Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello There

Hello guys. How are you? I'm new here, and have a few questions.
1. What is the culture/vibe of Star Wars: Chaos? What is considered normal behavior?
2. What is the lore? What are the current events going on in the Galaxy of SW:C?
3. How do you make a good character? How do you stay in character when RPing?
Thank you for welcoming me, and have a good day. See you later.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Darth Khan Darth Khan

Hello and welcome to Chaos!

1: Pretty much just being respectful and eager to have fun, we're all pretty chill and just here to write cool stories.
2: There is a Timeline if you want a grand overview of it all but basically we are in 900 ABY, have a glance on the map and you can probably see some conflicts where factions border one another. If you want specifics it's a bit longer of a story but I'd be happy to answer whatever you'd like in that regard!
3 and 4: Good characters and RP are all relative really. The main thing is effort and willingness to work with other people. For example, if you want to stride onto the scene as this new uber powerful character then you should be ready to prove it. Be ready to brush elbows with the other established characters and work with their writers to prove that your guy has some legs to stand on. Or vice versa if you want to start from the bottom and work your way up then it's all about having a good story of growth and learning. How does your character fail due to inexperience or lacking power? How do they recover from such things and what do they learn? Once you get settled into a character's mindset, at least for me, typically their actions and responses should flow fairly easily.
Hello and welcome Darth Khan Darth Khan !

1. Its all about respect and communication. If you give it, you'll get it. We're all just here to write fanfiction and have fun!

2. The year is 900 ABY. There's a big struggle right now between empires (same old stuff haha). Two big factions right now are the Dark Empire and the Empire of the Lost, both remnants of The Empire. The Dark Empire, taken over by a shadowy cabal of Sith Lords, is attacking the long standing Galactic Alliance (basically the New Republic), while the Empire of the Lost is being attacked by The Sith Order, which is trying to reclaim its own lost empire. Lot of empires, lot of war. You've come to Chaos at a great time!

3. Lots of different answers to this, but to me its all about character motivation. What I do is just think about who the character is, what they want, what they would do to get it, and how things might change with each character they interact with. For instance this character, Kazian, wants to go up in the ranks of the ISB, so I write him as ambitious and willing to do whatever it takes.

4. I'd say refer back to 1. When you're writing with other RPers its all about collaborating to write the best story for both people. Its hard to say exactly what Good RP is, I think everyone has their own idea of that, but I think most would agree that Bad RP is being mean, power gaming, or ignoring other people.

Hopefully the answers in this thread have helped you out. Hope to see you around!
Vengeful Martial Artist
Hello guys. How are you? I'm new here, and have a few questions.
1. What is the culture/vibe of Star Wars: Chaos? What is considered normal behavior?
2. What is the lore? What are the current events going on in the Galaxy of SW:C?
3. How do you make a good character? How do you stay in character when RPing?
Thank you for welcoming me, and have a good day. See you later.
1. Chill.
2. Good.
3. I'm not a specialist on the subject, but a good character needs to have flaws. Barriers in their life that allow them to grow.

Write a few stories where your big, unbeatable bad gets clobbered. Let them stew in the shame of defeat- make them learn from their mistakes. Not only do you end up making a more comprehensive personality in the process, but you also learn about the complexities of your own character.

I'm a discovery writer, so I kind of wing it and tie it all together once I get a good grip on the story I'm attempting to write. This obviously differs among people - but "making a good character" is all about making them more down to earth. One-dimensional heroes and villains aren't something we can empathize with so easily.

As for staying in character? Write a list about your character. Likes, dislikes and goals. You build a character around their desires - their perspective will slowly mold around those goals. Just like people in real life.

Get to know them like they're a separate person. Just try to convince yourself you've got no stake in their life path - and you'll slowly begin to innovate their personality as you go. You'll find the joy in writing someone so, so different to yourself. It gives life so many dimensions that we never even considered.

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