Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello hello hellooo


I've only just recently returned to Chaos and luckily you guys get to be the second faction I've ever been determined to do well in!

I'm really looking forward to getting started again, though it might be a little bit of a struggle settling down and finding my muse again. I will take part in group threads but I find it exceedingly difficult to keep up with them so I apologize in advance for that.

Can't wait to start \o\


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Una Gal"] welcome we shall enjoy having you here with us. There are some open threads. A treasure hunt in the dominion and well just planning dominions that are more fun then fighting NPC's so whatever input you would like to add is welcome.

Connor Harrison

[member="Una Gal"]

Welcome! I've seen you around, and you seem to be well underway. Have fun out there with us!

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