speaking upon logistics was exhaustive, something the original Taung Crusaders scorned in favor of a purely nomadic lifestyle. But Carduul seemed well-versed enough - he had to be, if he wished them to succeed. “Personnel in mass is the most complicated aspect. Mandalorians have no need for prisoners. They either work, or fight. That was the Old Way. It led to a diluted product in the end, consisting of thugs and low-lives that scattered to the wind when Mandalore fell. We must avoid that mistake. I do not fully know how, other than being more deliberate with training.” Didn't know if they fully could avoid it, for that matter. Grip tensed upon the weapon at the thought - this was merely the groundwork for their investment.

“But,” Arm splayed out behind them, in the direction of the staunch crew of the Stormbringer, “We do have the personnel to train more.”

Hakon Fett Hakon Fett
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"You think the aruetii are any different?" Hakon asked rhetorically. "Most mercs I've fought with or against were ex-military from the Alliance or other powers. Their forces are divided into castes, even if they do not claim it—cannon fodder to maintain frontlines and conquered ground and elites for real combat."

"Every army needs numbers for garrisons and rear duties. You don't waste true warriors on menial tasks. Those unfit for even that we enslave for labor," he explained, then shook his head, "Our ways may deny it, but there's strength and benefits in numbers."

"As for these staging grounds… they seem essential, but for the future," Hakon agreed, pausing in thought. "Recruitment and training could perhaps be handled by the clans. Each conquered world should be ruled by a clan, responsible for supplying levies to raise and reinforce our armies." There were issues with this plan as well, Hakon was well aware, but perhaps it could be a stepping stone--one far more comprehensible and aligned to the Mandalorians ways--for something else.

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

Fett's words rung true. They couldn't turn every recruit into hardened warriors the Mando'ade were meant to be - it simply wasn’t possible. But in that aspect, they didn't fully need to. Enslavement was an outlandish a term as it was for most Mandalorians - including himself - but one he knew would be necessary for any chance at a real victory, if such individuals refused to fight. “A fair point.” He conceded, “Still, I do not want to worsen the reasons the crusade started in the first place. That is my only misgiving regarding it.”

Nonetheless, he moved on to the next interesting proposal, one which caused a brow to raise beneath his buy’ce. Dividing the work between the clans. That was an interesting prospect, one that he would not have thought of. “Not all clans have many numbers. Some amongst us are the last of their line…” He mused. Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo came to mind. But, if anything, it could serve as an opportunity to build their numbers back up - for those level headed enough to lead. Fingers tapped against the weapon he idly leant upon.

“It could fuel division.” Head tilted from one side, “But t’would be easier to divide the work.” Tilting to the other as he mulled over the prospect, weighing the obvious pros and cons. He doubted Hakon needed these to be sounded out to know of their existence - it was merely done to help his own processing of thoughts. “A temporary solution if we are to grow united…but, thou knows more of the current state of the clans than I. If you believe it won't harm our efforts, then this idea seems sound enough.” Carduul admitted, “For now, anyways. It would work well with temporary camps and occupations we have established thus far. To stand still is to allow someone to find us. 'Tis best we maintain the element of subversion and surprise whilst the preamble of the campaign continues.”

With that, his body tilted towards the other, arms motioning wide about them. “The important question now is simple; what is next on our path unto glory?”

Hakon Fett Hakon Fett
This would not be the last of their discussion, especially when the time for these decisions drew nearer but until then…

Hakon turned toward the viewport as the deck beneath his feet shuddered with the familiar pulse of the hyperdrive. The stars outside twisted into infinite threads, like the universe itself was unraveling before his eyes, revealing the hidden machinery of fate.


Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl

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