Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Hell’s Prophet

NAME: Kryos
TITLE: Hell’s Prophet
ALIASES: Kryos Blackbone; Kryos Grimm

AGE: Appears to be in 40s, but ages slower due to dark side corruption
HEIGHT: 1.95 m
APPEARANCE: Athletic build, dark hair, gray eyes

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil
RANK: Master

  • Red single bladed lightsaber
  • Red light-axe
  • Sith dagger
  • Combat: Extensive training in lightsaber combat (Form V), melee weapons, and hand-to-hand combat.
  • Telekinesis: Chokes, pulls, pushes, control over inanimate objects, it’s all fair game.
  • Diplomacy: No prisoners, no treaties, no surrender. Burn it all down.
  • Unstable Crusader: On a mission and will make irrational decisions without concern for longer term consequences.

Like most child soldiers of the Jedi, Kryos was taken away from his family at an early age, too young to remember anything from that time. He began training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant not long after learning to walk. He excelled in telekinesis, fascinated by his ability to manipulate objects and space with his mind. When the younglings were permitted to begin lightsaber training, he again found himself highly motivated to surpass his peers. His focus on martial skills came at a price, as he lagged behind in other subjects, including natural arts and healing.

No one was surprised when Master Sha selected Kryos as her Padawan. She had kept an eye on the young Jedi throughout his training. They spent years fighting side by side, risking life and limb for the Jedi Order and the Alliance it represented. Kryos bypassed the typical tests by the Council and instead achieved knighthood through trial by fire. At Master Sha’s side, the two Jedi fought valiantly to defeat the Sith Lord Hova and remove him from power as ruler of the Krete System.

As a Jedi Knight, Kryos took a Padawan named Daven, an eager Zabrak student that showed much promise. They spent three years together, Kryos training his student in the ways of the Force. The pair found themselves teamed up with Master Sha, finishing a mission, when they received an unusual message from the Krete System. The Jedi Council forbade them from investigating and immediately recalled them to the Temple. They ignored the order and answered the call anyway.

In Krete, they discovered that not only had the Sith Lord Hova survived, but he had remained in power and continued subjugating his people to extreme cruelty, transforming most of the society into slave labor. He had also amassed a following of Sith Acolytes, skilled assassins educated in the ways of the dark side. The trio of Jedi were attacked on arrival, immediately overwhelmed. Daven fell first, a shot to the arm causing him to drop his lightsaber, leaving him an open target for the Acolyte’s red blade. Master Sha held off the swarm and ordered Kryos to leave her behind. He reluctantly agreed, watching her fight valiantly only to be impaled through the back then beheaded as he took off in the transport.

Kryos returned to the Jedi Temple, bloodied, battered, defeated, having lost both his master and his apprentice. The Council showed little sympathy, instead chastising him for disobeying their orders. The Jedi Masters grounded Kryos on Coruscant. Unable to leave the Temple, he dove into the library archives, on a singular mission to unravel how they could have been deceived about the status of Krete since his mission with Master Sha years earlier. What he uncovered changed everything.

Not only did the Council know that Sith Lord Hovah had survived, but they knew exactly what he had done in the intervening years. They had lied to cover up their failures at the expense of an entire population. Kryos soon discovered that the Jedi Council excelled in lies and deceit, realizing even his own history had been fabricated — his name, his family, his home world, all a story concocted to placate any questions he had before the Order’s brainwashing was complete.

As Kryos fumed, plotting his revenge, his anger did not go unnoticed by his superiors. He confronted the Council, and they summarily ejected him from the Temple and expelled him from the Order. Kryos temporarily went into hiding, secretly training and plotting. As the darkness took hold, he became more unstable, unable to focus on anything but revenge. He took on the mantle Hell’s Prophet and began his mission to hunt down Jedi and Sith alike, no matter the cost.
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