Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello! Who wants a piece of me?

Vascious Relens is not a new character, but he is new to SWRP. This board has such diverse factions, and good factions at that that I thought i'd find his affiliations through rp. Or at least through a thread in the Roleplay Discussion Forum. :p

The likely scenario of course would be Sith and Mandalorians as he was a Mandalorian Sith Master. These two factions may need an ambassador between them if there isn't the sort already. However, there could always be another combination. I'd like to entertain ideas. Anyone have any? :D

He'll reappear via a crashing ship that had been lost in deep space during the Gulag Virus era dark ages. There could be potential fighting between two groups for said cargo on said ship.
I'm saddened by the lack of interest. I guess i'll go back to my roots or something similar then. XD

@[member="Darron Wraith"] - Hello old blademaster, hopefully what you remember from five or six years back (amazing isn't it) isn't all bad. I've been around here and there.

@[member="Tyrin Ardik"] - I'll shoot ya a PM buddy.

Rekali the Hutt

@[member="Vascious Relens"]

The planet of Arkania will pay you 1,000,001 credits to fight against the Empire at Roche, and invade their generator facility. In addition to this we can also pay you in cybernetic implants, which is a specialty of my people.

Rekali the Hutt

@[member="Vascious Relens"]

The Planet of Arkania will offer you 1,000,003 credits, cybernetic implants, a five year insurance policy on said implants, and free repairs on any armor or ships used in the battle.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Vascious Relens"]

The Sith Empire will offer you 1, 000,004 credits and a holocron, plus expenses. All expenses.

Also, we would do our best to make you Mandalore if you wanted the job.

Rekali the Hutt

(Poor saps gonna come back to so many notifications)

@[member="Vascious Relens"]

The Planet of Arkania will pay you 1,000,006 credits, outfit you with desired cybernetic implants, give you a 10 year insurance policy on said implants, cover all expenses(including but not limited to repairs and restocking ammunition), publicly endorse any campaign you might have to politically and military lead the mandalorians, and give you a handful of grenades before you go.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Vascious Relens"]

In recognition of your highly impressive record, the Sith Empire would like to offer you 1,000,007 credits plus expenses, a holocron, our covert military and financial backing for the position of Mandalore-

And anything else you want.

Rekali the Hutt

@[member="Vascious Relens"]

In recognition of your esteemed reputation and career, the planet of Arkania will offer you 1,000,008 credits, your choice of any cybernetic implants you desire, a lifetime warranty on said implants, full covering of expenses, political and financial support in any campaign you wish to take for leadership(as I'd assume a man of your stature does not military support), a handful of grenades, and couple of extra proton torpedos, and reasonable supply of any other supplies Arkania can offer that you desire.


Well-Known Member
Well ello Relen.....seem yah started interesting bid war between them lots ^ .^ but much the same be looking forwards to rp with yah again sometime.

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