Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello everyone!

Hello guys!

I hail from SE Asia, and I used to RP in NationStates, but I dropped for some reason. While I've been a novice role player in NationStates (started in mid 2015), I am of course very new to this site. But still, salutations to my fellow Star Wars fans, be it Jedi, Sith, scoundrel or whatnot!
B'kik said:
welcome if you need to buy any high quality items come to Utinni Traded Goods
Gee, thanks, dude

[member="Locke Spiegel"] I haven't done a lot with it myself, but here is the gist-

Someone posts a bounty on the bounty board. PC bounty hunters may enter public threads the character is in (private with permission), and attempt to capture them. If/How that works is between you and the mark.


Well-Known Member
[member="Locke Spiegel"]

Well greeting fellow SE Asian and welcome be look forward to meet up or rp with you on the board soon.


Well-Known Member
Well far i know if you want "buy" any tech or ship can be done couple ways.....thru a story rp, write it into your history just as long its plausible or something.

Connor Harrison

[member="Locke Spiegel"] Welcome to Chaos. Enjoy your time here, and shout if you need help at all.

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