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Approved Tech Hekler'Kok Launchable Grenade Line

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Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
  • Manufacturer: Hekler'Kok Defense Industries
  • Affiliation: Hekler'Kok Defense Industries
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Modularity: N/A
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Heat Resistant Polymer (Shell Casing) and Various Explosive Fillers
  • Classification: Launchable Grenades
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Explosive Type: Adhesive Material (Adhesive), Explosive Filler (Concussion), Electro Charge (EMP), Flash Charge (Flash Bang), Ball Bearings (Fragmentation), Thermite (Incendiary), Smoke Charge (Smoke) and Baradium (Thermal Detonator)
  • Delivery Method: Launched
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Area Of Effect: Personal (Thermal Detonator), Average (Concussion and Fragmentation) and Large (Adhesive, EMP, Flash Bang and Smoke)
  • Damage Output: None (Adhesive, EMP, Flash Bang and Smoke), High (Concussion and Fragmentation) and Very High (Thermal Detonator)
  • Adjustable Fuse (Impact, Airburst or Timed)
  • Minimum Safe Arming Distance (25 Meters)
  • Wide Variety of Munitions: The Launcher Grenade Line has a grenade for almost every single situation from providing concealment to burning a hole through a reinforced door
  • Concussion and Frag: The explosive filler of the concussion grenade causes large shockwave damage and the ball bearings of the fragmentation grenade propels shrapnel at a high velocity
  • Thermal Detonator: Owing to the fact that it is essentially a small thermonuclear fusion bomb the Thermal Detonator variant outputs a massive amount of damage
  • Heavier than Average: In order to cram the needed components and such in the grenades they are slightly heavier than your typical launched grenades
  • Limited Area of Effect: Even though the Thermal Detonator outputs a tremendous amount of power it only outputs this power within a very limited area of effect
In yet another expansion in their ever growing lines of both weapons and ammunition, the engineers in the Hekler'Kok design team decided on creating a series of grenades that could be launched from any of their grenade launchers, as well as a wide variety of others.

As always they first started by choosing what materials they would use in the construction of the munitions. They decided on their rather standardized heat resistant polymer for the casings and a wide variety of fillers when it came to the actual explosives.

With the materials chosen the last step was to decide which grenades would exactly be implemented and their respective fillers in the line. There were a few obvious choices, like fragmentation using ball bearings, smoke using a smoke charge and flash bang using a flash charge. There were also a few more exotic grenades chosen for specialized roles as well such as concussion using generic explosive filler , EMP using an electro charge, adhesive using adhesive material, incendiary using thermite and thermal detonator using baradium.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Noah Corek Noah Corek

As usual very nicely made submisson!
  • Please link the Hekler'Kok Defense Industries to the Manufacturer and Affiliation.
  • In the case of the "Thermal Detonator" and "Concussion and Fragmentation" your submission is overpowered (+1), please fix it.
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