Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heavy hearted loa

So, everyone knows I'm a busy guy and I sometimes take long and unplanned LoAs. This is not one of those as I have been seriously thinking about it. For the last few years my muse to write has been all but dead, coupled with a Traumatic brain injury I suffered in Iraq that makes it harder for me to remember names, words and spelling plus the last few years on the other site I won't mention but many know has really put a bullet in the head of my muse.

It is with a heavy heart that I say that I am going on a LOA that may be indefinite. I have come to think of you guys as family, admittedly the ones I've know for years such as Anija and Strider more so. Your all freaking awesome writers and one of the best damn communities I've been privileged enough to be part of. With God and the best wishes I can conjure in my heart and sadness I say good luck my ori'vod, may your days be numerous, your fights be worthy of remembrance and may God bless your lives with happiness and prosperity.

Signed, Adam. AKA Arumi Zy
Good luck my friend. It was fun to RP with you the few times that I had, and I am glad that I could have met you.

May the force be with you!

Connor Harrison

[member="Arumi Zy"]

We've not interacted on here, but as I say to everyone we are one big community and I like to think we are all there for each other at the end of the day.

I hope things work out for you, and your personal situation gets a little easier over time. I won't pretend to understand how you must cope, but I imagine you do it very admirably.

Hope to see you here again in the future where we will all be waiting. :)

Best wishes.
May the force be with you, may luck travel with you always, and may God accept you home with open arms- but only when the time is right.
May your mind remain intact, may your soul stay smooth, and may your kin always be blessed.
May your questions get answers and your answers get questions.
May your sailing always be sweet.

We will be here shall you ever wish to return, even if you only seek a friend, solace, or a distraction.
[member="Arumi Zy"]

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