Sanya Val Lerium
Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko

Image Source: https://www.adafruit.../window-351.jpg
Intent: To install a mass override on the new one sith flagship. Once built it will be used to lock everything down and claim her revenge on Darth ferus
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Sanya val lerium
Model: HELIOS Override system
Affiliation: Sanya Val lerium
Modularity: non
Production: Unique
Material: duraplast, computer components
Size: 8cm by 6cm
With word of a new sith flagship been built and over watched by her Nemesis Darth ferus, she saw this as an opportunity to lay down the foundations for her revenge. With the knowledge of this Sanya started to conduct her plan and the start would to be building an override box, that would be installed directly onto one of the core cables with in the ship. This in turn would give the ability to locate the ship anywhere and lock all personal out of the system, giving Sanya full control.
The device is rather small and is powers by the ship it's self, if the ship was to be emp'ed it would shut down the device until restored. Once activated locking out the systems it could take possibly months to find the device with an entire ship to go through. The device is directly controlled by sanyas datspad and hers alone with a back up of the software in her Droid Katrina.
With the device connected to a main cable of the ship, while activated it will give access to certain aspects. This includes locking doors, air controls (to vacuum it suffocating the people inside), hanger shield. This is to allow her to move throughout the ship efficiently with speed. The device how ever cannot fully access much more than that, meaning she cannot direct the ship to where she would like, nor just shut off life support these functions would likely overload the device. The most extream process this device can do is shut the engines down and lock them out but this would be a strain on the device and would need to have chance to stabilize before doing anything else.
(Note: this device will not be used to taper with engine's or weapons, the biggest thing this will be used for is locking all the systems, so it cannot be moved till my job is done. Once it has been completed the device will be removed in the revenge thread.)
List of stuff it will be used for -
Air controls in certain rooms
Hanger sheild
Locking flight controls and hyoerdrive
Shutting off weapons
What it can't do
Remote pilot
Remote control guns
Power down the ship
Turn off life support
I won't be abusing this item