The Wolf
Dass hated Mos Eisley more than most. To him, it was a representation of all that he hated about his home planet. It was dusty, dirty, and they tried to act like it was the cultural center of the universe in some parts. He would rather prefer that the entire planet be abandoned, and the sands of the desert to simply wash away the entirety of the city. But, it was here to stay. It'd been there for years upon years, centuries and about every major empire. Gulag plague, what may come you- it was still standing, if standing meant that it was a huddled collection of huts and below-average citizens. But then, there were some real pieces of crap. Like the Hutts. Dass had been contacted about a job, transporting one [member="Nimue Stormson"] across the desert to a Hutt's compound. A Hutt that preferred to operate on his own out in the desert meant that he was especially scummy, even for a Hutt. Either way. Take a speeder. Drop off the girl. Wait in the speeder. Drive her back. Make easy money. Dass was leaning on a landspeeder, one that could handle the dunes- it also had a rare feature for vehicles- no top (for the moment, it could be put up for overnight trips).
Dass was leaning on the speeder, his rifle draped in the console of the speeder. Bolt-action .308 sniper rifle. The one that the Sith gave him to kill bad guys with. He tapped his foot on the ground, observing the spaceport exit. He presumed the person he was transporting knew what he looked like, so he wasn't afraid of a case of mistaken identity. He just wanted to get off the planet as soon as possible, and get his money. He blinked behind his sunglasses, a must have for the desert.
He brought an extra pair, because he figured that she would probably forget to bring some.