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Approved Starship Heimdall-Class Fast Battlecruiser [v2.0]

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Manufacturer: Empire of the Lost Naval Corp of Engineering, Karl Von Strauss (Design Only)
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: Very High
Width: High
Height: Average
Size: Very Large
Captain of the Naval Corp of Engineers








  • Bifrost-Ish: The Heimdall has a class 0.1 hyperdrive and a backup class 1.0 to ensure that this ship gets where it needs to go in the event of any imminent threats. It is meant to be a first responder to any hostilities within its reach. They also have their own power unit, given the massive power requirements for a hyperdrive this advanced.
  • Sniper or a Saber: The Heimdall has the capabilities of being a sniper thanks to its Malmourral Cannons and other large caliber weaponry, or it can close the distance and use its numerous 'smaller' systems to tear the enemy apart from close range.
  • Fast Battlecruiser: The Heimdall is fast, meant to be a first responder of sorts, or it can use its exceptionally fast speed to close on enemy vessels. While it doesn't outpace smaller ship classes, ships within its tier or higher will often be outmatched by its speed and maneuverability. And let us be honest, if a large battlecruiser came at you full-speed, guns a blazing that would be a possible brown-alert moment.
  • Unique Bridge: The ellipsoid-shaped bridge is mounted ventrally between the main hull and the engines. This means it's protected from behind and front by the main mass of the ship's hull. This allows for easy navigation in the atmosphere and cannot render the command crew blind unless the bridge itself is hit. It also has a secondary Imyndaða hologram system allowing for a full 360-degree view of the battlefield inside the bridge allowing for unparalleled battlefield awareness.
  • Gravity Well Neutralizer: The Heimdall is equipped with a neutralizer system to reduce the effectiveness of interdiction fields.

  • Twice the Power, Twice the Explosion: Because this ship is equipped with two HAPUs if there were to be an 'explosive malfunction' the result would be the end of the ship. "Gone, reduced to atoms." -Thanos
  • Sniper or a Saber: While the Heimdall has the ability to switch from long-range to close-range with a simple full-speed ahead, it doesn't mean that its weapons can. While the majority of the weapons aboard the vessel can, there are a few that cannot, limiting the Heimdall's firepower. The only way these weapons could be used is by barrel-stuffing them and that would damage both the giver and receiver.
  • EMP/Ion: The Heimdall has many systems that are a boon to its crew and overall function. However, with all electronically advanced anything, EMP/Ion-based weaponry can rid this vessel of those boons, with enough damage.
  • Low Squadron Count: Unexpectedly with a vessel of this size and purpose, it has a very low squadron count meaning that the Heimdall itself cannot gain space superiority without fighting enemies with even fewer squadrons than it.


The Heimdall-Class Fast Battlecruiser was designed with the Empire's defense in mind. This design along with a few other EoTL Corp of Engineering designs fall under Karl Von Strauss' defense initiative plan, a plan to increase and revolutionize defensive structure throughout the Empire. The idea behind the Heimdall came about from a lack of battlecruisers and sector defense. While the Moffs of the Empire can certainly protect their territory, their ships can only get there as fast as their slowest ship when moving an entire fleet, the Heimdall is meant to arrive immediately after a threat is detected, or before if an early detection system is in place. The Heimdall can cause major damage via its long-range artillery before any main fleet arrives, possibly changing the tide of battles before they're even fully started.

The vessel is able to achieve its mission of being a first responder via its advanced Hermóðr-class 0.1 Hyperdrive, allowing it to make great "hyper-strides" (haha much funny) to locations with hostiles. Additionally, if the main hyperdrive were to go out, it has a secondary system that is still fast, but not as fast as some other advanced hyperdrives on the market. The choice to make the secondary system a 1.0 rather than one of the numerous 0.5s or 0.6s on the market was one of safety. The vessel has two HAPUs which can cause a great amount of damage if going cataclysmic. Having another point system would mean having two same-size HAPUs rather than the two of different sizes the Heimdall currently has. After all, Captain Von Strauss places his crewmen's lives above his own.

Then after causing mayhem and the arrival of a friendly fleet, depending on the situation a commander can choose to be a sniper or a saber. Or in terms that don't sound like class options, they can either hang back and use their long-range artillery to damage enemy fleets or press forward and get into a close-quarters slugging match with other capital ships. Despite the ship's regal exterior, it can take a beating, not only does it have quadanium armor plating, but also a triple redundant shield suite. Making it suitable for those closer-ranged fights. Additionally, the point defense systems and the TCT-23 light turbolasers have been modified with the FAE/S-09 Active Harmonizing System, allowing for increased accuracy at smaller or greater distances.

The Heimdall also has a Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainer, allowing it to not be caught off guard by interdiction fields. Or stopping it from tactically retreating when a defensive or offensive stalls. While some might say a good offense is a good defense, sometimes it is the other way around; the Heimdall is also equipped with a Hyperspace Tracker for hunting down enemy scouts, failed hit-and-run groups, or seeing the direction an enemy is fleeing.

The Heimdall is also well-equipped to enter atmospheres and provide support from the air with its array of ventral weaponry.

Karl Von Strauss is hopeful that these will become wonderful sector defense command ships, and battleships when the need arises. The Heimdall is only a piece of a much larger plan but will execute its piece faithfully.

"Quality. Perfection. Order."

Version Updates:
v1.0 - Archived

v2.0 - Swapped out HIMS for the Gravity Well Neutralizer to fit with factory standards and restrictions.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a 'fast' battlecruiser for the EoTL
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
Model: Heimdall-Class Fast Battlecruiser
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: No
Material: See Above
Armaments: See Above
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 9700
Optimal Crew: 62000
Passenger Capacity: 4000
Cargo Capacity: Large
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