Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello peoples

Yes, I be new. I am an avid fan of Star Wars and roleplaying, so I figured "Why not?" and joined up. Most of my RP experience comes from Dungeons and Dragons and such (Yes, I have played the Star Wars Roleplaying game from Wizards as well). That's not to say that I haven't RP'd on forums before. I am proficient in it and stuffs.

... I think that's it for now
Aye, I wish I could get into another circle. I wouldn't mind trying my hand at DMing but I find building encounters that are balanced to be somewhat of a difficult undertaking. Building dungeons and story is easy though.
Pre-built adventures are usually the best thing for new Dungeon Masters to do. It provides an idea as to how to handle being a Dungeon Master. After that it's basically building combat's based on CR and stuff.
Also, thanks for the welcomes and stuffs.
I like 'em both really. 3.5 is probably more free but honestly very easy to break if that's what you want to do. 4.0 is harder to break from what I've seen and its stream lined nature was never a problem for me.

Anyway, It's 3.5 for me or Pathfinder. I'll still play 4.0, but I prefer the others.

Also, If you think that anything you do was hard in DnD, do it in the first edition. I had a group that spent about 16 hours playing, And we couldn't get passed level 1.

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