Ayumi Pallopides
Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
The world was something beautiful to see, even more so since Kashyyyk had all of these places the jedi and rangers went. Ayumi stood prepared for anything really... except this. She had not been expecting to come back here, she had not been expecting to well do much more but Denon was not as helpful and few places had need of a senator. Sos he was expecting a little interest. She was a jedi master in many cases skilled in pretty much one place. Then she had heard tell that someone she knew was back... Caelog Vass had been... different. SOmeone not interested in what she could do for her, not interested in credits though she would happily have gotten her things. Ayumi stretched out as she was in the wookiee village.
Ayumi was looking over it all and the beautiful sight fo the ocean, the sun rising and the sounds of nature around with all of them. The woman had opened up a beautiful place here, she had a small apartment in one of the villages for the visitors. She would and could find her own place on one of the other planets. She had opened her place to have a meal and when she had seen who was within the order... well the rangers. She had to try, their last meeting had gone decently well before the fall of the Republic. Vass could be a little odd but no more then any of the other people she had met. So presenting to her a chance to really step up and build a place for the two of them to get a meal. Some food cooking in a fire pit, the invitation coming from a droid since a message wouldn't help much with a miraluka.
Ayumi was looking over it all and the beautiful sight fo the ocean, the sun rising and the sounds of nature around with all of them. The woman had opened up a beautiful place here, she had a small apartment in one of the villages for the visitors. She would and could find her own place on one of the other planets. She had opened her place to have a meal and when she had seen who was within the order... well the rangers. She had to try, their last meeting had gone decently well before the fall of the Republic. Vass could be a little odd but no more then any of the other people she had met. So presenting to her a chance to really step up and build a place for the two of them to get a meal. Some food cooking in a fire pit, the invitation coming from a droid since a message wouldn't help much with a miraluka.