Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello There

Hey peeps, I'm Dom.

I'm a sixteen year-old college student from West Yorkshire in the UK. Done quite a bit I'm Star Wars RP before but never forum RP, so I'm just learning the ropes. I haven't yet made a character, but am looking forward to doing so. Since I'm not very experienced with the inner-workings of how forum RP it'd be nice to find someone to buddy up with, I promise I'm nice once you get me chatting.

So drop me a message if you just want to chat or anything. Conversation Starters: Star Wars and Music, ;)

Nice to meet anyone who reads this. :)

Hello!!! Welcome! Don't forget to drop into our discord channel! Everyone is there and you can chat and get stuff going. Of course if you don't want too it's all good. Posting in the lfg and role play discussionareas are good plottin places as wel! Look forward to your adventures!

Connor Harrison

[member="Dom W"]elcome to Chaos from a fellow Brit! Have fun, and just shout if you need help at all.

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