Renegade Rodian

- Intent: To flesh out the special forces of the Helix Syndicate.
- Image Credit: A Tumblr I can no longer find.
- Links: [Enforcers] [Shock Troopers]
- Unit Name: Helix Syndicate Rangers
- Affiliation: Helix Syndicate
- Classification: Special Forces
- Equipment: [Link to Armory] - Armory Clearance A
- Deployment: Limited
- Availability: Rare
- [Strength] Major Augments - Rangers display even more cybernetic enhancements than their Shock Trooper counterparts. Their strength, speed, endurance, and reaction time are far sharper than most would expect. Unlike the Shock Troopers, their augments are hardened against deactivation by ion or electromagnetic weapons.
- [Strength] Disciplined - Rangers represent the most trusted and loyal members of the Helix Syndicate, not to mention intelligent. They rarely deviate from given orders and are certainly more astute than their counterparts.
- [Weakness] Small Squads - Rangers are almost never seen in squads larger than two or three. Skilled as they are, they are not invincible and could conceivably be overwhelmed by much larger units.
The most skilled, professional, and decorated of the Helix Syndicate’s combat personnel are transferred to a division known as the Rangers. These personnel represent the cream of the Syndicate’s crop. They are most frequently seen acting in the capacity of special operations and high-level escort personnel. In reflection of their quality, Rangers make up a minuscule fraction of the Syndicate’s total defense forces.
Former special forces members, either government or from reputable PMCs, are the most likely to be taken on as Rangers. Decorated bounty hunters are also occasionally selected. The bulk of Rangers, however, are made up of intensely loyal, outperforming members of the Syndicate’s Enforcers and Shock Troopers. Their training continues the emphasis on squad-based teamwork and cooperation, and is roughly equivalent in quality to a wealthy planetary government’s special forces program.
Recruits who exhibit too many “lone wolf” tendencies, undue hostility towards squadmates, or overly-sadistic tendencies do not make the cut to become a Specialist for the Helix Syndicate. Individuals who show these behaviors after becoming a Ranger are frequently terminated.
In addition to the cybernetics received by Helix Syndicate Enforcers and Shock Troopers, Rangers are further augmented. They also possess a mechanical reservoir, acting as a sort of second heart. This device pumps an assortment of chemicals into their bloodstream when activated, giving them boosts of speed, aggression, and pain tolerance. Rangers are also given another, more powerful cybernetic augment: the hyper accelerated nerve implant. The nerve implant enhances their reaction speed and agility, making them all the more lethal.