Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello there! New, and with a question! :D Bear with me...

Hello there!

Finally, after months if not years of indecision, I decided to sign up to a RP Forum of Star Wars. I have started my RP experience on MMO games about 5 years ago, and stuck to it pretty much until present day... But, upon seeing that more often than not the RP quality in MMOs is a bit lacking, I asked myself: alright, well, why not giving a try to something text-based only? So here I am, fresh new, and with the will to do my very best.

I have already read most of the Forum Guidelines and character creation heads-up so I think I've got a grasp on them... But I'm sure sooner or later I'll do something goofy or downright wrong, so please have patience with me! :p I believe I'm a quick learner, but it takes always "a while" to adjust. It shouldn't be too traumatically different from what I went through in MMOs though... I have already taken a look to some open RP threads on this website, and it all seems very straightforward to me.

Now, moving onto the question that I mentioned in the title of my introduction thread... *Takes in a deep breath* ... I would like some advice about whether or not what I have in mind could be acceptable.

I'm not the kind of roleplayers that roleplays heroes. Not at all. I don't seek to portray majesty and glory, or epic times of any kind.
Instead, I'm the kind of roleplayer that portrays the common. The ordinary, the underpowered, what blends with the background. More specifically, I like gritty themes of poverty, criminality, decadence, sleaziness. I like to tell the tale of ordinary people living with their own 'everyday struggle' in their own micro-realities. So not people who are going to change the galaxy, but people who are part of the galaxy, like one piece of a billion-pieces puzzle.

The kind of character I had in mind was a male twi'lek courtesan. Now, it should be specified and underlined that I wouldn't do this for sexual purposes, and even more importantly, nothing concerning the activities of his clients would be written openly in public threads. It goes without saying, it's a matter of common sense, politeness, respect and good taste, to keep those things private. That's only obvious.
Some of you might be asking, why a male twi'lek courtesan? Well, we can analyze the reason together...

Twi'lek: I love this species. I absolutely love the way they look, their background, their planet, their mentality (at least regarding those who were born and bred Rylothian. We all know that the twi'leks are scattered all over the galaxy in huge numbers and different contexts).
Courtesan: It's one of the professions at the bottom of the society, when related to open street-walking activities. I'd be roleplaying the kind of courtesan you find in the lower levels of Coruscant, or in a cesspool such as Nar Shaddaa. Low-class, low-standards, a desperate and grothesque soul among many others. That'd be the perfect way for me to describe the life of a slums rat who doesn't have time to think about the galaxy's wars, for he's far too caught up to figure out how to find food for tomorrow. Slavery and prostitution are an extremely common sight in Star Wars universe, why not dwelling in it sometimes with some credible storytelling?
Male: I think male twi'leks get very little love and attention. It's always all about females, they are literally everywhere, and it's a bit tiresome after a while. So here I am, trying to give some space and a spotlight to the males of this species as well. :p

I'd probably place him in Cantinas mostly, to have him playing the role of an informant, alongside his main profession. So, the kind of character you can get rumours from, underground information, juicy bits of intel that nobody would tell you about -- and for that, you need to part ways with a good sum of credits...

What do you think, would something like this have an use, and be openly accepted?
Thank you for taking the time and the patience for reading all of this. :)
To answer your question I think that there won't be many role-plays where a courtesan would be involved and some might take it as against the role play rules, but feel free to try it out, my first character was really bad and I didn't like it much afterword. If it turns out to be good, then congratulations you are one of the few people whose first characters are really good.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
I write a robot whose family consists of sapient guns. I think you'll be fine.

If you look hard enough, you'll find just about any sort of RP you care to around here. Just bear in mind that we don't use fixed location threads, so if you're looking for a favorite cantina to hang out in, well, good luck. There are, however, plenty of criminal types running around, so I'm sure you'll find a home somewhere.

She moves like she don't care
Hello [member=Shuri].

As what [member="Rusty"] mentioned, it is possible to write almost anything as long as things follow the rules. I can already see why the character will work out with some of us (okay, maybe just me) who like to write about spying or gathering intelligence.

Intelligence is not free. Doesn't drop from the sky. You need people on the ground, normal people who ain't heroes. I used to write Mariya running intelligence gathering capabilities in her cantinas, so having a informant who is also a courtesan is a possibility. You can also create your own cantina, give it a name and use it as a hangout place for writing. If you like it so much, you can even make it a permanent location by submitting it to our location codex (optional, not a must to do it).

Lastly, I guess I have to just do some advertising for my faction which is the Collective to well... earn my keep. Again, you don't need to join any faction and just run wild having no faction or making your own.

Mostly importantly, have fun! :)
Quaqu'za Ki'no said:
To answer your question I think that there won't be many role-plays where a courtesan would be involved and some might take it as against the role play rules, but feel free to try it out, my first character was really bad and I didn't like it much afterword. If it turns out to be good, then congratulations you are one of the few people whose first characters are really good.
Thank you for telling me that, it gives me already an idea about the potential of my character! :D Let's see how it goes. I'm open to risk and failure, of course! ^^

Rusty said:
I write a robot whose family consists of sapient guns. I think you'll be fine.

If you look hard enough, you'll find just about any sort of RP you care to around here. Just bear in mind that we don't use fixed location threads, so if you're looking for a favorite cantina to hang out in, well, good luck. There are, however, plenty of criminal types running around, so I'm sure you'll find a home somewhere.

Hey there! :D
So if fixed location threads are not used... How does it work? How does one go about hanging out in Cantinas? Sorry for the extremely noobish questions, just trying to figure out what will be my modus operandi, so I can adjust accordingly. ^^

Mariya Fleischer said:
Hello [member=Shuri].

As what [member="Rusty"] mentioned, it is possible to write almost anything as long as things follow the rules. I can already see why the character will work out with some of us (okay, maybe just me) who like to write about spying or gathering intelligence.

Intelligence is not free. Doesn't drop from the sky. You need people on the ground, normal people who ain't heroes. I used to write Mariya running intelligence gathering capabilities in her cantinas, so having a informant who is also a courtesan is a possibility. You can also create your own cantina, give it a name and use it as a hangout place for writing. If you like it so much, you can even make it a permanent location by submitting it to our location codex (optional, not a must to do it).

Lastly, I guess I have to just do some advertising for my faction which is the Collective to well... earn my keep. Again, you don't need to join any faction and just run wild having no faction or making your own.

Mostly importantly, have fun! :)
Hey there, thank you so much! I think I'll take it easy for now and wait a moment before creating a new location, mostly because I feel so "new and fresh", I really don't know how to move! :'D
Thank you for linking your faction to me, it's something to consider, at least. :) I'll have a read through it all! ^^
Welcome to the board. First piece of advice I'd like to give is never fall for welcome thread advertising. :p

We have a metric ton of factions on this board, both major (holding a presence on the map) and minor. It's best to do your own research to find the one that's right for you.


Disney's Princess
[member="Shuri"] Welcome to the boards. Read, explore, ask questions, and just verily enjoy your stay. Personal initiative is everything. Cheers mate. :D

Ao Xian

Everyone Forgets the Tail Flick
[member="Shuri"] Welcome to Chaos!

As long as you stick to the PG-13 rule with this, you an absolutely play what you are talking about. Nothing explicit and you are good to go!

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Hello and welcome to Chaos Shuri. I find playing a common character fun and rewarding myself.
Of course I've written many other kinds, from to Sith to Jedi and including Imperials. But most of my stories dealt more with character developments and portraying the society behind those know, the day to day life of what was taking place in the background. Very rarely did I even get into epic battles. That was and still in't my forte.
So seeing a fellow writer who likes to write a character in the everyday life..a commoner... I dearly welcome you.
Hope you enjoy your stay here and make many friends.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Shuri"] Welcome to the Chaos! Enjoy your time here :)

Keep the questions coming as and when you need also so we can help you on your way.
Hello and welcome to chaos! I'll try to answer a few of your questions.

Shuri said:
So if fixed location threads are not used... How does it work? How does one go about hanging out in Cantinas?
You can start your own thread for that particular scenario, if you'd like, or you can join another thread started by another member (as long as the thread is public, which there's a thread prefix for to make it easy to figure out) in the Open Role-playing forum. Instead of relying on singular threads for planets and cities, or major landmarks, we allow many role-playing threads to coexist together operating, sometimes, simultaneous to one another and at other times at different points in time. We don't require you to only be in one thread at a time, so you can say your character in thread A takes place before your character in thread B, all while being in both threads at the same time in real time.

Shuri said:
and prostitution are an extremely common sight in Star Wars universe, why not dwelling in it sometimes with some credible storytelling?
Our board is PG 13, so detailing anything explicit or referencing anything explicit would not be okay on the board. As long as you follow the rules (role-play rules, general rules, character creation) you will be fine.
[member="Shuri"] , welcome to Chaos.

I must ask, as you are a new writer and have yet to set your charrie's bio in stone;
Are you considering having your charrie in the medical field? A doctor, healer or corpsman? I'm asking all new writers, so don't feel like you are on the spot.
There is a discussion of forming a sort of 'Doctors Without Borders' and I am on a campaign to ask new writers the same question.

Anyway, it doesn't matter what faction you choose, the group is open to all factions for doctors to work together. After all they all pretty much have taken similar oaths.

Whatever you choose or do here, good luck and happy writing. :)

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