Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello darkness my old friend......

Be patient with me, my friends. My life has been in a state of extreme flux as of late. New baby, excessive overtime, exceedingly limited sleep, and a mostly crushed spirit, has made writing almost painful for me until recently.

I will be trying to ease my way back onto the site, likely with a new face, at least until I know for sure what I want to do with everyone's (correction: some of y'all's) favorite Kitty-Jedi.

You have all been missed. And it's high time I made my way home.

You do indeed have many friends here, Ryn.

I will be glad to see you back on Chaos when you're good and able.

Congratulations on the little one, that's awesome news, I hope you and your family are doing well. My Girl's five now but I remember those days very well, late nights and a very turbulent schedule, routines thrown out the window and what not.

Enjoy it bro !
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"] Thanks! Not sure when exactly I'll dust this character off again, but I'm looking forward to, and have lots of planning done for, a fun story arc that I hope to draw you and your kin into. :3

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] Wuz gud?

[member="Veiere Arenais"] I'm glad to be back, and we will definitely write together. For certain. :D

[member="Jack Holland"] Home is where the heart is, and in that regard, I guess I never really left... technically speaking? Nah, MIA is MIA, definitely glad to be returning to the fold.

[member="Boo Chiyo"] MY BOUNCE IS BACK TOO!!! Would it be too presumptuous for me to glomp? Cause I'm gonna. *glomps*

[member="Ra Vizsla"] Thanks! Never had a dead guy speak to me before. Pretty gnarly!

Stephanie Swail

[member="Ryn'Dhal"] Welcome back!

[member="Valae Kitra"] I am so glad to be back, and can't wait to get a good block of time squared away to hash out my next story. It'd gonna be great. :D

[member="Auron Song"] I think we still have a spar/duel we need to write. I might have to hit you up in private messages once I get settled back in to get that going. :p

[member="Darth Prazutis"] I know you and I have a fight to write. It shall be glorious. (And if we do it one on one, won't be as burdened by expectations of timing like our last encounter.)

[member="Darth Carnifex"] Yes. Yes I is. The bestest kitty! PURR PURR PURR! =^-^=

[member="Darth Pyrrhus"] And another phenomenal writer I owe posts to. I will try to get my self sorted out so we can continue again. Thank you for not hating me! <3

[member="The Matador"] Oh, our paths shall cross I'm sure, on one character or another. :D

[member="Torian Pierce"] It's been too long, and that brings me shame. But, no time like the present to work on making up for lost time!

[member="Ara Zambrano"] ERMAGERD I'VE BEEN GLOMPED!!!! :3

[member="Stephanie Swail"] Yesssssssssssss..... pet the kitty..... *purring intensifies*

[member="Kaalia Voldaren"] Yas! Now, to get to where we can write together. Mwahahaha!

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