Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello there!

Hello there! As one could likely ascertain, I am quite new here. After a semi-regular conversation with a friend regarding a want to find more Star Wars roleplay servers (namely on Discord), he mentioned this place as something he knew of but had not forayed into. He took a gander whilst I squirrelled away elsewhere, et voila, here I am. That friend would be Shadow-Strike/Lord Bob, who, as of now, made the thread/post before me.

Frankly, this place has a lot to digest, especially considering I have never roleplayed in this format. I am excited to get involved. So a bit about me, I've been (Star Wars) roleplaying on Discord for the best part of four and a half years now, with some breaks in between. I have typically roleplayed during either the Clone Wars or the Imperial era, although I have ventured into the Old Republic and New Republic eras too. When it comes to characters, my current profile picture displays my magnum opus, a Jedi Master and Senior General who survived the Clone Wars and beyond. I likely won't attempt to continue or reimagine his story here. However, I enjoy playing dashing and all too charming rogues, Jedi who are often questioned by their peers, rebellious freedom fighters, and imperials who know all too well just how nefarious they truly are.

Regardless, tips and advice would be greatly appreciated. No doubt, come morning (it is currently rather late) I will fire away a plethora of questions.
Hello! I had no idea that roleplay on discord was a thing, ha ha! I am fairly new to this forum as well. Your roleplay experience more than doubles my own, so perhaps I'd be looking to you for tips and advice, ha ha!

This forum can easily be overwhelming. I try to just stick to the basics so that I am not as easily intimidated as I normally am. Feel free to reach out to me either in message or discord and we can work on sone stories together :)

Lorian Aldaris Lorian Aldaris

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