Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello, again, again, again?

So, just saying hello and what not.

I'm returning to Chaos cause let's be honest, there isn't really other places that offer the same caliber of writing - and if there is, I haven't found them nor were they appealing!

I apologize for abruptly leaving a while back but I have been dealing and managing with crap as we all have been. I'm not going to delve into Factions just yet, I would like to start with small stuff, get my feet wet again and go forward from there. I did, would be lying (again) if I said otherwise, enjoyed the community that C.I.S provided.

I am currently working on character designs and concepts, I remain unsure on how to handle older characters. I might just leave them where they lie.

I just want to write, enjoy writing and collaborate with people on stories of mutual enjoyment.

Again, I really am sorry for my back and forth over the years and really do enjoy this community - in all it's beautiful functionality and dysfunctionality. Some really awesome people here, can't stress that enough. I may or may not have some of you on Discord, because I cleared and removed e-mails, discords, etc. I wanted to clear the air of things I had been holding on, and start fresh. So, please don't be offended if you aren't there anymore.

If you want to collaborate something or need a role filled, hmu. We'll talk :)
T The End Narrator

Well, The Elysium Empire needs more writers.

We are essentially an Imperial faction with Alliance elements (Pro-alien, neutral towards jedi, have a working Senate and Council, planets keep some autonomy), and a King rather than an Emperor.

We plan to unite the galaxy under one banner, end the forces of chaos and the false Imperials, crush the CIS because they resemble the CIS of the Galactic Civil War, and finally stop the Bryn'Adûl.

If you're interested, I can give you more information and will gladly help you make a character!!

Ariel Yvarro

I don't remember if we've ever interacted but welcome back! I hope you enjoy your stay and if there are any questions feel free to ask. :D Looking forward to seeing you around on the board!

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