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Approved Tech Heavy Repeating Ripper

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Intent: To create a Heavy weapon for Mandalorian Ori'ramikade and Field Marshalls.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: MandalTech
Model: Heavy Repeating Ripper
Affiliation: Mandalorians
Modularity: Yes (Forward hand grip area, pistol grip, buttstock, rear optical sight, longer barrel, bipod, tripod, vehicle mount, fire selector, etc)
Production: Mass produced
Material: Durasteel
This weapon is heavily based on the smaller Mandalorian Ripper, but as the name proclaims, on scaled up and beefed up beyond belief. This is no longer a heavy pistol. This is a squad based heavy repeater. But while the pistol fired heavy caliber slugs, this beast fires 10 mm slugs encased in high yield energy fields.

The Heavy Ripper contains two ammo drums. One for the slugs, and a second containing the energy cell required to generate the energy field. The weapon is a break action reloader, which means to reload the heavy ripper the grip slides forward and the weapon breaks open popping out the old drum and allowing a new to be inserted. A second slide unloads the energy cell located closer to the barrel. Both ammo drums can be reloaded at any MandalTech factory.

While quite effective against infantry, it's also effective against unshielded armour, reducing speeders, light walkers, and orbital transports to shreds a short amount of time. When issued to troops, it comes with a warning to only fire the weapon in its fully automatic setting for no longer than three second bursts to avoid overheating.

Classification: Energy-propelled slugthrower
Large Two-Hand
Status: Military [Illegal]
Length: 95.8cm
Weight: 13kg
Ammunition Type: 10mm Energy-propelled durasteel slugs
Ammunition Capacity: 10 mm rounds = 120. Energy cell: = 480 rounds. (Note, you cannot use one without the other)
Range: Effective - 655 meters. 800 meters before the energy coating degrades
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