Darth Veles
Sweet Avreet
Kneeling on the floor, the amphibious Sith Master known as Darth Veles meditated in this preferred position of his, quite unusual among many Force users as the majority preferred a more comfortable way of sitting; cross-legged. Veles did not really care, as long as it served its purpose. Soon, another sentient would learn how to meditate if she did not know it already... again, the Sith did not care that much, as he was willing to teach his apprentice even the basics. This came off as a surprise as he had developed a reputation of not teaching these things to the fresh sentients, but not many realized the Mon Cal did not wish to waste his time by teaching someone else's apprentice how to use the Force.
Veles' new apprentice, a young female human known as [member="Silara Vantai"], wished to walk the path of an assassin and the Mon Cal was all too happy to oblige. Most Acolytes did not think the arts of stealth to be very interesting, they wanted quick power, and as such he immediately took the young woman under his wings when she expressed her interest in what he did best.
His orange eyes snapped open as the woman entered the training room, her presence and signature in the Force clearly revealing she had yet to be trained. Veles studied her for a while, offering the new blood a large welcoming smile and moving his webbed hand, motioning for her to sit down.
"Welcome, apprentice," he said, finally after several years of not having a proper Sith apprentice. Would this one be better than Vyrzen, the first and so far the most successful being to learn under him? How much Veles missed these times of educating the boy, teaching him how to be a good assassin!
"You will adress me either as Master Veles, Lord Veles, or Darth Veles. Is that understood, apprentice?" The Mon Calamari always wanted his apprentices to remember their place, and making it clear how to adress him properly was the most basic thing he could do.
"Now, before your training begins, tell me... why do you want to become a Sith?" It was his usual question that had no completely right or wrong answer and he would not punish the young woman for telling him.
Veles' new apprentice, a young female human known as [member="Silara Vantai"], wished to walk the path of an assassin and the Mon Cal was all too happy to oblige. Most Acolytes did not think the arts of stealth to be very interesting, they wanted quick power, and as such he immediately took the young woman under his wings when she expressed her interest in what he did best.
His orange eyes snapped open as the woman entered the training room, her presence and signature in the Force clearly revealing she had yet to be trained. Veles studied her for a while, offering the new blood a large welcoming smile and moving his webbed hand, motioning for her to sit down.
"Welcome, apprentice," he said, finally after several years of not having a proper Sith apprentice. Would this one be better than Vyrzen, the first and so far the most successful being to learn under him? How much Veles missed these times of educating the boy, teaching him how to be a good assassin!
"You will adress me either as Master Veles, Lord Veles, or Darth Veles. Is that understood, apprentice?" The Mon Calamari always wanted his apprentices to remember their place, and making it clear how to adress him properly was the most basic thing he could do.
"Now, before your training begins, tell me... why do you want to become a Sith?" It was his usual question that had no completely right or wrong answer and he would not punish the young woman for telling him.