Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hearts of Kyber || Lightsaber-building



The Sullustan refugee settlement. The new warren was bustling with life as the air was filled with the jabbering sound of Sullustese language. The community had finally seemed to dwell on some sort of normalcy after fleeing Sullust during the Sith invasion. Moisture farmers began their daily routines. Starships thrummed to life as merchants readied to go trade in nearby systems. Families came out and began making the meal of the hour from makeshift shelter. But one sound rung out the loudest, despite being the furthest away from the main settlement


Rhythmic collision of metal striking metal, nearby a rusty starship. A peculiarly dressed Sullustan found himself outside, with a mobile blacksmith’s station at ready. Kaweh Hujaan, the adept of the Matukai Order who guarded this diasporic warren. He struck his hammer against the anvil, shaping a piece of white-hot metal. Spark and slag burst with each strike. The blacksmith paused, lifting the piece with the Force, eyes inspecting dutifully. Satisfied, he lowered the hot iron into a nearby vat to quench. Oil bubbled and steamed.

”Tha’ should do it.” He nodded, ”Gaf, once that oil’s cool, take that blade to Ms. Kiansu over in sector 5.”

The little welding droid made an affirmative chirp. Kaweh took a moment to take a break, using a nearby rag to wipe the sweat from his brow and to remove the forger’s gloves from his hands. He gazed out to his community, a stubborn sense of pride of what they were able to build for now. Most of the others were his kinsmen, as Sullustan warrens often were. Distant relatives, cousins, longtime friends of one’s clan. He only hoped that could help them find peace in such a chaotic galaxy…



Outfit: Factory Link
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

This wasn't Valery's first time on Hurikane, but every other visit had only taken her into the crystal caves. Now, after she heard of the Tingel Arm Coalition rising to resist various foes in the region, she knew she had to visit again. On the schedule was a meeting with Fynch Fynch , who she respected deeply and wished to see again. But before finding him, she was on the hunt for one very specific Sullustun. Word of his craftsmanship had traveled far and wide, and she could make good use of it.

She was in need of some new weapons.

Even from far away inside the settlement, Valery heard the sound of steel crashing into steel, calling her towards his forge. The closer she got, the more heat she felt, and it didn't take long before she saw him. He wasn't currently hammering or working on his forge but stared out into the rest of the settlement.

She took the opportunity to approach him.

"Hello," Valery began before respectfully dipping her head, "I'm Jedi Master Valery Noble. I've heard much about your work and I was wondering if I could convince you to make something for me." She did her best to offer a kind, almost alluring smile. Nothing forced or meant to manipulate, but a smile to make it clear she was genuine.



The Sullustan heard footsteps walk up to his forge before turning around to meet the gaze of his visitor. He looked her up and down a moment, trying to size up with whatever he was about to deal with. He made something of a grunt and nodded before walking over to the quenching vat he just placed his latest forge into. The oil had slowed to a slight simmer, a steam flowing off of it. He once more used the Force to lift the forged tool, some sort of knife, out of the oil. He glanced back to the Jedi.

”Aye. I've 'eard of ya.” He spoke gruffly, yet plainly at her, ”Valery Noble. Grandmaster of the Order. Star of Exegol. Ya cast a long shadow, Miss Noble.”

He took his piece and brought it back to the fires of the forge, using a free hand to cool the heat some. The roaring flame died down, almost akin to the heat of a typical baker's oven. He telekinetically guided the blade back to the heat. Kaweh looked back over to the Jedi whom interrupted his routine, a slight scowl on his flapped mouth.

”I suppose I'll give ya my manners in return. Kaweh Hujaan, adept of the Matukai.” He nodded, ”But it begs a question. What can a blacksmith such as myself make for a Jedi? Dontcha have all them fancy artisans at the temples?”

Whilst the blade for Ms. Kiansu became tempered by the heat of the forge, the Sullustan waddled is way to a strange item, what appeared to be a kettle of some sort. He placed it on a heat vent on the forge after filling it with water.

”Color me intrigued.” He nodded, ”Ya take tea, Master Jedi?”



Outfit: Factory Link
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery smiled sheepishly when he used her titles, but perhaps it only helped that he knew. It meant that her request came with him already knowing who exactly he'd be working for if he agreed. If he didn't want to work with a Jedi or for her specifically, he'd turn her down now and she'd be on her way, looking for someone else to help her out.

But he didn't tell her off.

He continued working and Valery remained close, but at a careful enough distance to avoid getting in the way or being exposed to too much heat. She just watched him work and smiled to herself. Many lightsabers were built with hilts already available to Jedi. Having one designed from scratch and forged like this would make it special.

"We have artisans, but I'm looking for something a little special. I want to have a new double-bladed weapon designed and built. I've got designs for two new lightsabers, but I'm looking for a double-bladed hilt to match those." She wondered if he had ever made something like it before, but even if he hadn't, he certainly had the skill.

"I'd love a cup of tea if it's no bother."



The Matukai watched his kettle as the water began to simmer into a gentle boil whilst on the heat. He moved over to what appeared be yet another work bench, slid a panel, and revealed its true nature. A small kitchenette, with a select assortment of spices, teas, and even a cold storage. He grabbed a tea bag, one with H’Kak beans. He carefully took the kettle off the vent, and dropped the beans in to steep. He turned to his visitor.

”Lightsaber, eh?” He parroted, ”Cannae say I've made one before. But a double-blade?”

He took a moment to ponder as he grabbed some more supplies from his kitchenette. Earthenware cups, decorated in motifs that one could easily tell were Sullustan in nature. Heirlooms, perhaps. His black eyes stared and thought.

”Them two-bladers you Jedi swing about a rather like a staff.” He said, mostly to himself, ”In theory, not too dissimilar to a wan-shen staff of my Order. Ya got the kyber already?”

He waited for her answer as the tea steep and began to smell ready. The kettle whistled out, to which he brought it over to a cleared off space with the the ceramics. He looked about and pulled two supply boxes to them with the Force. Impromptu seating, but it would have to do. He motioned for her to join him.

”Aye, I'd be willin' to do it.” He grunted, ”Need designs. Take milk or spices with tea?”



Outfit: Factory Link
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery dipped her head, "I've got the kyber and all the electrical components. I need a hilt of a durable material, which I can also supply." Her previous lightsabers had been made using Songsteel, which she had available again. Perhaps there were other options though, so she left that somewhat open to Kaweh.

All she cared about was that her hilt wouldn't break by grazing the blade of a lightsaber, or if it were struck by something else with similar power to destroy.

"I've got some designs for my new lightsabers, and this double-bladed weapon will be similar." Valery sat down as well, accepting the cup of tea with a grateful smile. But after taking her first sip and savoring the taste for a moment, she did have a question of her own coming to mind.

"In terms of payment, what kind of credits do you accept?" If credits are what he desired.



Kaweh stared at her a moment, pouring his own cup of tea and taking a small sip. His eyes were cast deep in thought, considering her offer. What could she give him in return? Round eyes flicked back up, returning to the Jedi Master.

”Back in the olden days, rogue artisans would offer a morsel of 3000 Republic credits for a two-handed saber.” He noted, ”But I feel this cheapens the very notion of a lightsaber. It is a tool, the blade of a Jedi. Unique to them as each stone is in a quarry.”

He pondered more and more, thinking really carefully. He would not do it for free, that would be for certain.

”Alliance credits do little good out in these reaches. The galaxy these days is so out of balance, so....chaotic He postulated, ”No credits. However...”

He walked into his ship a moment before returning back out with a device in his hand. It was orange, looked to be made of crystal, and in a 3-dimensional polygonal shape. A holocron, but not one of Jedi or Sith origin. The Sullustan returned to her.

”A saber, for the favor of a Jedi Master.” Came his own offer, ”Iffin you're willin' to make record of such an accord..?”

He awaited her response with calm anticipation.



Outfit: Factory Link
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

She had a feeling that Alliance credits weren't going to be interesting. In this stretch of space, they used all sorts of credits and with recent wars and skirmishes in the region, it was uncertain which one would hold its value. Understandably, the artisan had no interest in credits at all for that very reason.

She couldn't blame him, but what did he want?

"A favor?" Valery asked with a perked brow. A favor could mean all sorts of things, so her initial response came with some skepticism. She didn't want a favor to turn into her having to hunt someone down, do anything illegal, or go against everything she believed in.

What kind of favor would an artisan request?

"I'd be willing to make a record of it, as long as you don't request something of me that no Jedi would ever do." She had no idea if he would, but she wanted to play this safe.

"If it's within reason, I do not mind."


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