Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heelo. New blood to the forum, old veteran of RPing

Hello, my online name has been Maulkat for the past 18 years. I've RPed on several text based forums since 2005, but all of them died. It's been about two years or so since I've done any RP and look forward to getting back into it. Thank you for taking the time to look at my hello and I hope to be RPing here soon!

Tanomas Graf

Welcome to Star Wars Chaos, [member="Maulkat"]! I can assure you we won't be disappearing any time soon (Unless someone trips over the server cords); Hope you find fun, the community will sure provide it.
Ok question. I have a profile for one of my characters I played before. I enjoy the whole "growing" of a character so don't want to start out as anything "special". If the road goes down a path where I gain strength and influence, then that's great. If not that's fine too. Some of my past forums were A Knight's Tale, SW: Galaxy and SW: Hutt. On two of them, I eventually became the Jedi Grand Master and Sith Empress.
So my character isn't allied with any faction and whichever finds her first (Jedi/Sith) is the direction she will go. How do I get out there to be found?
[member="Maulkat"] You can start an Open RP and see who jumps in and wing it.

Or you could post a LFG thread and see who might show up/is interested in advance.
[member="Maulkat"] I fee like I know your name from somewhere.. probably just me lol.. Welcome to Chaos!! I hope you enjoy your time here. Fair warning everyone here can get a little... hmm.. chaotic. But hey, we're human!

XD Anyway, welcome again and I'm always open to rp on any of my characters!

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?



Connor Harrison

[member="Maulkat"] Welcome to the Chaos! Enjoy, have fun and please ask any questions if we can help you further. :)

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