Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello, neighbor

Douglas Starwind

Head of Fire, Heart of Gold
Greetings, people I mostly don't know.

I have come to haunt your dreams and eat your souls! Okay, not really. That would be terrible.

I've been around when it comes to roleplaying and I've been around when it comes to Star Wars too. Combine the two together and I should have fun, right? That's the idea a very tall, blonde fellow suggested to me. I have my interests and I'm sure I will get along with some amount of you people. That would be kind of nice.

Anyway, that's about it. Have a good evening or morning or whatever and stuff and I hope we all have fun. If I need to see anything or be informed of anything, then that'll be good. :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Douglas Starwind"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun with us, and just shout if we can help you at all.


Douglas Starwind

Head of Fire, Heart of Gold
[member="Enoch Zambrano"] [member="Braith Achlys"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

Thank you three for the welcoming. I will try to reach out to you two that mentioned such reaches if I actually need to figure something out that my friend can't answer. :p

Neiros Starwind said:
So, I need to work with this guy to figure out some potential cousin angle! :D
Well shoot! I didn't even expect that there would be another person with that same last name. Did you find it on Google too? *Squints eyes*

Skorn Draclau said:
[member="Douglas Starwind"]

Welcome! I know I'm about a day late but...uhm...Yeah! I'm here! So, I just checked out your character page. Would you be interested in an RP?

Douglas Starwind

Head of Fire, Heart of Gold
[member="Sam Kazroy"]

Thank ya, dood.

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
And thank you. I'll think about it. Kind of getting things started up with my guy and what not atm.

EDIT: [member="Lorelei Darke"]
And thank you as well! Your post appeared after I posted this one... Huehuehue.

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