Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello :P

Tanis Val'dorn

Servant of Shadows
Hey, just wanted to introduce myself. I cant wait to start roleplaying with everyone. Any advice, tips, or just general chit-chat is always welcome. Im hoping to learn alot from everyone here.
Welcome! We have a couple of guides that I would link you if I wasn't on my phone right now, but they're pinned in this forum and the roleplay discussion forum. If you have any questions, please ask!

Tanis Val'dorn

Servant of Shadows
@[member="Zef Halo"]
Well it was a tough decision between Sith and Mandalorian. Im gonna get my feet wet with this character and after I get things moving along nicely I may make a Mandalorian too, because I've had some great ideas for that type of character for a while. And hey to everyone else who posted after I passed out last night :p

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