Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Heaven Help me

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Midvinter | OBJECTIVE : Talking to an old family friend
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield /Anyone from or on Midvinter​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


As Connel Vanagor approached the planet Midvinter in his sleek Jedi Defender Light Corvette, he couldn't help but be in awe of the serene beauty that lay before him. The planet's lush landscapes stretched out below, dotted with vibrant green forests and sparkling blue lakes. Monuments from Midvinter's rich history stood proudly amidst the natural beauty, their ancient stone walls weathered by time but still standing strong.

As he was cleared to enter the planet's atmosphere, Connel felt a sense of peace wash over him. The air was crisp and clean, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers and fresh grass. The sky above was a brilliant shade of blue, with fluffy white clouds drifting lazily by.

Descending towards the palace, Connel marveled at the stunning views that surrounded him. The palace itself was a grand structure, with towering spires and intricate carvings adorning its walls. As he landed outside the palace gates, he was greeted by a gentle breeze that rustled the leaves of nearby trees, creating a soothing melody that seemed to welcome him to this beautiful planet.

Stepping out of his Corvette, Connel took a moment to soak in the beauty of the planet, particularly Heavenheim. The sun was warm on his skin, casting a golden glow over the landscape. Birds chirped in the distance, their songs blending harmoniously with the gentle rustling of the wind.

As he made his way towards the palace, Connel couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to visit such a peaceful and picturesque world. Alderaan was truly a place of beauty and tranquility, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the galaxy. And as he entered the palace gates, he knew that he was in for a truly unforgettable experience on this stunning planet.

It was a great distraction from his current problems.


M I D S U M M E R ' S - E V E

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Preparations were underway for this year's Midsummer Festival, held at the height of the brief summer when the sun was at its zenith. It was a time of hope, renewal, and spirituality for the Valkyri people, as they celebrate having outlasted another long winter and give thanks to the Sun God for His protection. Tomorrow, the streets will be filled with people dancing and feasting to their hearts' content following a formal ceremony where every man, woman, and child joins the High King in paying homage to the man-turned-deity.

Banners were being hung in place, flowers of every colour imaginable decorated window sills and balconies, and a long maypole was being festooned with green leaves and ribbons, later to be raised in the town square. As the lord of Heavenheim and, on a far more personal note, the son of the man they now call god, Thurion had always taken a keen interest in the festival preparations, supervising and signing off on everything brought before him.

As such, by the time Connel Vanagor marched through his gates, the Lion was deep in thought. A grave decision lay before him.

"What about... no," he mumbled, changing his mind yet again. The two flower girls looked at each other, rolling their eyes at his indecision as their arms started to ache from holding up the giant wreaths, one adorned with white flowers while the other sported yellow.

"Your Grace," one of his household guards sidled up to him, bowing respectfully. "Ah, Dane! Tell me, which one to you prefer, yellow or white?" The guard shook his head. "You have a visitor. He says his name is—"

"Connel!" Thurion turned away from his predicament and moved to greet the young man, allowing the two girls a much needed break.

"Connel Vanagor," he met the son of Caltin halfway, embracing him with the same warmth he reserved for all members of his family. "Let me have a look at you..." He stepped back and sized him up, then grabbed his hand to study his palm. Finally, he cupped Connel's cheeks and stared into his eyes, miring his initial elation with unexpected concern.

"You bear fresh scars, son. Wounds in need of mending."
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Midvinter | OBJECTIVE : Talking to an old family friend
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield /Anyone from or on Midvinter​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Connel stood at the gates of the Royal Palace of Midvinter, his heart filled with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation. The lush greenery of the surrounding villages, the colorful banners fluttering in the gentle breeze, and the sound of laughter and music in the air all reminded him of the beauty and grace of his “second home” planet.

As he made his way through the grand courtyard, Connel couldn't help but marvel at the pageantry and majesty of the Palace. The intricate carvings on the walls, the shimmering fountains, and the elegant tapestries all spoke of a rich history and a proud heritage. He had been here before, several times, but still, the beauty gets him every time. The preparations for the upcoming Midsummer Festival added an extra layer of splendor to the already magnificent surroundings, with flowers blooming in every corner and the scent of exotic spices wafting through the air.

Each step he took brought him closer to the King's chambers, and with each passing moment, Connel felt a weight lifting off his shoulders. The memories that had been troubling him seemed to fade away in the presence of such beauty and grandeur. He knew that he was here for a reason, and that reason filled him with a sense of purpose and determination.

Finally, he was walking through the streets and towards the entrance to the castle but was (for some reason) surprised to see the High King lost in thought over wreaths. The young Jedi Knight was greeted with a sight that took his breath away. The King himself stood before him, his regal presence commanding respect and admiration. Without hesitation, the King stepped forward and embraced Connel as if they were “blood”, a gesture that was both shocking and lovely, humbling and empowering. He had always admired “Uncle Thurion '' and everything here.

In that moment, Connel knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be. The troubles of the past seemed insignificant in the face of such beauty and grace, and he felt a renewed sense of purpose and resolve. As he stood before the King, surrounded by the splendor of the Royal Palace and the preparations for the Midsummer Festival, Connel knew that he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, with the strength and wisdom of a Jedi Knight.

Your Highness… He said humbly, bowing his head in respect, about to drop to one knee. Forgive my intrusion, I would have called ahead, but… I need your advice. I will not bother you during the Festival, and take your time away from it though. He was more easy going now, but was more than respectful, not just because mother had taught him to be.

Connel Vanagor had always felt a deep connection to the planet Midvinter. It was a place of beauty and tranquility, a world where the people lived in harmony with nature and each other. Connel had visited the plan many times over the years, drawn back again and again by the memories of his childhood spent there.

One of his fondest memories was of the annual "Family Reunions" that took place on Alderaan. Every year, Connel's extended family would gather in the Royal city of Heavenheim to celebrate their bond and catch up on each other's lives. The reunions were always filled with laughter, good food, and stories of days gone by.

But Connel's time on Midvinter was not all about socializing and reminiscing. He was a member of the elite group known as "Heaven's Guard", a group of warriors dedicated to protecting the planet and its people. Connel had trained for years to become a member of this prestigious group, and he took his duties very seriously.

During his time in Heaven's Guard, Connel had faced many challenges and fought many battles. But he had always done so with honor and courage, knowing that he was fighting for something greater than himself. The people of Alderaan had always been grateful for the protection that Heaven's Guard provided, and Connel was proud to be a part of that legacy.

As Connel walked through the streets of Heavenheim, he felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over him. The memories of his time on Midvinter were bittersweet, but he knew that he would always hold a special place in his heart for this beautiful planet and its people. And as he looked up at the clear blue sky, he knew that he would always be welcomed back to Alderaan with open arms.

The mention of scars, was he that transparent? It was embarrassing, but he knew that the High King would not ask without reason, but also without judgment.

Please, do not worry. I will make due and see to healing…

M I D S U M M E R ' S - E V E

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Thurion shook his head, pressing a finger against Connel's heart. "Not all wounds are on the outside, visible to the naked eye. Most scars are found in here," he said, next pointing to Connel's temple, "and in here. It's nothing to be ashamed of, son — every person you've ever met carry scars of their own, hidden or otherwise. Sometimes healing isn't an option, and so begins the long struggle to make the unbearable bearable."

To be alive was to know suffering. Love, happiness, and success inevitably leads to loss, sorrow, and failure. That's when a person's character is put to the test, whether they break or learn to endure the suffering, and eventually grow stronger from it. Young Connel appeared to be going through his first of such trials.

He put his arm around Connel's shoulders, walking him through his hall until they reached an antechamber, away from all the hustle and bustle. There, in a corner of that small room, Thurion sat down on the floor with his nephew, not even bothering to find a couple of chairs. He kept his arm secured around Connel, as if comforting a small child.

"What's bothering you, Connel? Whatever it is, you chose to come see me instead of your father." There was no judgement passed upon the young Vanagor, for the uncle knew well how some father-son relationships faced their share of tension, if such was the case. Sometimes you just needed another man's perspective, or shoulder to cry on.

He playfully nudged Connel's foot with his.

"Come on, tell me! Or I'll make you choose drapes in my stead."
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Midvinter | OBJECTIVE : Talking to an old family friend
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield /Anyone from or on Midvinter​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

As Connel walked through the grand halls of the Midvinter palace, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the beauty and majesty that surrounded him. Sure, the young Jedi Knight had been here before, several times, but this was always a memorable feeling each time, he truly appreciated his life in moments like this and was simply happy just to be here. The High King of Midvinter, King Heavenshield, walked beside him, his regal presence commanding the attention of all who passed by, but to Connel, he was “Uncle Thurion”, even if he couldn’t bring himself to call him that anymore… respect for his station and all..

As they strolled through the palace, King Heavenshield spoke of Connel's "scars" - not the physical scars that adorned his body from battles fought and won, but the mental and emotional scars that lingered deep within his soul. Connel had always been a warrior, even growing up,, a fierce and skilled fighter who had faced countless enemies and emerged victorious. But the battles he fought within himself were the ones that truly tested his strength and courage.

When they finally reached an antechamber and sat down to rest, Connel felt a sense of peace wash over him. It was the first time in a long time that he had truly felt at ease, his guard down and his heart open. King Heavenshield looked at him with understanding in his eyes, a sense of empathy and compassion that Connel had rarely experienced before.

"Not all wounds are on the outside, visible to the naked eye. Most scars are found in here," King Heavenshield said softly, first pointing to his heart and then his temple. "and in here. It's nothing to be ashamed of, son — every person you've ever met carry scars of their own, hidden or otherwise. Sometimes healing isn't an option, and so begins the long struggle to make the unbearable bearable." Experiencing this as he thought back on it was a true relief. This was why he was here, he was not being judged (fairly or unfairly),

Connel felt a lump form in his throat as he listened to the High King's words. For so long, he had carried the weight of his past on his shoulders, the burden of his pain and suffering weighing him down. But in that moment, sitting in the presence of King Heavenshield, he felt a sense of hope and renewal wash over him. It was easy to feel this way.

As they sat to continue their auditory sojourn, Connel knew that he had found a true friend and ally in the High King of Midvinter, a true “uncle”. And with his support and guidance, he knew that he could face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination. The scars of his past may never fully heal, but with King Heavenshield by his side, and the others, Connel knew that he would never have to face them alone. It’s often the most difficult truth to realize that you are not alone and could use some help.

He knew he had to speak up about the dark presence that had been haunting him since his injury, but he was unsure of how to approach the subject. As he looked into the wise eyes of his honorary uncle, Connel felt a sense of comfort and support. He knew that Thurion had always been there for him, guiding him and offering words of wisdom when he could.

Taking a deep breath, Connel finally found the courage to speak.

Laughing at the playful threat, Connel threw his hands up in mock fear. Not the drapes… Not the drapes… Taking a deep breath, he smiled, a smile of someone who was gaining the fortitude to approach a difficult truth. This is remarkably difficult. Make no mistake. I am proud to be my mother and father’s son. I mean, they both have survived and been through so much. I mean, my father’s image was on the mural in the gathering room of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant… you know,,, The Clone Wars Battle of Geonosis? I’m proud of both of them, to learn from them and carry on their legacy.

Then he stopped for a moment and took a soothing breath.

That is also the problem though, there is that “shadow”... you know? Don’t get me wrong… I get it… I do! There deserves to be, even when I am asked to tell stories that I shouldn’t be… He laughed. But it's the same shadow that gives me the strength to keep going. I will honor them by keeping their stories alive, by continuing the legacy they started. That's the way I can repay them. The problem with that is, I do not feel like I am living up to the standard. I know that if I told them this they would explain how I am doing just fine and so on, but I still cannot shake the feeling that I am not doing enough. I am constantly looking for ways to improve, to do more, to live up to their legacy. I hope one day I'll find a way to repay them.

Taking a moment to breathe…

Then there is all of these cybernetics and implants…


Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Uncle Thurion sat in silence, listening to every word pouring out of his nephew-by-oath. When he was done, the King considered long before providing an answer, as was his custom. He always chose his words with care, doubly so when they were meant for someone he loved and cared for.

"Ah, my boy," he sighed, squeezing Connel's shoulder.

"Legacy is a fine thing to aspire to. It lends legitimacy to our cause and invigorates us with strength in moments of weakness. We should never forget the victories and sacrifices of those that came before, and yes indeed, we should strive to honour our ancestors and family name in all that we do."

The pregnant pause that followed screamed for a 'but' to be uttered.

"However, we mustn't dwell on the past to the point of forgetting to live in the moment. What use are we to the spirits of our ancestors if we should forsake life itself for the pursuit of past glories? What then of our family name, if we should perish before our time and thereby doom this supposed legacy?"

Thurion shook his head, smiling as he took the young man's hand in his, lending him his strength.

"My children are my legacy. Of all my achievements and accolades, they will forever be my greatest achievement. When I shed this mortal coil once and for all, I know I'll rest well knowing my sons, daughters, and grandchildren are everything I could hope for. I've lived my life on the battlefield so that those that come after are granted the freedom to choose their own path. I know Caltin's heart. He would not ask that you repay him."

He leaned forward, resting his forehead against Connel's while looking him in the eye.

"You are already everything your father needs you to be, Connel. You are his son, and no matter what road you take, you will always be his son. You made him proud the moment you drew your first breath, spoke your first word, and took your first step. Everything you need you carry within you. Be Connel Vanagor, and the rest will follow."

Thurion smiled warmly at his nephew, ready to offer whatever comfort a young man could ask of their elder.
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Midvinter | OBJECTIVE : Talking to an old family friend
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield /Anyone from or on Midvinter​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

... and I thought my father knew how to inspire…

The complimentary retort brought a genuine smile to Connel’s face. This was why he came here, sure, Connel knew deep down that “Uncle Thurion” would tell him the same thing as father would. The thing is, this was not with the added tinge of the feeling “you’re my dad, you’re supposed to say that.”. He had come here to hear what he felt was the truth, and to get clarity on the situation. He wanted to understand things more clearly and to be able to move forward and that is what he was getting. It brought much needed clarity, and more importantly a sense of calm that the young Jedi Knight had not had for awhile now.

He felt a sense of peace, knowing that he was being heard and understood. He felt a newfound connection to his father, which he had not felt in a long time. He felt hope, knowing that there were still people out there who cared about him and would provide him with the guidance and support he needed, not that there was any doubt. This gave him the strength to talk about the other, more pressing concern he had.

There’s also the issue with my implants…

He gulped. An hour ago, Connel would not have mentioned this for money, but… well… he knew that The High King would give him some sage advice, even if it was to march up to father and tell him.

As you know… I was in a Bacta tank for awhile, thank you for the well wishes, by the way. During my recovery, I developed a fear of picking up a lightsaber… I just can’t do it… I don’t know why…

Taking a breath, actually blowing a low hanging strand of hair out of his eyes.

Father arranged a combat shield for me. It’s a bit like the Heaven’s Guard shields here, inspired by them actually. Anyway, ever since I set back out into the galaxy on my own…I… I don’t know what it is… I sat in on a class of “Force Control '' that Master Rhen Qel-Droma Rhen Qel-Droma was teaching… I was helping clean up the debris in the Coruscant Temple… I was on “The Prosperity”... everywhere I go… I feel it.

Swallowing, his smile was gone. The look Connel had was sullen, not sad, not paranoid, more, determined to get through this calmly.

Even now… I feel it. A dark presence nearby. Like someone is out there waiting in ambush. Not necessarily of me, but… out there. He sighed. I’m not crazy, but I know that I am coming off that way. It is affecting people around me, but I know that something is out there. Shaking his head slowly, Connel bit his lower lip as he looked down. He had to stay focused and not let his fear get the best of him. He had to stay calm and trust his instincts. He had to stay alert and stay safe. {COLOR=RED]I am trusting in the Force, but I know that there are mysteries that even cloud it as well.[/COLOR]

Connel took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He could feel the power of the ancient Force flowing through him, giving him courage and strength. He knew that no matter what danger he faced, the Force would be with him.

Do you have any advice?

Last edited:
There was something else bothering him, he could see it in his eyes. Something far worse than mere feelings of inadequacy. Thurion furrowed his brows at Connel's explanation, unsure as to what exactly he could be referring to. A latent talent for precognition, being able to foresee events ahead of time, perhaps? Or just a generalised sense of fear of what might lurk out there?

He stroked his beard as he pondered.

"You are not crazy," he started out by reassuring his nephew. "You may put that particular worry to rest. Considering the things the likes of you and I have seen, it would be madness not to fear what other horrors lay out there, in some unexplored region of space. That is why our training is so rigorous; to help us withstand the stresses of the unknown dangers the galaxy has to offer."

Thurion took Connel's hand, examining the lines of his palm. He next placed the back of his own hand against his forehead.

"Everyone of us holds darkness within, Connel. You, me, your father... Every living thing is made up of light and dark. It's the manner in which we act that determines our character. You're still young — your mind is bound to feel clouded by fears and insecurities from time to time. Us old folk are merely too set in our ways to bother listening," he added some mirth to that last part, hoping to brighten the mood somewhat.

He next positioned himself in front of Connel, looking him in the eyes as he clasped the sides of his nephew's head and gently rubbed his thumbs against his temples. He closed his eyes, his mind prodding that of Connel's ever so slightly, like someone peeking through a crack in the door at night. A sudden flash of... something made his face grimace momentarily, and he opened his eyes to regard Vanagor with knitted brows.

"Connel, my boy... Will you open your mind to me, that I might enter and see for myself these fears that haunt you?"

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Midvinter | OBJECTIVE : Talking to an old family friend
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield /Anyone from or on Midvinter​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

... Absolutely…

Connel had known “Uncle Thurion” all of his life, which was odd only in the fact that Vanagor had only semi-recently met Thirdas for the first time. That was neither here nor there though, as he trusted “The Lion King” implicitly, so there was no issue with clearing his mind and allowing Heavenshield “in” He knew that Thurion was doing this to help him, especially since he had seen something nerve-rattling. Truth be told, the site itself was confusing to Connel in that he did not know whether to feel vindicated or concerned moreso..

Alright, here goes…

Slowly, closing his eyes and focusing on his heartbeat, and the Force, Connel slowly cleared his mind of everything, He allowed himself to feel the truth of the Force. He allowed himself to trust his intuition and accept whatever the outcome was, he would take a deep breath and opened his eyes and accept the result.

What Heavenshield would eventually see, among the flashes of light and blurring visions, was an enormous individual sitting in front of him. In this vision, the energy this individual was giving off seemed like it would set the Antechamber on fire, but it was… controlled?

This “vision”, this “image” was wearing the exact same clothes as Connel, though the clothes were tattered and torn as if either from combat or something else. There was absolutely no sense of the Dark Side in the “image” but unbridled, overpowering rage. The rage, the fury, it seemed directed at the thought of the Dark Side itself, as if the very notion of it was insulting. Flashes of the Sith defeating Connel in battle, brutally, humiliatingly bifurcating him flashed in and out.

Finally after a few moments, the image… it looked up at him. It was a sentient of pure power and strength. Only, it looked “familiar” in the eyes? Like…?
A very humorless smile crawled across the creature’s lips, a look as if “you found me out” was prevalent among the facial features. Until finally holding up a single index finger to his lips and uttering the sound…


When his eyes opened, he would see Connel, still blankly, his eyes still closed, with an index finger over his lips.

Their minds became one, and Thurion was assaulted with a barrage of visions and memories. It spoke to Connel's confused state of mind, having to sort through the flashing images until he found what he sought. There was the impression that the speed with which they appeared was a cry for help, that they wished to be witnessed and taken into account before they could be swallowed up by... another?

Connel's mind went quiet, the onslaught of images being drowned out by one above all. A beast in the vague shape of man was shown sitting across from him in Connel's stead, its clothes torn and tattered. It was a being of pure, unadulterated rage of such an infinite magnitude, yet bore no hint of darkness. It was the incarnation of hatred towards the Dark, vengeful and furious. Whereas Thurion — named Justice of the Force by the Wellspring of Life Itself — became an avatar of righteous vengeance upon the battlefield, this entity was sheer unbridled fury. Whether fueled by the Force or placed upon Connel through unknowable means, he could not tell.

What he could tell, was that he was being watched.

Its head lifted to stare back at him, smiling wickedly. On the outside, Thurion's brows knitted and beads of sweat ran down his temples from the sudden strain to maintain the connection to Connel's mind. Within, he watched as the entity raised its finger to its lips, shushing him. He was then pushed out of his nephew's mind, forcibly so. Thurion was thrust backward, his back slammed against the familiar floor of the Lion's Den. As he scrambled to sit back up, he wiped a single drop of blood crawling out his nostril. He looked up to find Connel sitting in the exact same position he'd seen the hateful beast in, with his index finger pressed to his lips.

"Connel? Connel!" He shook his nephew by the shoulders, trying to wake him. Once his eyes finally opened, Thurion would clutch the boy to his chest, holding him tightly like a parent would. "Oh, my sweet child! My poor, sweet boy! What has the world done to you?"

He cradled the young man, though perhaps more so to quell his own fears than Connel's. But fear for a loved one gave rise to the determination to see things through; to understand this condition of his. One does not simply disturb the pride without incurring the Lion's wrath.

"We will discover the nature of this, Caltinson. You need not bear this burden alone anymore."

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Midvinter | OBJECTIVE : Talking to an old family friend
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield /Anyone from or on Midvinter​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Finally… he was free again…the imprisonment. The rage. the pain of having to watch as something else controlling your body does so and you being able to do nothing about it floods your senses.

Uncle Thurion…

He did not break the grip of the Lion King’s embrace, in truth, he didn’t even try. This was the first time he had been in such a moment in years, he could only watch previously. This was not the “Connel” that walked into the Kingdom, but the other one, the one to which was finally able to be out in the open again and not under duress. He felt like a stranger in his own skin. He wasn't sure what he was doing or why he was doing what he was doing. He just knew that he had to keep going.

I... I sense your concern... and understand. You fear who... what I am. You have nothing to fear. Master Noble did too when I spoke to her. You see me as someone controlling Connel Vanagor, but I assure that the opposite is to be true. The person you thought you knew, that was not your nephew. I am. I truly am.

Slowly, the smile that Thurion would recognize from the ether was forming, but there was no hint of any sinister intentions. There was no thought of anger, or fury. If anything, there was a tiny sense of relief. The thoughts he would be able to read would be of someone who was held prisoner in their own body for so long before breaking free of its shackles.It was almost as if there were two parts to Connel's mind. Not necessarily split personalities (though close to it) but two halves to a whole. One trying to bring them together and other other running from it.

What Heavenshield would eventually see, is indeed rage and anger, but it was subsiding. A visage of a prisoner finally released, having to learn how to “cope” but somewhat unable to.

I’m sure you have questions… ask away… look into my mind again if you wish. I welcome it.


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