Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello prey

Darren Onyx

Welcome to the Family of Chaos and judging by how you are referring to everyone, you will fit in just fine.

The Jusik Criminal Syndicate is looking for people like you. I'd join up with them if you seek someone to kill. Them or the Hutt Cartel.

Darren Onyx

Since when did this site allow Gungans? Since when did someone actually want to play as a Gungan? No offense @[member="Gobar Nass"]
This one likesss the soundssss of piracy, though maysss have to keep his door lock at nightsss for Gugan makesssss for good mealss.

Kaveh Garshasp

*Fires a blaster bolt right near his ear* Did mesa mention mesa a crack shot? @[member="Dark Onyx"]
Honestly, this character has been floating around in my mind forever. Once made him a clan chief on Mandalore. Didn't work out. So I thought I would try pirate.
Yousa no wanna eat mesa. Mesa probably taste fire. Well, afta yousa eat mesa blaster bolt. @[member="Xar Barka"]

Kaveh Garshasp

Well right now its pending, but I need any position you can think of. I'm not planning on filling the entire thing but First mate, chief engineer, etc. Any position.
*licks the air with his split tongue*

"Nothing specialsss about over powered saber jocky powder puff boysssss, a dime a dozenssss"

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