Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open Market Hello Cathar


  • Corporation Name: Hello Cathar
  • Headquarters: Denon
  • Locations: Wherever a market for youngling merchandise exists
  • Operations: Branding Operations, especially toys and apparel
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: N/A
Hello Cathar is a branding company focused on a single product: merchandising the imagery and lore behind Hello Cathar. Its circular focus means that it can apply to multiple markets, mostly focusing on female younglings but without discriminating. It happily accepts licensing requests for just about any idea, and for unestablished (especially younger) makers the company is very willing to invest in new product lines. Hello Cathar is most likely to show up on toys and apparel, but has ventured into stationary, school/office supplies, and other discrete product lines. It intends to make any sort of product appealing to young and feminine tastes, and make lots of credits while doing so.

In a galaxy that largely caters to adults, the lack of charm and whimsy in merchandise is a profound sore point for younglings on various worlds. As many a parent or guardian can attest, the look of a product can be as equally important as its function when it comes to younglings following through on even the simplest of tasks. So when a group of clever businessbeings began a mildly altruistic company on Denon to appeal directly to younglings, a galaxy of parents sighed in unison.

Hello Cathar is not a front or a mega-conglomerate, merely a cooperative owned by a collection of like-minded individuals. From frustrated parents, savvy investors, inspired makers, or simply a little girl that grew up without losing an affinity for the delight of small things, its owners are a diverse crop. They bring produts to market that are small, useful, and irresistable for the young or young at heart.

OOC: All writers have permission to use this company for Hello Cathar-themed products. Open use of the Hello Cathar image is also granted in perpetuity, please credit as appropriate.

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