Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Helix Co.

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  • Intent: To create a mercenary band able to ally with many factions, and thus participate in many different threads. Also to recycle old characters into NPCs.
  • Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: A mercenary band, willing to accept a multitude of jobs from certain clients, ranging from cargo shipping, to even the location and capture of individuals.
  • Links: Tallor, IG-801, Ace Thrakish
  • Availability: Unique
  • Deployment: Limited
  • Strengths & Weaknesses: Working as a team, Helix Company can be a formidable opponent, using their gadgets and weaponry to gain the upper hand. Each of the three members have different expertise, and work to compliment each other's abilities. However, they are only three in number, and can be overwhelmed fairly quickly. While able to hold their own together, separated they are much less effective.
Description: A rogue droid, Mandalorian commando, and a soldier out of time. These three individuals all have different stories, but eventually banded together to explore the stars. IG-801, a prototype that escaped the laboratories of Halowan. It specializes in close-combat, but prefers to fly and guard the ship. Tallor is the quiet, but prideful Mandalorian marksman, a reliable shot who is best suited to recon duties. Last is Ace Thrakish, a genetically modified human who is said to be centuries old. He suffers from painful, physical side effects due to the experimentation, often utilizing shields to protect himself when vulnerable. He possesses great strength, doing most of the heavy lifting, sporting a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon as his weapon of choice.

During the recent Jedi and Sith war between the Empire and the Silver, these three happened to be on the same planet as it was being evacuated. The Jedi had been forced to fall back further towards the core worlds, and the Sith pressed their advantage by conquering the worlds that fell into chaos. Having just purchased a new ship, Tallor was unfortunate enough to get caught at the spaceport during the evacuation. People were rushing in all directions, frantically searching for safe passage once the main transports had left. A lot of smugglers had taken this opportunity to make some credits, charging a fee to ferry the poor off world. Tallor's ship didn't have much space, but he accommodated a group of refugees in the cargo hold, along with two others that had actually paid. Both had paid for their passage, and so were allowed to stay in the main cabin of the freighter. One was a strange staff-wielding droid, with only a few hundred credits to its name.

The other was a soldier of some type, and the one who had sought out Tallor in order to get the refugees to safety. With the giant blaster cannon slung on his back, you'd never peg him for the goody-two shoes type. The freighter was packed and ready for takeoff, however it appeared as if a gang of eight bandits had different plans. They had violently made their way to the landing pad, intent on stealing a ship and getting far away from the war front. Their quest was short lived, for the three combatants aboard the freighter united as one, making quick work of the untrained fighting force that had opposed them. After the trip, when all the refugees had departed, the three sat down to discuss their next step. At first they were to part ways as planned, but Ace had a better idea. Working together as a freelance mercenary band, they began to make a steady amount of credits, taking on a plethora of jobs that always kept them on the move.
Hi! I'll be looking this over, so if you have any questions tag me in a response to this thread. As soon as I read it over, I'll respond accordingly, so give me a few moments and i'll respond!

[member="Galactic Opposition"]
So, after discussing this with other Codex members, the linked NPC's will need to be submitted through the codex accordingly, and go from there. Simply adapting each character sheet to the current NPC template should allow you to get them ran through with minimal work. Copy & Pasting and all that.

Until this, I'll move this to Pre-Codex until the NPC's are set up. When that's complete, feel free to tag Mahet to put this back into regular codex.

[member="Galactic Opposition"]
[member="The Slave"]

Would it be acceptable if I did not submit IG-801 as a separate NPC, if it was just the basic droid with nothing else? Just wondering, seeing as it is basically just a MagnaGuard.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
[member="Galactic Opposition"]

  • The Pyronium Shield is at unique production for only one member of the unit. For good measure, just put '(Ace)' after it.
  • Your role seems to be mercenaries or PMC. Please change the field accordingly.
Assuming said field is classification instead of role, I edited it seeing as role already states they are a mercenary band. The shield has also been labeled.

[member="Zeradias Mant"]
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