Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello m80s

Heya m8s!

I'm a newcomer in Star Wars RP, however I am familiar with roleplaying of itself in many other genres, specifically Political.

I've always loved Star Wars when I first watched the original trilogy when I was a small kid, and even today I am still a fan! Watched every movie (and sadly even the dreaded Christmas special *shivers*)

Also you guys can just call me by my first name, Ahmad.

Anywho, I hope to meet and make new friends with the lot of you and hope to enjoy quality Star Wars RP!

- Ahmad
Irajah Ven said:
[member="Alarabi98"] Welcome to Chaos!

If you have any questions or need any help, please don't hesitate to ask!
Well I'm wondering if I have to create another account for a Character as I believe I'll be using this account as a Writing account. Is this correct?
[member="Alarabi98"] That is up to you! Some of us use our writer accounts as a character (I do!) and some do not. As long as your account name matches your character name, you are all good. With the green writer's account, you can change the name yourself. Or you can make a new subaccount for your character. Whichever you prefer :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Akhtal Maydar"] Welcome to the Chaos! Have fun out there. Need help at all? Just shout anytime and we'll be there. :)
[member="Akhtal Maydar"] Welcome to Chaos! I myself am fairly new as well, and I've been enjoying myself so far. You'll find that the people here are very friendly and great writers! If you ever want to RP, feel free to hit me up.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
[member="Akhtal Maydar"]


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