Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hell Hath No Fury

Fiolette stood on the bridge of the Warspite, her eyes narrowed and filled with a cold fury. The sleek, dark corridors of the ship seemed to pulse with an almost palpable energy, a mix of the Netherworld's eerie power and the Dark Side's malevolence radiating from both her and Taeli. The events of the wedding reception replayed in her mind like a sinister holorecording—the guards' lifeless bodies, Darth Strosius' vile accusations, and the gut-wrenching revelation that he held their grandchildren hostage.

The presence of their children, Nerralyn and Iaacen, added an additional layer of tension to the room. Iaacen, the father of the kidnapped children, stood with a haunted expression, his pain and fear mingling with the anger that simmered just beneath the surface. Nerralyn's stoic demeanor did little to hide the concern etched in her features. Fiolette took a deep breath, trying to anchor herself amidst the storm of emotions. The power coursing through her veins was intoxicating, the raw energy of the Netherworld surging with each heartbeat. She glanced at Taeli, feeling the dark side radiating from her wife, a powerful and familiar presence that both grounded and fueled her.

Their bond amplified their powers a dark infinite loop that fed into itself. "We need a plan," Fiolette's voice broke the tense silence, her voice steadying. "We cannot let Strosius's actions go unanswered." She paused, a flicker of vulnerability breaking through her icy exterior as she looked at Iaacen. "We will get them back, Iaacen. I swear it." She felt the storm that raged within her wife's emotions, a storm that normally would have been restrained to a mere drizzle. Her eyes returned to Taeli, the connection between them a palpable force in the room. "This is not just an attack on us, but on our family, on everything we've built. We cannot afford to be cautious. We have to strike back, and we have to do it decisively."

The image of Omega was projected, into Taeli's mind. Strosius should have been dealt with on Tund instead he and those who aligned with him had been allowed to fester. The power thrummed between them, a dangerous dance of dark energy and Netherworld influence. Fiolette was aware, on some level, of the intoxicating effect it had on her, but she couldn't afford to pull back now. The stakes were too high, and the fury within her demanded action. She took a step closer to her wife, the intensity of her emotions mirrored in her gaze. "We'll show him the consequences of his actions." Fiolette's words hung in the air, charged with the promise of retribution and the unyielding resolve to protect their family at any cost.

The flow of hyperspace had always had a soothing effect on her, the blue tunnel calming. There would be many times during the wars she had fought where she would stand on the bridge to watch, gathering herself for the coming battle. While she was certainly focusing on the coming battle, she was anything but calm. Rage flowed through her, into Fio, and back out again at the audacity that Strosius had dared to strike her family. White-hot anger that her son was feeling the way he was, that the grandchildren she had just heard about were in the hands of a declared enemy now. The intoxicating feeling that she was sharing with Fiolette as they saw each other's power.

Nerralyn, her normal icy exterior replaced with concern for the brother she had finally been reunited with, could feel exactly what her mother was thinking. Taeli's thoughts were in line with Fiolette's, and she didn't need the image of Omega to pass through her mind to have that reinforced.

Eyes closed against the hyperspace, her presence reaching out through the currents of the Force, searching... but even the connection to the magic she woven around them once she had their faces was muted. Something was blocking them from being sensed in the Force. They would need to acquire their whereabouts the old-fashioned way.

"I placed a protection spell around them, so he or anyone loyal to him can't harm them," she would quietly say, a reassurance to a father that their kidnapper couldn't make good on the threat to kill them for the choices made. "But I can't feel where they are or where the spell went. Something is blocking my senses beyond a vague feeling that the spell connected and is around them. More... I can't say."

She would turn back to look at the family gathered here already. It wasn't whole yet, but it would be. She would make sure of it. Her gaze would meet Fiolette's, the intensity mirrored completely.

"We will get them back. That is a promise." She would turn to Dansen, "the holoprojector please."

An image would come up of two worlds, one within the border regions of Sith space that were near Commonwealth territory and one that was out near Hutt space and the Noghri homeworld of Honoghr.

"The two main worlds that the Strosius' Inquisition and followers claim are Faldos and Formos. While I doubt he is holding them on either world, it is likely there are clues to their whereabouts on them."

She couldn't strike at Faldos, as it was within Sith borders, without raising eyebrows. But Formos... she had promised to burn the world if he hadn't learned the lesson at Tund. Darth Arcanix did not make idle threats.

Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro
Fiolette looked at her wife, as Taeli explained the connection—or rather, the lack thereof. Likely something orchestrated by Strosius to prevent Taeli from easily rectifying the situation. The redhead watched as the protocol droid activated the holoprojector. Faldos—Fio recognized the world; it was one the First Order had brought to heel long ago. Formos, she was less familiar with, but it would be of little consequence.

"Faldos cannot be a direct strike," Fiolette said, her voice measured, "however, infiltration should still occur. Formos though..."

The Admiral approached the holoprojector, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the display of Formos. Formos was well outside Sith territory and would be where they would begin their operations. "Boots on the ground," she declared, her voice firm. "We do what is necessary to find them." Fio was still tense, her shoulders squared as she examined Formos. "What information do we have on their fleet? Patrols?"

With a narrowed and direct gaze, the Galidraani looked to her daughter and son. "They will be found, and retribution will be had," she stated. Though her words were resolute, she knew they were just that—words.

"Nerralyn," she said, her daughter's name rolling off her tongue with a familiarity that felt both comforting and strange after so long. "Take your brother to the galley. Dansen, can you see to it that Mrs. Hicks prepares a cup of tea for them?"

Turning back to her wife, she added, "Your mother and I have much to discuss." Fiolette turned to Taeli, her expression softening slightly. The tension in her shoulders remained, but her eyes reflected a deep determination. "We'll find them," she murmured, more to herself than anyone else. "We'll bring them home."

"No, I can't be seen directly attacking Faldos, not with what the news I received coming," she agreed. The Emperor was about to propose his Dark Councilors and she was on the shortlist to once again take one of the coveted seats within the Order. To have that authority would be immeasurable again, but attacking Faldos could potentially jeopardize it. Still infiltration would be necessary as the Inquisition base there could hold vital intelligence that could lead to the children's location.

Formos it would be then, and that was good. She had promised him on Tund, as the memory passed to Fio, that she would burn it to the ground if he got in her way again. This situation certainly qualified.

"We will have to dispatch agents to gather the necessary intelligence and to begin softening them up before we bring the hammer down," she said. "But we can safely say their fleet is five ships fewer." It was a dark observation, one that could normally lighten the mood, but all of them were feeling particularly dark in thought. She did not believe Alisteri's forces equaled their own, but she would want to be certain before launching a strike.

She would want to get all of them. Burn all of them. The killings would not stop until the children were returned to her and her family.

Nerralyn would nod, replying, "Yes, mother. Iaacen, follow me." She and her brother would begin to depart the bridge, Nerralyn guiding him slightly in his preoccupied mindset, but Taeli would call after her, "Nerra, send a message to Soraya. I want her Geists deployed to Formos immediately to begin covert operations. I will be contacting Soclus myself on sending some creations there."

"Yes, mom," she would say and then they would disappear with the protocol droid with them. Taeli would turn back to Fiolette, her anger lessened somewhat, and her expression softened. She had felt the rush from Fiolette as she drained those Inquisition troopers of their life, feeding herself and growing stronger off them. More souls to keep her here. More alive. More... with her.

Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro
When the two had gone, Fio found that Taeli's gaze had lessened considerably. "Perhaps the two of us should remove ourselves from this room, mhmm?" She offered Taeli her arm, the anger still stewed and the loop their bond created meant it fed on itself. Fio for her part reflected on the most recent events, in doing so she looked over at Taeli and with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. Her eyes glinted with a spark of a newfound desire. Sure, Fio had seen Taeli wield the dark side before, and command it with finesse but that afternoon. Fio bore witness to Taeli using powers she had never before seen, powers that left her in awe.

Fiolette couldn't help herself, as they walked the corridors of the Warspite as her gaze lingered on her wife for a touch too long, a sly smile appeared on her lips. "Taeli," she began wondering how, for a moment to suppress the feelings that had begun to occur. Feelings that part of her wanted to embrace and it was that part that was winning. "I have to admit, seeing you like that, the way you... commanded those vessels, the way you caused them to fire on one another and seemingly made time stand still." Fio was only glad that her private quarters were not too far off from where they were. "It was..." she exhaled and said, "exhiliarting."

The pair arrived at Fio's quarters and without another word, the Admiral opened the door. With her back against the door frame, she took a step closer to her wife. Her fingers lightly tracing the edge of Taeli's sleeve. "I've seen you command the dark side before, but this... this was something else entirely. It was raw, unrestrained power, and I couldn't take my eyes off you." Well, she had, but that wasn't the point. The point was Taeli had never done something like that - at least not while Fio had been alive. There was just something about the way Taeli commanded the dark side that just felt good.

She took a step or two back into her room, with the blue hues of hyperspace for light. Fiolette's voice lowered, her tone becoming more intimate. "There's something incredibly attractive about that kind of power. The way you controlled it, the precision and the sheer force... I found myself drawn to it, to you, even more. It's as if I was seeing a new side of you, one that I didn't know existed but now can't stop thinking about."

She leaned in, her lips brushing against Taeli's ear as she whispered, "I want to know more about it, about you. Let me see that power again, and let me be a part of it."

"Maybe," she replied, accepting the offered arm gladly and leaving the bridge with Fiolette. Her mind was still racing with preparations they needed to make for this campaign, on how exactly she was going to punish Strosius for such audacity. With an effort, she forced herself to stop thinking about it. It would be useless to do so until her operatives began to move into position and retrieving the intelligence they needed for the attack. Even then, through their bond, the anger continued to cycle between them. The dark side calling out to them... and something else.

She turned her head to meet Fio's gaze and saw the spark of desire in there as she started to praise what she had done. "It wasn't too hard," she admitted, trying to downplay her manipulation but the smug smile tugging at the corner of her lips suggested otherwise. "Didn't even have to push their minds too far either. The thing about zealots is that you don't go against their convictions. You feed into them, prod the paranoia and..."

She trailed off as they reached Fiolette's quarters, and her wife mentioned how exhilarating it was to see her do it. As her wife took a step closer, her heart quickened in response to their proximity and the bend of Fiolette's thoughts. A blush was creeping into her cheeks as the finger trailed up her sleeve.

"Well... well yes, I... haven't been lax in my studies and training you know," she said, tripping over her words as the spark of desire was igniting into a fire. "Just an evolution of Battle Meditation and mentalism skills really, a little sorcery mixed in and..."

She shivered as Fiolette's voice dropped, slipping into intimate tones she had long missed. The praise at her command, at her power, was intoxicating and she felt another shiver down her back as her wife whispered into her ear, her lips brushing against it and sparking a small gasp to escape her. It had always been a weak spot for her.

"Fio..." she whispered, turning her head, their lips only a few centimeters apart. It was what she always wanted, and what she knew was incredibly dangerous for them. She didn't care about that danger right now. Her own feelings on the subject would be quite clear through their bond, as her trailed up to cup Fiolette's face while the other would wrap around her hip.

The next words would be one of the most dangerous questions to ask, as she leaned in to whisper in her wife's ear, "My power is your power. How do you want to see it?"

She would place a light kiss on Fiolette's neck as she pulled away, waiting for her wife's response... even as her heart raced, her eyes darkening with desire. Her eyes would flicker over to the bed. "Where do you want to see it?"

Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro
Fiolette stirred gently in the soft light of the artificial moonlight that bathed the room in a serene glow. The interior of the Warspite, meticulously designed to mirror their old estate, Stormvale, was a haven of elegance and comfort. Ornate wood paneling, plush furnishings, and intricate moldings seemingly recreated the atmosphere of their old manor, a perfect blend of grandeur and warmth. The soft hum of the ship as it continued its journey through hyperspace was a soothing lullaby to the naval veteran.

She turned slightly, her gaze falling upon Taeli, whose presence beside her was a source of both comfort and exhilaration. The previous night had been unlike any other. Fiolette had no qualms in showing Taeli just exactly what she wanted to be shown, where and how. Their bond, intensified by the Netherworldian and Dark Side powers coursing through them, had never been so alive.

Taeli's face was peaceful in slumber, a contrast to the intensity of the night before. Fiolette's heart swelled with affection as she gently brushed a strand of hair from Taeli's face. The connection they shared, both emotional and through the Force, was a tangible presence in the room, a silent testament to the depth of their bond.

The artificial moonlight filtered through the grand windows, casting a silvery glow across the room. The Warspite's interiors, with their detailed craftsmanship and luxurious decor, were a reflection of their shared history and love. The grand bed they shared was adorned with silk sheets and plush pillows.

Fiolette sighed contentedly, feeling the warmth of Taeli's body next to hers. She traced gentle patterns on Taeli's arm, her thoughts drifting to the night they had shared. The intensity, the passion, the undeniable connection—it had been a night to remember.

She shifted slightly, careful not to wake Taeli, and stared at the ceiling, feeling the gentle thrum of the ship beneath them. In the soft light, Fiolette reflected on the journey they had taken together. Their bond had weathered many storms, but it had also brought them moments of unparalleled joy and connection. Last night had been a testament to that—two souls intertwined, finding solace and strength in each other.

It was the gentle tracing of her arm that slowly roused her, eyes fluttering open as she just basked in the feeling. When they had first realized they had a workaround to the binds on Fiolette, it had been a quick and rushed affair. Last night... last night had truly been about reconnecting in the face of adversity. In the face of... all their mistakes, all of the pain they had caused each other. Through it all, their bond had survived and the power she had shown her, that they ahd shown each other, had only heightened that bond. It had been a potent mix of Netherworld energies and the dark side, fueled by their passion and the emotions evokved from the previous day, and yet... She nestled further into Fiolette, her hand falling onto her own stomach in contentment as she just enjoyed being near her.

Being near her wife.

She rolled onto her side, looking at Fiolette as she looked up at the ceiling and watched the illusionary moonlight. Seeing this home again made her heart ache as it had been the one they built together, and she had slowly realized, that when it had been destroyed in the fall of Bastion, it had been the first wedge in their lives. A first representation of the cracks forming... that she had done nothing to stop.

"Fio," she whispered, cuddling into her wife's side more, to enjoy the feel of her, to let Fiolette feel the level of deep affection she held for her. "That was... you were incredible."

She placed a soft kiss on her bare shoulder.

"I missed this, missed you," she muttered, her chin resting on Fio, purple eyes looking up into her blue. Her eyes would go downcast as she sighed, before she finally whispered even quieter, her voice tight with emotion, "I'm sorry."

It was two words, but it carried so much connotation. It carried her regrets for everything that had driven them apart, for the part she had played in being so absorbed in her work, in the work she and Carnifex had done to finally breach into the Wellspring. She was sorry for the neglect of their marriage, of how she had seemed to favor one child over another when that had never been her intention or want. She was sorry for being selfish and not fulfilling Fio's needs as much as she should have while Fio fulfilled hers always. She was sorry that her actions, and her wife's actions, had led their family to be in this position where their grandchildren needed rescuing in the first place. A single tear would fall onto Fio's shoulder before she blinked them away.

"I love you; I always have. I just couldn't always express it the way you wanted and I'm sorry. Deeply, truly, sorry."

Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro
Fiolette lay in bed, listening to Taeli's honeyed words, each one a soothing balm to her soul. Through their bond, Fiolette felt the sincerity of Taeli's love, a connection that ran deeper than words. She pulled her wife closer, shifting the blankets to cover them both. The moonlight from the window cast a cool glow on their faces, illuminating the single tear that trailed down Taeli's cheek.

To an outsider, it might seem almost comical—a single tear. But Fiolette knew better. She understood the simmering rage, the tangible undercurrent of guilt and remorse for the damage done decades ago. Taeli's admission of wrongdoings and apologies were not a victory, but a reconciliation. Fiolette rested her chin atop Taeli's head, savoring the moment, before reluctantly shifting to sit up. Her hair fell past her shoulders, and she pushed the strands away with a single motion. The Galidraani reached over for the pendant, the pendant that had been resting on the bedside table. The rhythmic ticking of her heart could be faintly heard within its grasp.

Fiolette's eyes met Taeli's, her expression a mix of love, guilt, and anguish. She knew what the pendant meant—once placed around Taeli's neck, the clock would begin to tick. She grasped the pendant tightly, then slid back into bed, pulling the covers over them.

"Taeli," Fiolette began, her voice trembling. She opened her mouth to speak, but the words caught in her throat. She couldn't do this, not like this. She sat up again, her fingers running over the pendant. "Taeli," she started again, looking at her wife. By now, Taeli had sat up beside her. Fiolette looked around, then squeezed her eyes shut as tears of fear, sorrow, and regret streamed down her cheeks.

"I should have been better," she pressed on, the words that had been stuck in her throat. "I should have known what was going on, what... I..." The rehearsed words fell short, inadequate to express the emotional storm raging inside her. "I can't take back what I've done, to us, to our family," she whispered, her lips quivering. Her azure gaze bore the weight of anguish, but through it all, there was hope and love. "Never in the last forty years did I think that I'd be here, with you, to hold you again."

The emotional toll was unbearable. Fiolette looked at the pendant, then back at Taeli. In those amethyst eyes and delicate features, she saw the inevitable pain. "Taeli, I love you," Fiolette confessed, the weight on her chest lifting momentarily. "I love you so much, and I—"

She pulled her wife close and pressed a kiss to her lips, after a moment she deepened it. Fio withdrew momentarily, her forehead resting against Taeli's. "I am sorry," she whispered, and shifted in bed to place the pendant around Taeli's neck. Instantly, Fiolette could scarcely breathe, her hand clutching her chest. Scars, once concealed, revealed themselves as the torment of the Netherworld resurfaced. Her skin, tormented and burnt away, only to be replaced and repeated, now showed the years of suffering.

"I won't have much time," she remarked, her voice laden with dread and sorrow. "This is the beginning of the end." Fiolette took Taeli's hand in hers, her touch filled with love even as her voice betrayed her. "My regret is that I know not when I will be summoned back to the Nether, but I know that it will happen."

The weight of her fate pressed heavily on her, but in this moment, with Taeli by her side, there was a fleeting sense of peace amidst the anguish.

The confession, the reaffirmation of her love vocally and through their bond, had been soothing to her. That Fiolette had drawn her closer, resting her head on hers, only made it better. She could feel the acceptance from Fiolette, feel the reciprocation of her feelings, and it was only with mild disappointment that she suppressed a sigh as her wife sat up and reached over to grasp the pendant on the bedside table, having to get out of bed for a moment and giving her a pleasing view she would never tire of.

Her eyes followed the sway of the pendant as Fiolette held it, watching the soft rhythmic glow as it beat in time with the heart that had been replaced as a price for her wife to return. Fiolette started speaking, giving her own confession and regrets, and Taeli only pulled her closer as she spoke.

"No, I should have been more attentive," she muttered. "But you're here, again, now. We can fix everything, heal the brokenness in our family." It was something she had thought of ever since the path to reconiliation had started in Kaine's office. That she could, finally, rebuild the family she had lost. Have her wife and children back. She gladly accepted the kiss, the deepening of it once again stirring desire in her, but then Fiolette pulled away and place her forehead against hers. To say she was sorry...

"Wait, don't..." she started to say, to protest, but it was too late as Fiolette slipped the pendant around her neck. The effect was immediate. She could feel her wife's heartbeat against her chest, her own heart quickly aligning itself with the beat. It was another sense of connection, certainly, but a bittersweet one as she watched her wife's reaction to finally gifting the pendant to Taeli.

Fiolette spasmed, gasping for breath as she clutched her chest, and the scars appeared. Silvery scars clawed across her skin; no doubt carved in some significance to the Netherworld entity that held her wife's soul within its clutches. Her heart constricted as she knew, even as Fiolette admitted it, that the clock had started on her wife.

But even in that anxiety, that promised pain and heartache, a kernel of resolve was already forming.

"They did this to you?" she whispered, fingertips gently tracing along the scars on her wife's arm and up to her shoulder. The silvery scars almost look like what some cultures did with repairing something with gold or another material. It was beautiful, but her heart was breaking as she realized just how suffering Fiolette had gone through in the Nether. It was not a place many non-Force Sensitives could survive in, their destiny to simply disappear back into the ethereal. But her wife's stubbornness and her spells had kept her intact... to give those creatures that called the Nether home the chance to do this.

But it had also given them the chance to be together again.

"I won't let them take you," she muttered, holding Fio even closer now, placing a kiss on her shoulder. There was pure steel in her words, resolve hardening rapidly. "I won't let them keep you. I finally have you back and I don't like sharing."

She was a Sith Lady, one of the most powerful in the galaxy with near limitless resources at her disposal. She would find a way to break her wife's curse. She would find a way to keep her here, with all of them. She...

She needed her.

"I need you."

Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro
Fio heard Taeli's words and felt her fingers tracing over her scars. Their foreheads were pressed together as they sat in bed, the artificial moonlight flooding in through the viewports. In the distance, the stars shifted subtly as the Warspite gained a little more sentience.

Fio threaded her fingers with Taeli's. "I know," she responded softly, "because I need you too." Tears welled in her eyes, knowing that Taeli would stop at nothing to keep her. The truth was, this power was beyond the two of them, yet she said nothing. There was no need for words. Instead, she let her love show through touch. "I love you," Fio whispered as they lay back in bed together.

They took comfort in each other, time passing unnoticed on the Warspite. Morning arrived all too soon, the sunlight reminiscent of a Galidraani sunrise. It trickled in, casting a gentle glow around the room. Fio had already risen to meet it.

As much as she wanted to dwell in the inferno of their love, there was no time for it. She had put out a call to Darth Carnifex. There was little time for breakfast or the normal niceties that such a night would afford them in the morning. "Darth Carnifex has been called. I've arranged for us to meet with him. Between his network and yours, we should have little trouble finding the children."

"Perhaps Nerralyn might have word from your scouts regarding Formos," Fio continued as she walked in from the bathroom, buttoning her uniform. "As for Strosius and his cohorts, there can be no quarter, and no mercy."

The urgency of the situation hung in the air, palpable and pressing. The night had been a brief respite, but now it was time to gather their allies and forces. The search for their grandchildren could not wait. Fio moved with purpose, every step driven by the need to protect her family and bring them back safely.

The remainder of the night was a reaffirmation of their love for each other, but even as Fiolette's breathing evened out and she had truly fallen into a deep sleep, Taeli remained awake. Looking up at the artificial moonlight playing across the ceiling, her resolve was only strengthening. Perhaps it was that Corellian blood asserting itself or perhaps it was her Lorrdian upbringing, but she did not share the worry about breaking Fiolette free of this entity. She would free her, no matter what, but they had time before that would become a problem.

A gentle touch against the pendant around her neck, the feel of Fio's resting heartbeat against her own, was soothing... and a promise. Something like sleep would eventually claim her, more a deep meditation as her mind began working on the various situations that needed addressing.

As the artificial morning arose, Fiolette was as always, the first to rise and get ready. Her habits of lying in bed, content, had not changed in the spanning decades. But there was not truly time to waste, and the rage from yesterday was reasserting itself in a controlled manner. The attack against their family needed handled first.

"Nerralyn would have been awake and getting updates even before you woke," she replied, sitting on the edge of the bed. "She's an early riser like you. And I agree, there will be no mercy."

There was something satisfying seeing Fiolette in military uniform, as always, but the aura of command was reasserting itself around her wife. There was a mission and campaign to plan now, and she would soon get a full picture of the assets at her disposal for such an endeavor. She would rapidly get ready herself, not indulging in a long shower, and her robes would wrap themselves around her form like smoke as she summoned a set from the ether of Nightsister magic.

While she enjoyed once again seeing Stormvale, it was time for war and she would join her wife as they moved to the command center all too familiar for the Warspite before it evolved into the ship that it was. Nerralyn was already present, speaking with a female 'Mikkian' over holo as was her right and position as First Daughter. She expected Iaacen to join them shortly along with Kaine if Fiolette had already sent a message to the Zambranos.

"Lady Arcanix, Admiral," the Mikkian would say, bowing to them both. "My team and I have arrived on Formos and have begun operations as commanded. As I was telling Lady Nerralyn, the city is seeing an increase in military patrols and fortifications and the locals have said that this increase in activity is happening in all the other settlements on planet. Strosius is preparing for a battle."

Nerralyn would tap the holodisplay, bringing up an image of Formos and highlighting the canyon region that hosted the capital city.

"Visara has noted that anti-air defenses and temporary landing pads for increased starfighter patrols are being installed on the canyon walls," Nerralyn said, slipping into the role of debriefer easily. "The other teams are slated to land in the scrapyards in the next few hours as she said the locals have mentioned that the Order of Wonosa maintains their main settlement somewhere in the scrapyards. There has also been an increase of scrapping of materials, likely indicating they are trying to rush production of war materials."

"Cecilid and Tymil are planning to release some biological agents they've been developing as we have noted medical facilities seem lean, at least within the capital," Visara added. "I have also released some Contagions and Spark Bugs into the wilds. They should begin proliferating shortly."


Fiolette listened intently as the reports came in, her face a mask of calm determination. The stakes were high, and the urgency was palpable. She knew the risks involved, but the safety of her grandchildren was paramount. As the Mikkian finished their briefing, Fiolette leaned forward, her eyes sharp and focused.

"Thank you for the thorough update," she began, her voice steady and commanding. "It's clear that Darth Strosius is fortifying his position, which means we need to be both strategic and swift in our actions."

She turned to Nerralyn, nodding at the holodisplay. "The canyon region's anti-air defenses will pose a significant challenge. We'll need to coordinate our air strikes carefully to avoid heavy losses. Let's ensure our pilots are briefed on these new installations and adjust their flight paths accordingly."

Iaacen with a renewed determination and focus, took a moment to look at the display a little more carefully. "I'll lead the flights through the canyon." The grit in his voice revealed the lengths in which he was willing to go, as if such a display had not been evident in the days prior. "Only give me your best, anything less and they'll be splattered across the canyon."

Fiolette then addressed Visara. "The deployment of Contagions and Spark Bugs is a good start, but we'll need to monitor their effectiveness closely. If the locals begin to suffer from these biological agents, it could create a distraction, allowing us to move in with less resistance. However, we must also be prepared for the possibility that Strosius will have countermeasures in place. Keep me updated on any changes in the wilds and how the Contagions and Spark Bugs are spreading." She shifted her gaze over to her wife, she was sure the two were merely the beginning and that other species of her wife's creation were soon to land on Formos.

She paused, looking around the room at the assembled team. "We must assume Strosius is aware of our intentions and will do everything in his power to thwart us. Our priority is to locate and rescue our grandchildren," a pause as the phrase settled, she resumed, "but we must also dismantle his operations on Formos to prevent any future threats. This will require precision and coordination across all teams." Fio looked over at her wife again then shifted her gaze back to the display.

Her eyes hardened with resolve. "Cecilid and Tymil's plan to release biological agents in the capital's medical facilities could cripple their ability to respond to our attack. Ensure that our teams are equipped with the necessary protections to avoid exposure. I want regular status reports on this operation. We cannot afford any mistakes."

"Darth Carnifex," greeted Fiolette to the Dark Lord, imposing as he was even through holo. "We greatly appreciate your support in these endeavors." Carnifex and his house had been a great ally to her wife for many decades, now more than ever, would they lean on such an alliance.

She took a deep breath, her mind already racing with the details of the plan. "We need to be ready for anything. Strosius is a cunning adversary, and he won't go down without a fight. Stay vigilant, stay focused, and remember what we're fighting for."

The Galidraani's gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of each member of the team. "Let's bring our grandchildren home. And let's make sure Darth Strosius never has the chance to threaten our families again."

Taeli took in the report from the first of the advance infiltration teams, analyzing it in her mind even as her wife did so as well. It was no surprise that Strosius had ordered more fortifications erected, and quickly too, as he knew a response had to come. He just might not realize how heavy that response would be or how quickly her assets were already moving onto Formos to get advance intelligence. There was something to be said about constructing your defenses in the open, for anyone to see, such as on a canyon wall. It spoke to her of... a continued demonstration of the arrogance Alisteri had been displaying since he and Malum had defeated Ophidia together.

Arrogance that could be exploited if properly utilized.

"We'll get accurate locations for all their defenses for you, Admiral," Visara replied, glancing at the unknown man, to her, that was volunteering to lead the starfighter strikes. Taeli would also look at her son, seeing the determination there. He wanted to help get his children back, of course, and she wasn't about to deny him that. However, she would make sure he would get the best ship for the job.

"You'll have the best, and the best fighters we have at our disposal, Iaacen," she said. Her mind was also readying running the numbers on how quickly the Contagions and Spark Bugs would grow in the coming days as they prepared their strike. If her calculations were right, they would be close to tipping point numbers by the time their fleet arrived in system.

And Fiolette's thought that they were first of her creations to reach the system were accurate. The whole menagerie of monsters would briefly float through her wife's eye. She had not been idle in her creation processes while Fiolette was away. She would also send along the image of the Spark Bugs causing rolling power issues that could also affect their defenses once they hit critical mass.

"Second teams will be arriving in a few hours," Visara continued. "I will have further updates once they are in position." The image of the 'Mikkian' would disappear from the briefing but would quickly be joined by two others. The first was a powerfully built male human, in his late 30's to early 40's, and wearing the crisp uniform of a Sith admiral. The insignia on his lapels would be the all too familiar one of Fiolette's Seventh Fleet from her time as Lord Admiral. The second was a white-haired Echani woman in the uniform and armor of a Sith general, although the gauntlets and armor she wore with the uniform would designate her as a general within the legions under Taeli's command. The insignia of the Iron Talons would be visible as well.

"Fiolette, Iaacen, I'd like to introduce you both to Lord Admiral Garison Sentongo and Lieutenant General Akroma Danitha," Taeli would say in greeting, with both officers offering respectful salutes to her wife and son.

"The fleet is at your command, Admiral," Lord Admiral Sentongo said. "My mother always spoke highly of your abilities and it will be my pleasure to serve alongside you in this campaign. You'll find the Seventh remains in perfect order and awaits your review and orders."

"Likewise for the Legions," General Danitha would say, "the Iron Talons were already undergoing combat exercises on Druckenwell when Lady Nerralyn sent a message that a campaign was in the offing, and I can have two more legions prepared to support them in two rotations. You'll find that the Legions have grown to the order of a Sith-Imperial Assault Group of ten legions and the Iron Talons remain our veteran force."

It wasn't exactly a subtle thing, Taeli knew that, but she wanted Fiolette to understand exactly how much of their forces she had retained even when the Empire fell and how they had grown in the meantime. As Kaine joined the meeting by holo, she would offer a thin-lipped nod to her oldest ally, and admittedly, a friend.

"Formos is the target, Kaine," she explained even as Fiolette greeted the Dark Lord of the Kainate. "We will appreciate any support you and Braxus are willing to lend in the endeavor of retrieving my grandchildren and burning Strosius' world to cinders."



From His sanctuary on the Malsheem, the Dark Lord of the Kainate was projected across time and space to stand before the two women; His form wreathed in a swirling cloud of scintillating particles as the connection strengthened. He had been there when the errant Lord Strosious had declared his actions and intentions, aligning many against him in one fell swoop. Even then He had known that the only recourse was violence, and such a morose premonition was unfolding before His very eyes.

Formos had to burn.

It was inescapable.

Darth Carnifex listened to Fiolette and Taeli as they spoke, remaining silent even as their attention jointly fell upon Him. When He did speak, it was with the surety and power that had commanded innumerable legions to war and death. "You shall have the Blackblades, my sword shall at last be loosed from its scabbard once more. It will fall where you deem necessary, then it shall be again sheathed until its thirst must be slaked." The Blackblades were the Dark Lord's most formidable military unit, a personal army of highly trained elite cybernetic warriors suicidally bound to His will. They would carry out any order, no matter how barbaric, with the same precision and discipline that had made them infamous as Jedi-killers and Mandalorian hunters.

"When your grandchildren are secured and removed from the planet, my fleet will saturate the world. Only through such purification can the sins of such perfidy be cleansed." They had seen what happened to Tion and its moons, the Dark Lord would make good on such a promise.

Fiolette stood hands behind her back as she listened to her wife. The best fighters would be with their son Iaacen. She held no doubt that Taeli would ensure their son's well being. For a moment the Admiral steadied herself, as her wife sent the information regarding her menagerie of creatures telepathically. Her attention brought back to the present when Visara spoke, informing them that the second temas would be arriving soon. Once the report was given the Mikkian's image disappeared.

Two others joined the conference, a human and an echani. The former Lord Admiral narrowed her gaze as she studied the lapel on the uniform of the human. Seventh Fleet, and then her attention was drawn to the Echani's uniform the Iron Talons. Units that Fiolette had established long ago when the tenth Sith Empire was at the height of its power. Both of them greeted her with respect, it seemed their parents had served with or rather for, she supposed, her decades ago. "The honor is mine," Fiolette replied with gratitude, it did warm her heart to see that what she had established years ago still continued.

"I see," acnkowledged Fiolette when given the report that both the Seventh Fleet and the Iron Talons had grown in strength and numbers over the years. They were joined by Darth Carnifex over holo. He offered his blackblades, the most veteran and elite of the Kainate forces. The Dark Lord informed them that Formos would be razed to nothing, a purification of sins. Darth Strosius's powerbase would be brought to heel, a price to be paid for his actions against Taeli, actions against their family.

"Such as it should be, Strosius and all others are to be reminded of what it means to go against the Kainate." Fiolette's gaze narrowed. Looking over toward her wife and then at the people present, "once the initial actions are over, we will lockdown the hyperlanes."

"I've a few vessels ready to blackout all communications," Fiolette knew there would be those who would vow to do anything to save themselves. In truth she doubted any of Strosius' followers could be trusted. Their minds had already been poisoned. "We will do what must be done."


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