Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hej everybody

Hej everybody,
glad i found this site.

About me:
-in my twenties
-not a native speaker
-i do have my pc spellcheck, it is not perfect
-love hard scifi
-will try my luck here anyway
-have been playing pnp rpgs for way more than a decade
-most of that time spent gamemastering, not playing my own chars
-now looking for my rp-fix here

-if i want to play a species that is sw canon but not in the species index (link), do i have to do species creation?
-i’m talking about kaminoans here
-if i have to, does this need to happen before character creation?
-same for a custom spaceship
-i’m guessing i have to spaceshipcreate it
-do i do it before posting the character?
-i’d like to join the sith order, but i cannot find where they hang out / have bases

Answers are greatly appreciated.

Connor Harrison

[member="Sindri"] Welcome to the Chaos!

As the Kamino race are canon, then you don't need to do anything - just create your character and get out there! :)

For creating a specific ship for your character, please visit here: you should find the resources and guides you need.

And the Sith Order can be found here as a Faction with all information you require:

Hope this helps as a start?

Keep the questions coming as much as you need so we can help you out and enjoy your time here!


Disney's Princess
[member="Sindri"] - Welcome. Looks like Connor got your questions. Right on. Cheers and happy posting. :)


Disney's Princess
Sindri said:
Question: what does it mean to have a world unlocked? Do I need to unlock a world to rp there?
We don't know. That's a faction term they use colloquially. However. We do have a Galaxy Map and Major Faction can claim worlds on it. Thus making those worlds their sovereign territory.

Please see Invasion & Dominion Rules for more info.

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