Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello There

Hi Everyone! Just wanted to pop in and do some easy, fun RP with some of you! I'm a huge nerd, Trash Panda, and pizza fiend. I've been writing for 10 years now myself. Like Ghostie said above, that's how we met so writing is very special. No kiddos I act like one myself. only one little fur baby. As far as fun, I'm a freelance artist and do all sorts of stuff related to art for fun and it is my business, so to speak. Other than art, I enjoy movies and true-crime podcasts Planet Coaster and Sims 4. • Other than that, I'm usually up to no good and if you fancy a chat, I don't bite... unless I'm hungry.
Luna Evanstance Luna Evanstance

It has been alleged that I, too, do not bite, although I will always denounce these claims as categorically false. But in all seriousness, I'm always looking for more people to write with -- would love to chat with you too!

xD That works, too!

And that would be awesome, I think I'm gonna stick with one character but I would love to def chat and write some with you! :)

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Well, you found the right place to expand your creativity along with your imagination.
Looking forward to seeing your fist siggy. I could bet it will be awesome!
welcome to CHAOS. :)

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